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- Sora 4 Smash: No shit
- Superj0802: Jotaro and dio pls
- emerick munoz: Seven Deadly Sins characters in this game would look glorious, imagine Baan and Meliodas with that shiny art style
- Vibe Nation: mega sean this isn’t a marvel/ capcom though your argument is invalid honestly greedy people like you are just Spreading toxicity
- the true Star: Omg please claymore
- Young Money: Fairy Tail either
- bdpchamp: But, one punch man IS featured in Weekly shonen jump. It literally even says it in the screenshot you put in this vid right underneath what you circled, showing that English publication of the manga is in Weekly Shonen Jump. It’s not featured EVERY week because the mangaka are creating it at their own pace, same as HXH and those characters are in the game.
- Jello Luke: Hey, atleast My Hero Academia is still on the table.
- blank blank: raflello fuck you bitch you know it would be sick if Edward elric was on there
- Pixels: Aw hell yea, getting my nisekoi characters in this game
- Yanfa'uni Ade Pradena Wibowo: Minako Hiashi why bother add another magazine if the character from Shonen Jump which is 50 years old magazine isn't covered all yet
- blackrockshooter yamato: where medaka box kenshin and fairy tail they been in weekly shounon jump
- Nate 7: +Andperson that is a stupid comparison.
- ducc: Cory in the House 😢
- Desensitized: It Literally says that One punch man is published by weekly Shonen JUMP. Oh well, I'm just glad my boy Yugi made it in. I'm hyped nonetheless. Can't wait
- Depressed_Seagull: I think that Seven Deadly Sins is a perfect anime. Only negative to the show is that it is shown on Netflix 😧
- Mazen Haggag: The only way to add saitama would be to make the entire game his dream. That would be a phenomenal plot twist
- im replying to this comment: Alot of people are going to be pissed that there favorite characters aren't in it i hope they add my nigga kenshin
- Vibe Nation: SillyGuxrb smh you don’t even know me and I ain’t a mark you really just saying shit out ya ass watch yo mouth you’re funny asf you ain’t slapping nobody
- Matthew Lucas: True it’s it wasn’t already mentioned that it’s only shonen jump characters
- Jacob Jarrett: Sadly, I won’t be able to play as any TerraFormars characters. I was looking forward to playing as a giant cockroach
- Kevin Satron: Probably never because of the graphics
- My Begal: +God Of Savages dude they already informed us that gag and sports anime will not be added.
- Andréanne Maillette: Sadly for me no SDS chars in it, but I REALLY wanna see L since Light is in it. It would make a lot of sense
- Bastian Tamon: Its VIZ MEDIA.. and the game is celebrating JUMP 50th anniversary.. not VIZ MEDIA XD
- Kevin Satron: Dreamcast Dazia no
- Sunset Shimmer: Dengeki Bunko is the Best
- a thing: Saitama belongs in MUGEN, not Jump Force.
- Bastian Tamon: Opm genre is seinen, JUMP FORCE is from Weekly Shounen Jump as flag-ship manga magazine
- Andrell Hardy: +Jacob Jarrett yes.
- Shnobbs Studios: Jotaro, Deku, and Dio should be playable.
- Zukkini The Dark Saiyan: I'm very surprised that no one brought up Shaman King. Yoh Asakura,Hao Asakura & Tao Ren.
- Dan Williams: I mean, it makes sense not to include Saitama. He’d be the most unbalanced, broken character in the game.
- Dreamcast Dazia: One punch Man is from Jump... It's. It shonen jump but it's STILL JUMP Young Jump are another branch of the company but it's still the same one. *nice try*
- LeroyJenkinsPR[-_-]: Well. My hopes are down for the game. Only way I'm buying the game now is if they get characters from MHA or light (or Ryuk) are playable.
- CyberTiger 45: I don’t care about Seven Deadly Sins much But Full Metal Alchemist, and One Punch Man saddens me I love both of those series with all my heart and their up their with my fav Anime ever
- Renzo Raschioni: +Andre Bew There's no way that Giorno will be in the game, his special move would probabily be a big spoiler (if you have read the manga you know what i meen) P.s. sorry for the English, i'm italian
- Andre Bew: Renzo Raschioni I mean if they dropped Thousand year blood war ichigo and rukia and aizen which spoil some people since they never read the manga. I don’t see how giorno would be left out because of his special move just my opinion tho
- Armedas WorkShops 100k subs with no vid challenge: But not weekly shonen jump
- Rainbow Unicorn: Well One Punch Man has a chance as shueisha own all the rights to it and the American shonen jump sells One Punch Man, a chance
- Neosonic97: Code Geass isn't Weekly Shonen Jump (or even a Shonen series for that manner), so the answer is a big no.
- Gustavo Barría Chavarría: It will never happen, it's like saying that "Marvel characters could appear in Injustice as DLC". Specially since it's supposed to be a celebration of the Shonen JUMP magazine *specifically* .
- Lyllian Bizot: NO SHIT!!!! -_-
- Super Nieva: Waiting for them to add kenshiro,Dark Schneider and kinikuman.
- C T: how about bnha ?
- F B I: Don't get mad ... Is Blue Exorcist a weekly shonen jump series?
- Divinity: +Mega Blueflash Hopefully Jotaro, Josuke, and Giorno make it. DIO also.
- Nathan: *Nendo
- Silver Soul: He was already deconfirmed
- Enxamez: Good. Saitama should NEVER be in any fighting game.
- payz hayz: Saitama wouldn't work and the other two you mentioned aren't jump...
- LeofardVC: of course theres no one punch man, theyre series are from seinen territory >see theres no fma for this game goddamnit
- Pasquale Lerro: Even know FMA isent jump related bandi should do guess appearing characters for DLC like MKX , bandi already made a fullmetal and inuyasha titles in the past so that would definitely be something kool to do
- Cargoboy M: What’s the difference between WSJ and just WS I don’t get it what does adding jump to the title do? Your saying bc 7 deadly sins isn’t an WSJ and is instead a WS can’t be in the game but why??? It’s still shonen right??? So why can’t it b in the game?
- Jotaro The best kujo: +Traitorous Pancake I know but it was weekly shounen up to part 3 which is fine by me because part 1 to 3 is all I really care about.
- Kirase: Yare yare, what do people not understand. characters like Natsu and Meliodas aren't WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP. Asta is, and since his manga is quite popular, he of course has a chance of being put into the game. like FFS Saiki Kusuo got into J Stars. All i really want is Tsunayoshi Sawada, another huge hit for Weekly Shonen Jump Manga.
- Nahuel Cabral: Why Nanatsu no Taizai no can put in the Game !!!!!? Why? Whyyy!!!?
- Voltage: Nicolas Andrade - Didn’t the movie have manga comics that released before the movie?
- Firelord Aang: Because they're good manga unlike 90 percent of everything in Jump
- Eedwal Gaming: They should make the dlc for this game, characters that were originally impossible to put in the game. And cut a deal with the other creators. I don't know why companies are so greedy and don't share. Just get a commission on your characters dlc and be happy....I would pay for dlc like OPM, FMA, Seven Deadly Sins. I mean I know it won't happen, but that would be some hot selling dlc. I hope they make the combat good. They should have stole naruto storm 4 engine, and not make it like j stars. This game is gonna be better than j stars, but I can't imagine it will have competitive gameplay to rival the best fighting games. Still a day one buy for anyone who likes jump tho. Already worth it as far as I can imagine.
- Loritorinco: they only add scrub anime to their game for children. 😂 not god tier anime.
- Iker- J.K.: Well, part 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 were in shonen Jump Pd: sorry for my english
- Iker- J.K.: Everyone celebrate
- Quinn of Wrestling: And super Saiyan blue is 100% shonen jump I don’t know where you got that info but it’s incorrect geekdom101 would confirm this
- Traitorous Pancake: Jotaro The best kujo still is just not not weekly shounen
- RemFTW: Boros would be lit
- The101nega: Edward Elric is too badass for jump force Saitama is too OP And Meliodas is just overrated garbage
- Shadow21GX: Shaman King and D. Gray man, and Medaka Box please.
- Andrew Inoue: It kinda get me excited to think that Sōma Yukihira has some chance of making it into the game, just don't know how he would play
- La'neir: Y’all complain about every little thing.
- vil non curi lu onio bo: Because it is not animeforce
- Brianna Williams: Thank you! Say it louder for the people in the back!
- Secret Anime Fan: You know they still didn't announce all the characters yet...
- renco: I just want to play as greed 😪
- Enigma Kage: wait why would those people be in the game anyway?? Lol
- Wantaplay Entertainment: never forget about Big Chanc
- Versus 22: LOL
- Andperson: +Nate 7 you're a stupid comparison
- My Begal: did u even listen to wat he just said.
- David Pinsky: They better add itachi
- Kevin Satron: blackrockshooter yamato NO U, DO MORE RESEARCH
- Alpha DL98: the thing with this "Guest Characters" is that itd be of bad taste if a Shonen Jump series didnt get representation but a non Jump series did, so unless every series with a posible fighter gets featured i dont see guests happening, cuz then a lot of ppl are gonna get salty about their favorite series not getting represented but a non Jump does
- JTM the Gamer: Still a trash transformation lol
- SilverWolf: Aw no Cory in the house characters or even shred, money is going back in my wallet
- Jkin62: Same. We need more snark in the roster.
- God Of Dead Memes: What if they r dlc
- not all heroes wear capes: One punch man is monthly shonen jump just like boruto and dragon ball super. If somehow boruto appear there is a possiblity opm too. Some part of jojo is jump. There is also a chance
- fuckakakaka: i know that i was just trying to make it clear for people who think Shonen Jump is all Shonen you dumb weeb
- Bastian Tamon: Shaman king now is owned by kodansha
- Voltage: Quinn of Wrestling - Super Saiyan Blue debuted in Dragon Ball Super, and that isn’t serialized by Weekly Shōnen Jump. I’m guessing that’s why people say blue isn’t Shōnen Jump. What did Geekdom say about it?
- Midnight Ranger: Yes it did.
- Lightspeed anims: Still waiting for MAH BOI Midoriya.
- JordanFireBomb: I wonder if that can have Allen walker as a playable character this time?
- Ultimate Gaming: I need this nigga to stop popping up on my Feed. I don’t even follow the nigga and he throws in opinions and uneducated guesses all goddamn day. How do you block a channel.
- Dias: This game suck without SAITAMA
- Kyston Espinal: Damn so no pickle Rick
- Vizual Warrior: If ultra instinct Shaggy isn’t in this, I’m fucking killing someone
- Vauxite: Ofc they won't be in it, they're not shonen
- Andrell Hardy: No JoJo part 1 to 6 is in shonen jump part 7 and 8 is apart of jump ultra.
- Bastian Tamon: It is celebrating JUMP 50th, not VIZ MEDIA men lol
- neoFlame 7: P
- Andrell Hardy: Because it an anime game with multiple characters they assume any anime without knowing the company.
- Baby Shenron: I just need my man saiki back
- Wantaplay Entertainment: So no boku no pico?
- raflello: Nope
- FilthyStream889: To me the reason why OPM is not gonna be in the game is because he does not have 3 ultamates
- Dillon Haggett: Eva's DDs I really hope Kuwabara, Kurama and Hiei are included for Yu Yu Hakusho and you can also add Leorio, Chrollo and possibly Meruem to that list as well for Hunter X Hunter characters. I think Gohan, Piccolo and either Future Trunks or Cell should be in for DBZ and in the reveal trailer for Killua, Kurapika, Yusuke and Toguro there are manga panels from the confirmed series shown and Trunks and Piccolo appear in the DBZ One. I’m hoping they won’t have some of the goofy random ass characters from J Stars in like Arale, Oga and Baby Beel, Taro, Ryotsu and Saiki.
- Kevin Satron: Never
- dheya hamida: J U M P O N L Y
- Falcon MC: Natsu won't be in the game but I think Asta and Izuku both have good chances to be included
- Eric Frazier: This should be obvious
- BlueBlur17: No fairy tail either
- Egger8: +PLASMAGUNN yeah but in other anime they don't overdo it and use it to win fights like in every Fairy Tail fight
- Hλck3rmλn: Sooo... Did Death Note came out in Jonen Jump?
- Otakuhipster gaming: +Kurama - kun Which shaman king or ultimo?
- tribopower: This is so sad! Alexa pls put these bad boys in jump!
- Mr_Harty1: It's a shame Fairy Tail won't be in this since it's not Shonen Jump. I just want a Fairy Tail fighting game like Naruto Storm and the new My Hero Academia game
- Matt Strange: Well, ye obviously
- Yorozuya 101: +Kevin Satron I know it wont happen but I want it
- My Nuggets: My hero academia is a weekly shounen jump anime
- DaRk_NiGhTwInG_XL: Maybe as dlc
- Kidddrexler: So no Ariel😐
- Kevin Satron: craftmine ojay no
- Dark_Shilohシロ: Please have yusuke and hiei from yuyu Hakasho
- Big Papa美しい朝: Essentially we still getting jojo cause some of it was published by jump while the rest was uh you know
- Silver Soul: +Infernal Baka Yusuke is Weekly Shonen Jump.
- Legendary Niwatori: I just want a Bleach game in the vein of the Ultimate Ninja Storm games. With the right effects, filters and music, every battle could feel cinematic.
- Brandon Adrien: I just wonder about Jump series like D.Gray-man and Claymore that were in Weekly Shonen Jump but then became monthly in Jump Square.
- Vibe Nation: Secret Anime Fan obviously but the fact they even incorporated it in is a plus just be happy he’s in and most likely apart of the story
- Lord Zaiden: Jesse Burns If they add more naruto characters i hope its not sakura she is complete ass to play in the storm games
- Mel Adams: Could have sworn in an interview the devs said that they’d be adding “outside the box” character choices hinting at choices that are just connected to shonen jump in anyway
- Scary Monsters: *NO BUY*
- Lousy Sloth: Nanatsu no Taizai is not in Jump my dude
- Deluxe: The fact that it’s only weekly shounen jump characters is kinda retarded I’m not saying they should put every single character in the game but it should have just been shonen jump characters in general
- Yukiko Kasumi: I read the title like wtf.... good to know it was a joke
- God Of Death Izuru Kamakura: I wanted speed o sonic and Edward
- Kevin Satron: Only in America, not Japan
- Vienna Savage: +Thiago Silva tell me when you start doing that nonsense then I'll start taking this seriously
- Daragh O'kane: He does first serious punch 2 serious headbut 3 consecutive normal punches.
- Silver Soul: People don't get that this is an anniversary game, not some game they just decided to do.
- Kevin Satron: No and never
- trey diggz: Thank. You
- YaBoiAkira: Believe me... You DON'T want Saitama to be in a FIGHTING game
- Kevin Satron: Never
- Paul Romero: if jumpforce can get GUEST characters like 7 deadly sins, saitama and shit while they're at it thow in Avatar Aang this game would seriously rival MK11 which is saying a lot for me.
- The FireOfDead: Asta on black clover ?
- TooMuchCornNutz: Those 3 are not from shonen jump, why would they be in there
- DarkSonicYT: I’m not buying it now. They did not include full metal alchemist. My favorite show. Sure DBZ is there but where fullmetal alchemist. I’m not buying it
- Shi The Uchiha: +Adriel The Anime Smash Bros. snk heroines is the only one I can't really say but tekken isn't celebrating different franchises
- David T: Neptunite not likely lol. As much as I wanna are Tsubasa and lambo its not happening
- Canal Noobs: Natsu..😭💔
- Kurama - kun: It's from young jump not shonen jump
- H0ll0w360: Black Azurite stfu
- blank blank: raflello oh yeah yeah
- freez3gamer 3145555: so fullmetal alchemist wont come?!!
- Captain Crunch: They can’t add everyone.
- Demon Slayer Dragneel: 7 deadly sins isn't published by shonen jump though
- Erin Spruill: Yeah I mean why on Earth would people not think that one of the most popular series in the history of shonen jump wouldn't be in a game celebrating its 50th anniversary.
- Ada: Depends on how much of a competitor and the costs to use versus the potential profits gained, but yes, usually bad.
- Iker- J.K.: But this isn't the smash of anime, is only a celebration for weekly shonen Jump, smash is a game for all games fans
- V Demon: A Fullmetal Alchemist entry to any game would make me melt
- Wolf Moon: its good that One Punch Man isn't included because I fail to see how it will work for him, especially when he ko's someone with one punch. Pretty boring.
- Cordell Walker: kaeden le Alright I guess your right.Also I'm surprised you never heated about Ninku,It was in JSS and JUS and I was born in 2001,I watched clips of the anime and it looked like it is a 90's anime and it's the anime everyone said Naruto ripped off(besides HxH) with Fuusake's AirStinger being the original Rasengan. It also has an English dud if you want to check it out it's like a ninja anime from the clips I seen but with a Gag looking Main Character 😂😂😂
- CaseMeista MemeCast: DLC Non Jump Characters I Want Seven Deadly Sins - Meliodas - Merlin - Ban - King - Gowther - Escanor - Diane Fairy Tale -Lucy -Grey -Ezra One Punch Man -Saitama -Genos
- Tritone's Personal Youtube Channel: Look, just give me Tatsumi Oga w/ Baby Beel from Beelzebub and Tsuna from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and we're good.
- Its Just Mo: its really annoying to see millions like u guys not knowing a damn thing. gintama. bobobo. and much others will be 100% in the game because they were present in the previous 3 jump battle games
- You Already Know: +ken kaneki it's pretty obscure but it's actually a pretty interesting story, and it is a shonen jump manga/anime
- Arizona Renfroe: One Punch man manga is published in Shonen Jump
- ?? ??: of course saitama is not there if he's in the game he was gonna one punch every one
- Vibe Nation: SillyGuxrb talking bout internet mfs while trying to be tough over the internet lol stick to watching lele pons
- Bahija Essarrar: Cause he will defeat them all its obvious
- Xen: Avatar for jump pls
- Its Just Mo: nah its a 0% chance. i believe u dont know much about jump force but this is the 4th game in the jump battle games series. first in gameboy. then ds. then ps3 and now this. its exclusive to jump and u will never get dlc that sais otherwise
- Zombe killer: Ye one punch man is definitely not going to be in the game or that would just be dumb
- Oni On: Still, would be cool if one day we got to see a game with characters from Jump and other Shonen Magazines.
- Toshiro Hitsugaya: I love Edward Elric to death but unfortunately that'll never happen since he's not a jump character.
- Toshiro Hitsugaya: Killua is shit though. He's probably one of the most unlikable characters in the entirety of HXH if anything. But HXH sucks regardless.
- Vienna Savage: +Thiago Silva ......only to a weeaboo -- is all that crap she does not considered magic. XD
- eman swag: Saitama may have a chance.
- Vibe Nation: NoJokesInc. Yea but its a pointless want tbh Sora would fit better since kh3 is coming out
- Jack Frost: I could careless about the others but they should at least include fma in it. I want to play as greed and bradley. :/
- YKMBIZZY: I REALLY WANT MELIODAS TO BE IN THE GAME MAN😂 imagine asta being in the game
- God Of Savages: Ron Yuma theres a game called j stars and u should expect all the characters being on jump force
- Shirano Le gamer: I need Saiki
- Silver Soul: +Infernal Baka Him not beating people in one punch is out of character, plus he was already deconfirmed.
- Lost Crusader: I felt disappointed that there weren’t many details on Jump Force in Tokyo Game Show. I really wanna know how the character creation works, I’m happy Yugi Muto is playable (it’s a pity we didn’t get much his gameplay), although I’m not a big Hunter x Hunter fan but glad they got some love for their fans and same goes for Yu Yu Hakusho. Also, I’m hoping the next reveal will be female characters cause it feels odd for Rukia to be the only playable that is a female. Hopefully Medeka Box is next. Okay I’m done talking, just wanted to bring out my frustration 😝
- Billy Trinh: So no Shaman King?
- Rupert’s Room: Nah Cory in the house will show up in the game Yo peeps I’m trying to get to 100 subs and I’m on 96 help a brother out:)
- Jacorey Wilson: Voltage yes it did
- Bill Cosby: Parasite would be amazing
- Vienna Savage: +Peter Parker but...light isn't playable
- Divinity: Nani... But... can JoJo still join the fight... to be fair it was in weekly shonen jump for around 20 years or so.
- Chinês Gamer: Where the hell is JoJo?
- Date Nobunaga: Yes wsj
- thesamuraiman: Anyone remember Zombie Powder?
- Infernal Baka: Wasn't he on Jump?
- sonicsaiyan07: I don't think we'll be getting any character from any other Manga company, but I think it's possible to get characters from other Jump magazines like Jump Plus for example, so One Punch Man would fit the bill since it's from Jump's monthly line (although I think it was already deconfirmed) but FMA and SDS, definitely no. Personally if we do get manga reps from Jump Spinoff magazines, then my fingers are crossed for Rokuro and/or Benio from Twin Star Exorcists.
- Dreamcast Dazia: +Kevin Satron then it shouldn't be called jump force. If my memory is correct I swear we had a few non WSJ characters that got SOME sort of representation in last Jump games
- TITAN: saitama isn't that strong compare to these characters
- Juan Ponch Man: What?????????????? Huh????????? Are you joking or.........
- Joel Chin-Sue: Aww, I would've loved to see Ed, Mustang or Al playable. Maybe a homunculus.
- Gamerockz & Techz: What about jojo's Bizarre Adventure, katekyo hitman reborn, my Hero Academia,
- abdoulaye haidara: I honestly hope Characters from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! are in the game. Anyway I just find it idiotic that people think characters from different characters are going to be included in this game. It's called *JUMP* Force for a reason.
- Iker- J.K.: DLC is a possibility
- Otigev: Lamar J Greene I think ssjb was highly suggested by dB fans who were triggered they did goku dirty, which I don’t think they did.
- Traitorous Pancake: Jotaro The best kujo it’s now in monthly ultra jump
- Traitorous Pancake: Dark_Shilohシロ they where announced a while ago
- Secret Anime Fan: +Vibe Nation What
- SaucyMo: +Peter Parker lmao facts
- JordanFireBomb: Now that's a sin
- raflello: +blank blank bm fmab is my favorite anime but is not of shonen jump
- Iker- J.K.: +Jason Dembowski Jr but the canon version is the anime version, the movie version is like the other movies
- Nomeinon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_series_run_in_Weekly_Sh%C5%8Dnen_Jump - full list of all weekly shonen jump anime
- Armedas WorkShops 100k subs with no vid challenge: +Tristen Seibert I want boruto
- LastGREATEST: fuckakakaka What about as dlc?
- Goku-Meten the Lombax: I hope The DLC will be gast from non jump anime. I want My hero academia, Fary tail, Full metal alchemist, one punch man, kill la kill. And mabbey more?
- Brandon Baucus: We don’t want seven deadly sins in the game and one punch man would be a bit overpowered don’t you think.
- Alexyahoo10: that's not how that works
- Oh Yeah Yeah: Too op.
- AJs Videos: I’m happy with Saiki k and jotaro, (both from franchises Im the old. Game)
- junior 2003: One punch man. Nanatsu no taizai. Fairy tail. Full metal aren't in shonen jump
- Kevin Satron: Android 17 please get out
- will g4: i want tokyo ghoul in it
- sharon danalds: They could decide to give 4 season passes with each one having 9 characters in total 36 characters and two passes being Shonen Jump characters and the other two being Non- Shonen Jump characters.
- Sladerulez: Exactly. You wouldn't expect Crash or Spyro to appear in a smash bros game. So one shouldn't expect a non shonen jump character to appear in a shonen jump game
- AnimesiMike: Question ik this won't happen but can world trigger be part of jump force I don't know if it's jump or not
- Derick Burgos: Shirano D E A D A S S
- Ukato: You know that one punch man is in jump right?
- blackpotato master: Only jump
- Kevin Satron: Yukiko Kasumi which part?
- Luis Lopez: +Myles Mells its a good series you got to admit that nearly all the characters are overpowered Mary sues minus Jonathan and josuke
- Ivan Bishop: Eh, either way I'll probably just play as Naruto and Ichigo the entire time
- FilthyStream889: +RemFTW i agree with you because its needs to be at least 1 villain from each show
- Patrick Star: Thank god lmfao
- Ace Giron: +Ada it is bad business promoting therival company lol.
- ポテチチェーン: サムネ全部ジャンプじゃなくて草
- Adriel The Anime Smash Bros.: Shi The Uchiha Alright then what about having a Million Author character in SNK Heroines or having Hellboy in Injustice? Or heck all those mobile games with like a hundreds of characters from different franchises? Or even having a Walking Dead character in Takken 7?
- Iker- J.K.: The companys are diferent, like marvel and dc
- Jacob Jarrett: Andrell Hardy okay, thanks. Jump Ultra is still a branch of Jump, isn’t it?
- Justice Solaris 85: I want so badly, Tsuna with some of his guardians, Asta with Yuno and Deku with All Might, Todoroki and Bakugou. But Shaman King and D.Gray Man are still owned by Jump?
- majin_erin: Damn that sucks😢 wish they would add seven deadly sins, the game still goin be litty
- Isaac Netero: Weekly Shonen Jump is published by Shueisha, and Weekly Shonen Magazine is published by Kodansha. So there is zero chance you'll see anything from WSM in Jump Force.
- Kingsley Nwachukwu: First yugion is in wsj
- THE DIFFERENT NERD: Im just curious about the new characters Toryiama Created.
- Nate 7: +Andperson nice 3rd grader comeback
- TotallyNOTMeliodas: Also. Mha 😭😭😭😭
- T 40: Well duh. It's JUMP force. SHONEN jump. S H O N E N
- Angel Contreras: Gonna be like j stars gonna die out quickly
- Kevin Satron: Nope, it's jump square
- IttiOnYouTube: G U E S T C H A R E C H T E R S
- Zion Mcloud: *slams bottle on the floor* THE DREAMS OF WEABOO’S- WILL NEVER END
- Adam Sandler: I DONT want this game to have non-Jump characters in it. It defeats the purpose, and since they made the theme, they might as well stick to it. I DO want an “Anime Allstars” kinda game where literally everything is on the table. Attack on Titan? Sure, why not. Tokyo Ghoul? Go ahead. Soul Eater? I don’t see a reason not too.
- Black AzuriteGaming: Thaaaaaaaaannnnnnkkkk yooouuu why do everyone keeps wanting people from shonen SUNDAY not jump, SUNDAY
- It's a Trap: Papa Smurf is WSJ tho
- The Toxic Legends: their not shonen animes
- Svpreme Hatsume: So no bowsette? FUCK.
- Otakuhipster gaming: So question? Can shaman king which is originally shonen jump be in the game?
- Otakuhipster gaming: +Kurama - kun I know, but come on thats just a lame excuse for not putting them in(but i guess fine, even though they would have made a great addition)
- NikTheOtaku: Dude. I mean, DUDE. You can’t seriously be that dumb. The game is literally called Jump Force, so all of the characters are going to be Shonen Jump characters, so why would they put Meliodas or Edward in this game? They aren’t Shonen Jump Characters. I’ve seen this many times, where people say characters that are not affiliated with Shonen Jump might be in the game or might not be, and I cannot believe the amount of stupidity of all those statements. IT LITERALLY SAYS IN THE TITLE “JUMP”; so again, why the HELL would they put a non-Jump character in the game??? This is very disappointing.
- juju bro w.: Cooool
- Juan Ponch Man: God of High School is produced in China and is an anime-inspired cartoon.
- Infernal Baka: Power scaling doesn't matter in this game and there some characters I doubt Saitama would KO with one punch
- Nightfury 1507: What about shaman king
- Vittorio De Santis: Maybe carachters from shuesha magazines coul be add to the game but from kodansha like the seven deadly sins is impossible
- izuki deku: Don't forget midoriya and bakugou are not in jump forces 😢😢😢😢
- UltraInstinct Goku: But they put fucking light in the game. Nigga dont got powers like tf
- BluesCry: *So I guess that mean Naruto won't be in Jump Force...*
- Anchor: Dude I really want the elric brothers
- fuckakakaka: jump is 50 years old. they have more than enough characters in their own library to pick from. why waste the slots because casuals like you don't realize what is jump and what is not jump
- a thing: Wait what does that mean Shaggy isn't playable...
- Rhys Bailey: +Andrell Hardy yes but if you buy the volume it has the signature shonen jump sign on it and it's in the same company. Its a jump title thats like saying d greyman can't be shone jump cus it's published in square jump
- fan attic: Well I hope jojo is in it.
- Ericdj Main: Well if Natsu Dragnell somehow gets in the game i will be very happy
- Scuff Tuff: 7DS is owned by Kodansha, not Shueisha. I guess it is still possible they could be guest DLC, it’s more likely to me that we’d get characters owned by Shueisha that aren’t in shounen jump but one of their other magazines like Tokyo Ghoul. Kaneki would be cool tbh although I still feel like DLC is just gonna expand on jump like the new Broly, All Might or Trafalgar Law if he’s sadly not base roster. Depending on how these reveals go and roster size, it’s possible characters like Kenshiro or Kenshin will just be DLC as well although I can’t really see them not being base roster.
- Yellow Radio: One punch man is published in ShonenJump
- Vibe Nation: Andy Williams its quite sad
- Shi The Uchiha: +Adriel The Anime Smash Bros. plus most of the time jump games are a celebration first and a game second
- Shinnin: Adding onto your list, here's some other series that aren't making it in: - Tokyo Ghoul - Berserk - Attack on Titan - Fairy Tail - Parasyte
- yakusoku.no.neverweeb: I HIGHLY doubt this will happen, as it seems the game will only feature series of games with existing anime, and this one will only barely have one, but I severely hope that The Promised Neverland gets some recognition in Jump Force, even if it's DLC
- craftmine ojay: They might just put them as dlc easy game
- Versus 22: I love it when people suggest characters from companies that aren't even owned by the same Publishers of the game and then argue that they are
- Shi The Uchiha: +blackrockshooter yamato look up a game called sunday vs magazine and you will see natsu in it since it is a part of magazine
- Cyber_Saint: One of my favourite animes is a weekly shonen sunday :(
- Allan Otieno: I just want Escanor.
- Ultimate Maggot: Lol at Weekly Shonen Magazine = Weekly Shonen Jump
- fuckakakaka: yes. they should put more characters from Jump's rich library who aren't mainstream in. They should do that instead of putting in mainstream characters who aren't even Jump
- YT LoverSDab: But i want meliodas.....
- Ukato: Kurama - kun that’s still a part of shounen jump, on the side of the volumes it says sj
- Sempu: we need guest characters and my list if I had to choose one person from each show - seven deadly sins ( main character ) - full metal alchemist ( main character ) maybe his brother to - attack on titan ( eren and levi ) - tokyo ghoul ( kaneki and The girl with purple hair) - black clover ( asta and his brother ) - think about how fun that would be man Shonen jump has good characters but not that many
- Kevin Satron: If it's not from weekly shounen jump, then never
- GrimmBones: I'm not a fan of Seven Deadly Sins (what can I say, I watched cause so many people recommended it, and it's nowhere nearly good for that hype), so I don't particularly care about whether they put Mel or not, but honestly, just think how cool would it be to play Edward. Like, I know it probably won't happen, but still, being able to transmute the places you're on and shit would be pretty cool.
- David T: Neptunite most likely they’ll have 1 character for the minor shonen characters
- AmazingDeku: All of these are obvious that they are not in there
- Trayvon Alston: Oh shit I didn’t peep that shit
- Groovy Fee: honestly i am pretty upset Edward Elric didnt make the cut , the alchemy wouldve been fun .
- touma021: Why would they want to do that? There's going to be plenty SJ series not making it into the Base game so it leaves them for dlc option! Getting other companies involves when there are series from your own company would be stupid
- Shi The Uchiha: +Thepicausno ik the feeling since i want rokuro and benio from twin star exorcists since from a jump branch called jump sq which is monthly shonen jump
- PLASMAGUNN: Egger8 but still I would like to see him in the game his move are cool and pretty unique at least to me they’re.
- Armedas WorkShops 100k subs with no vid challenge: +Adriel The Anime Smash Bros. No this is an anniversary game It needs only the characters that got it as popular as it is
- Jin Tohaku: Having seven deadly sins characters in the game will probably not happen. If Kodansha wanted their characters in a mashup game they would just make their own rather than hop onto shueisha's project
- Weather Reporter Kozmos: At least we can still get Jotaro and DIO
- Kurama - kun: +Ukato yes the English prints say shonen jump, because that's the only thing they print in the west. SJ and YJ are different magazines with different demographics and themes, they're both owned by Shueisha, but other than that they're not related whatsoever
- Shi The Uchiha: +Adriel The Anime Smash Bros. all those games you name wasn't really forcing on an anniversary vs what jump is doing. Jump make an anniversary game every 5 years to celebrate their company and wouldn't be right to give a series spot away who help jump to series that doesn't
- Towliez xxx: I will pray to every higher power imaginable that there will be a FMA DLC. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
- the fork Man: Thats the biggest thing in my mind where the hell is full metal
- Kevin Satron: Never
- Daimon Shade: +A. Fadia I believe I watched a vid about that
- NoJokesInc.: +Vibe Nation You know, just because "x" game recently came out/is coming doesn't mean that a character from that game should be in Smash. See Richter, he was put into Smash but Konami just did Konami by releasing Castlevania Requiem on PS4. Is Kingdom Hearts 3 exiting on the Switch? No. Does that imply that Sora shouldn't be in Smash? No. There are plenty of reasons for a character to be in the roster, but the recent release of a chapter of that series isn't, trust me, even if there are some exceptions (ahem**Corrin**ahem). I'm curious now, what character would you like in?
- el CUCHARON FRIKI: think about Saitama because it is too strong .. But the others do not because meliodas or Edward are very strong ..... even the main character in black cover came out for God .. Now it is necessary to put mikami the ghost hunter ( Well I would like that but ... Meee) I hope they put Edward and meliodas are very well balanced characters (meliodas not so much) well that was my opinion bye (*w*)___b
- Jeam: No cory in the house either? Come on anime...
- Ron Yuma: They can add Bobobobo or that guy from black cat
- Kevin Satron: More company means more money
- jedah dohma: I know but people still continue that joke and it pisses me off
- Minako Hiashi: Shouldn't jump force be filled with only Shonen Jump characters? Then again we got SNK heroines has a guess character from Million Arthur and Super Smash Bro is getting characters from PlayStation Being a fighting game for only one company in the title should mean only characters from that one company but it does not. For what it's worth we can get some Pretty Cure fighting Steven Universe
- GigaAkais: As long as they put in the Shaman King himself
- Aisu AkumaSlayer: SDS has no chance. Stop dreaming kids... the only thing that we can hope is the kodansha shonen need to make a game like this which will featured Kodansha shonen series like SDS including FAIRYTAIL, AOT, Rave Master, Negima... and other characters published by Kodansha shonen.
- Chopsticks TV: Didn't watch the video but thank you for this.
- Bastian Tamon: 0%
- Sempu: All Powerful God Enel. i had no clue thank you for that information
- Themrmigue: Well duh
- Sulameshi 2.0: Also they're not fucking Jump characters LMAO
- flaming troll face gangster: This game would be a success if dangai ichigo or sousuke aizen (final arc) was added
- terixzh: yuh
- Silver Soul: He was already deconfirmed.
- Calin Mihulet: From a marketing/ money making stand it makes sense to add guest characters that aren’t just from jump. Tons of people would like to play as their fav character and might even be the reason they buy the game because their fav show is in it. So you never know it could happen
- sharon danalds: If they decide to do this, which i'm sure will make this game even more interesting, I need to see Fairy Tail (regardless how bad people say it is), Seven Deadly Sins, Kill la Kill, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Blue Exorcist. But even though its a game, i really want and must see GOD OF HIGH SCHOOL, if anyone has seen it and read it then you know why it NEEDS to be in this game.
- Shi The Uchiha: +Thepicausno it cool, i just like getting people into the knowledge of something before getting into a disappointment
- MONEY BAGS: It’s okay I’ll ask it... will we have Hero No Academia
- Luckyy 94: At least madara pain and itachi are still possible
- Oms8: +Pinecone Yea i know the first few games of final fantasy were on Snes like Street Fighter. This is a strange licensing fiasco cause Snake was only on a nintendo console for Twin snakes and the rest was Playstation or Xbox. So i've no idea anymore
- Midnight Ranger: One Punch Man is published in Weekly Young Jump. It's only in Shonen Jump in the US.
- It's a Trap: That's only in America
- Shi The Uchiha: +blackrockshooter yamato weekly shonen magazine is a different manga publisher own by KONDASHA while weekly Shonen jump Is own SHUEISHA. Meaning fairly tail have never been part of jump
- PainKillerDS: Okay, that makes sense.
- asfzombie1: we need ED, AL and Colonel Mustang in this game
- CDV3: Saitama would be too OP anyway.
- xxxtentacion: im pissed
- Kuma Gamer: One Punch Man is a Seinen manga (mangas for males 18 and older)
- Minako Hiashi: +Infernal Baka What Nintendo handheld was cloud ever on?
- Daimon Shade: Has bandai made a bleach game before
- - DatRandomDude -: Kenshin's mangaka didnt even go to prison, he just paid a fine and moved on. The manga sequel he was doing even restarted again 6 months later.
- Cordell Walker: One Punch Man has a chance since its English magazine publisher is WSJ
- fuckakakaka: not Jump
- Pinecone: Versus 22 yeah for the most part I was using Smash as an example lmao maybe a little too much and it's also good to see another Danganronpa fan on here as well. I just happen to notice on a lot of fighting games there seems to be a way of justifying who is in now a days but there are exceptions like Soulcaliber since they are cool enough to add one character that they are interested in, regardless if they are related to their series or company or not
- Jason Dembowski Jr: Iker- J.K. Which came first, introduced God and Blue first, and are dragon ball z movies
- The Maestro: +kriryama kun except shaman king
- NGOtaku: Dlc shall be our lord and savior
- Kūra: Ever since Injustice 2 has the TMNT, I think there might be a chance.
- fermento e trigo: I WANT MA BOI JOJO
- SaucyMo: How tf can you make an alchemist's move set ? I love fmab/fma easily best anime of all time but how broken would Edward or Father be throw in a philosopher stone and that's broken af. Same with Saitama if your name is one punch man you should not have a spot in a balanced fighting game?
- My Begal: +MajestVIC dude it is not part of weekly shounen jump.
- cookingwithstruw: Aww, I wanted Michael Jackson or Shrek.
- SilverLaw_: Yea i dont think people know what shonen jump is
- ninja of fire: Yeah but guess what there is a character creator so people are gonna put them in the game.
- Fayko: That is completely fair, GG
- Sougo Okita #SadisticEdoCop: *THANK YOU!!!*
- The Chase: Imagine Asta vs Meliodas = 0 magic attack 😂😂
- Iker- J.K.: Maybe they put that characters in the dlc
- Date Nobunaga: me too
- ฐานทอง ศุภวิวัฒนกุล: Yes reborn is shonen jump
- Navi Ivan: How about Squidward is he in?
- Give me rent FIX THIS DAMN DOOR: Ainz Ooal Gown He never went all out, it’s physically impossible for Saitama to go all out, Boros said it himself, “You lie, you were holding back weren’t you? I never stood a chance. It wasn’t even a battle” Not to mention, Super-Man killed Goku 2 times, and Saitama killed Superman.
- Neosonic97: WSJ (via Viz Media) only does the english translation of One Punch Man. He's actually published in the Young Jump Magazine down in Japan. Japan is where Jump Force is taking its inspiration from. Saitama is... not happening.
- Rhys Bailey: Hello one punch man is a shonen jumpm manga
- The Gaming Pal Wolfang: Well of course they aren't going to be in, they aren't from shonen jump, granted saitama is from jump but WEEKLY jump. I really found irritating people that don't understand that
- vusa siw: sonicsaiyan07 I don’t think that will happen since the main line has so many iconic serious to choose from already. Maybe as DLC but even then the main line has more then enough characters to fill up DLC too
- Trickester1000: Seven deadly sins is from kodansha comics I think. OPM and FMAB would be cool.
- Guy Ofer: I think dai from dragon quest dai daibouken will be fitted to the game, its from shonen jump
- lycan trope: Oga from beelzebub?
- All Powerful God Enel: Give me Jotaro and Gintoki and we're set for life
- fuckakakaka: Jump has a large enough library that it wouldn't need to do any dlc from rival publishers, don't even suggest something so stupid to get idiots hopes up you could have mentioned how some characters who have been published by jump might not ever get into the game like Kenshin who's creator went to prison for having child porn or how Shamen King which was originally published by Jump but then went to another publisher might not get in, or how this game might not even include characters who are from comedy or sports manga in them
- fuckakakaka: lol they should put in Avatar! xD
- NoJokesInc.: +Vibe Nation Ugh, I am bad at this. Look, people want Geno and Nintendo could make their dreams come true. STOP
- A bloody and gore filled intense death: +PainKillerDS Maybe if you read the rest my comments you would understand why I hate both sides of the story.(Cause I am a satanist who hates everyone).
- The Jazz: 😂 Scooby doo is too pussy to fight
- Alexander Martinez: No shrek?
- Sempu: TheGoldenLegacybro23 The5thHokage you and me are in a whole other conversation 😂 stop worrying about what I say to other ppl and I could easily Find out wya nigga no cap 😭😭 watch who u talk to over the net , and wtf is Lele pons? u a weak ass nigga 😂😂 using shows as comebacks I know u a fat mf or something stop @ing me
- The Amazing X: J stars 2
- Kira: Is that a McFukin' JoJo rEfErEnCe
- Jotaro The best kujo: +Kevin Satron such a simple reply lmao.
- My Begal: Idk wat r u sayin.
- Mustapha El Saytari: but we all want to play as Saitama and walk with him 😂 or Genos it would be cool. but my hero academia had a game directly ? and one punch man not ? 🤔 i mean we could creat a character and play in the one punch man world where we are hero to rank up high 🤔
- Vienna Savage: +Thiago Silva then what the hell was that in jstars???
- SRti: These requests are getting wilder and wilder, next thing ya know people are gonna be asking for Kokichi from Danganronpa and Ellie from The Last of Us.
- Shishi Sonson: I dont really care for saitama in this game but Genos would Be Nice
- Pablo Antonio Santiago: Do you think it will come for the switch? 😩
- FanboyGamer 3E: Honestly I expected Fullmetal Alchemist and One Punch Man to not be in the game. Fullmetal Alchemist because Edward's skills in alchemy is to hard to properly put into gameplay mechanics, and as for OPM, Come on, Saitama would just destroy everything. He's just too strong.
- NasChaos25JXF: I say if this game does EXTREMELY WELL than Bandai since they have “access to all da anime” can make another game that truly can be anime smash bros. But for this game leave it be and just do what it was made for celebrating WSJ 50th anniversary. WHOS WITH ME!
- Beyond The Limit: Guts
- Reece: Whyyyyyy
- Pan Samuio: I know why the sins aren’t in...because it’s not a Jump series...it’s in the same magazine that published Devilman
- MajestVIC: +My Begal I know but still
- Iker- J.K.: Well, goku vs sasuke is unbalanced too, in this games the power level isn't very important
- Xayr: To this I say uhh no shit, and to those who are actually complaining about this being a possibility, suck it up. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk
- Hey Hey: So none of the fun ones?
- Dan Trunkyrusuke: Waluigi in Jump Force
- Vibe Nation: NoJokesInc. I was just saying something that would make more business sense I don’t mind geno getting in but me personally I want to see shadow join
- kirito sao3: Saitamas strong but his power is too basic, it would be a boring character unless he was spam
- Juan Juarez: Oh god imagine if they do add the characters people want the list will be fucking endless they probably wouldnt make another game like this
- COF: It's the brand of the magazine. Weekly is just the release schedule, Shonen is the target demographic. So all the Weekly Shonen Magazines are manga magazines with a weekly release schedule targeting the shonen demographic (boys and young men). Jump denotes the brand belonging to the publisher Shueisha, so the last part, in this case "Jump" is the entire brand the series belongs to, and it is a massive difference. Series sharing the same publishing schedule and target demographic doesn't mean almost anything in this case.
- user found: honestly i'm kinda glad that way we get games for those animes that have all they're characters instead of a few in a crossover game
- Joe 527: Well i hope some character form dinosarur king or bakgaun make it in this game Jump forces then i can say this the best anime video game ever!
- Pyrrha nikos: People begging for Jojo is getting as annoying as people asking for Geno
- CHURRO YT: I get annoyed when someone just mentions characters that are not in Jump and just get frustrated when they’re not mention/included. They’re NOT Jump for fuck’s sake.
- NORAN RAD: I never realize OP Man and Seven Deadly sins were JUMP
- Elesa Brooks: They should just make an anime all stars fighting game in the form of a massive vs between every anime company similar to Marvel vs Capcom or maybe even in a Smash Bros type of thing.
- Jotaro The best kujo: +Traitorous Pancake I searched it up and it was a weekly manga back in the shounen days.
- Micshork: Umm.... One Punch Man actually is a JUMP series. It's not in the mainline Weekly Shonen Jump but it is still part of JUMP like how other series like Nisekoi were in different off-shoots before being in the mainline series.
- Noc Timereaper: +A bloody and gore filled intense death STFU edgelord!
- Krillos: Thus my hope for Kinnikuman (Muscle Man) joining Jump Force is strengthened. 💪
- ObieTheOrangeGuy: If they go off Weekly Shonen Jump for Jump Force DLC, I wanna see... Sailor Moon FMA Seven Deadly Sins Soul Eater Overlord etc (No One Punch Man...cause he'd be extremely boring to play)
- Midnight Ranger: Since My Hero Academia already has a video game out they're probably waiting until January to announce Deku and Bakugou.
- mega sean: Okay, but what about My Hero Academia which _is_ from Weekly Shonen Jump? All the JoJos from Phantom Blood to Stone Ocean? Hell, why isn’t Death Note characters becoming playable? That’s one of their most iconic series’ and yet you’ve got Atem who does as much fighting as Light (None at all) but he’s still playable! If this is the celebration of Weekly Shonen Jump: _act like it!_
- Meliodas the 3rd: But what if the games suck
- Gideon McAllistar: Damn i wanted Edward & alfons :/
- Jacorey Wilson: Eedwal Gaming it's not about greed this is a celebration of 50 years of weekly shonen jump no guests allowed
- Vienna Savage: Do you hear yourself..?
- Adafa Ingram-Wilcox: Crushing dreams lol
- Lix BOx Lixbox: Buppa from Tokyo Tribe 2
- 720icestorm: Blue came from dbz tho so
- Orbital Nexus: One Punch man was seinen though?
- TopGunBang: One punch man is too op wtf? I'm glad he isn't in the game. As for the others? Kinda sucks Ed isn't in the game. I hope Izuku from my hero is in the game, would make it very interesting to see Deku vs Goku or something like that.
- Iker- J.K.: Yes, it is Edit:I'm sorry, I just looked at the wiki, and it says it's seinen
- LoxiiTox: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/weekly-shonen-jump/4050-67887/characters/
- Kimbo Chimpingston: Iker- J.K. I still don't want non shonen jump characters in the game.
- Mariano Ortiz: I hate SDS so idc about them. But Full Metal Alchemist! Come ooooon
- Pierce Family: Is ssgss a transformation or separate like he is in fighterz and Xenoverse? Cause if separate, expect ssgss Vegeta as the 5th dbz rep
- Edward T: Inuyasha and one punch man and soul eater would be cool...
- Okskemey: Fiinix 24 this is a joke right
- galen: will kor y in the house be in the game?
- Y0VNG ZXR0: Watch him along with others become dlcs
- Kevin Satron: Lol wut?
- Bastian Tamon: OPM is seinen genre in Tonari no Young Jump, D. Gray man had been with WSJ until he finally moved to JUMP SQ..
- Thepicausno: +Shi The Uchiha oh wow I've been so confused this whole time. TYSM for clarifying. I'm gonna delete myself now.
- Jason Dembowski Jr: Iker- J.K. And?
- Chinês Gamer: +Ayame Kajou what?
- ANIME HOLIC: If Edward Elric was in the game he’d definitely be like red hood in the injustice fighting game
- Google are you fucking kidding me why would you let me pick such a retarded username: Because most anime fans barely know anything about the shows they like and don't find the answers themselves so they ask dumb questions
- Auzar Atta: If they add Natsu(DLC) I’ll buy
- Faiq Zuhdi Ramadhan: You didn't even listen to the video, do you?
- Dragon Spicer: Ok it’s not shonen jump but I would like Natsu in the game
- Banjo Potato: Gintoki and bobobobo was in Jstars, why the hell wouldn’t they be in jump force?
- SixCypress7973: If you look at one punch mans book it says shonen jump
- Arcadeo Gamer: shaman king ?
- Gentleman Charmander: Sladerulez but you would expect crash and Spyro in smash, both of them will be on Nintendo by the time smash comes out, there huge gaming icons, and a lot of fans have asked for them. I’m definitely expecting one of them, at least as DLC
- Vibe Nation: Oh well plenty of others buying it like me
- My Begal: +Minako Hiashi nah, to much kirito's harem. Plus they rather add Black clover or bnha.
- Falcon MC: That moment when you realise most of the people don't know shit about publishers
- ÆGON THE FIRST: Seven deadly sins still has a chancd
- Peter Parker: SaucyMo if they can put light yagami in a fuking fighting game they could easily come up with moveset for saitama and edward
- TheMegaASPmaster: They put Yusuke in so there's a good chance of other non-mainstream characters entering the mix
- Skjone infinite: i can understand seven deadly sins with their own game and all, but no fullmetal alchemist or one punch man? bullshit
- Danny T: One punch man isn't a jump series.
- 731freeman: People are dumb
- blue balls: Need case closed if they put yugi in the game...
- Kevin Satron: Dreamcast Dazia no, this game is for the 50th anniversary of "weekly shounen jump". That's it. No more
- Xavier Zayne: well, you can unlock Saitama if you know the cheat code
- Haitam Hajbat: We need meliodas GRRRRRRR
- Kevin Satron: Never
- 토끼 소년tokki sonyeon: The edward elric would be a amazing character! imagine all the cool stuff they can do with alchemy!
- Joash Sanchez: So no Jojo characters coming?
- crazysolo95: we need deku and bakugo
- Gustavo Barría Chavarría: All of their franchises has at least one game on a Nintendo console.
- Ada: I'm just pointing out how a business would probably do it, I'm not making excuses, I would, if I was in control without corporate interference, just include WSJ characters. And I'm not a dude, no need for you to be rude.
- Enthusiastic Aizawa: I just want Natsu, Asta and Midoriya and I’m sorted!
- Z Lightning: Perfectly fine with it *As long as Tsuna from Katekyo Hitman Reborn is there.*
- Justin Ruddock: Berserk makes sense
- Cyber_Saint: Just imagine an anime fighting game with all of the weekly shonen anime characters
- fuckakakaka: Shonen is a genre that is aimed towards young and teenage boys Jump is the publisher replace Shonen with "action" and things will make more sense "Action Jump", "Weekly Action Magazine", etc
- The Red Wolf: Hmm... I have a Theory.... how about Inuyasha?
- Cody Abernathy: But one punch man is weekly shonen jump? Tokyo ghoul to.
- Kevin Satron: "weekly shounen jump"
- GamerLord: That's exactly what I was thinking too cause I know One Punch Man characters would never make it into the main game due to not being a main Shounen Jump property, but the only way they can is if they're treated as guest characters
- Kevin Hamill: Why is this even a video? Obviously Jump Force will only have Shonen Jump characters unless a guest character is announced.
- Andrell Hardy: No it's not shonen jump.
- Jay Braun: Most people dont understand that its not up to the publishers (Bandai Namco) or developers which Manga/Anime characters are in the game as you need not only the company that owns the Magazine (Shueisha) but also the Mangaka to give consent or license out the rights to the character , just because Bandai Namco has made games with Seven deadly Sins or other Manga doesnt give them free reign over using the characters in the game
- AnimesiMike: +Date Nobunaga oh then if they put Yuma in it I'm good
- Iker- J.K.: Like super mario 2
- Rupert’s Room: When you get people looking at your comment so they SUB TO YOUR YOUTUBE
- glowmymind: Yugi oh was in shonen jump
- mr. boss: I want to play as Corey in the house
- LastGREATEST: parasyte the maxim-
- PainKillerDS: How am I being arrogant by letting him know Shaman king probably doesn't have a chance? I would very much like to know.
- Angel Contreras: The game suck ass
- Iker- J.K.: My hero academia is a shonen Jump manga
- Average Trash: You fucking kidding me?
- SilentPhantom: Well duh its not Shonen Jump
- blank blank: full metal will probably be dlc
- CaseMeista MemeCast: seven deadly sins and fullmetal alchemist arent shonen jump
- Dante son of Sparta: +jedah dohma its a joke 😒
- Vongolafight6: To be honest I get why so many people want these non WSJ characters in the game. However WSJ has a huge library of shows it can draw from. Like way more than a lot of people think. Honestly though non jump characters don't need to be in here even as dlc because then characters that are in jump gotta fight for spots just to get in and that's ridiculous in itself
- Nick Serrano: Wait, I thought One Punch Man was bought by WSJ...
- ISBM: Gimme Kaneki
- Dominic Watts: I want fat togami
- CriminalIntent89: GOOD
- Nathanael Janong: Or Nobita from Doraemon
- madimark •: Ok, so no Spider-Man.
- Dillon Haggett: Neptunite it’ll probably only be Tsuna and maybe the shows antagonist (idk who that is I haven’t got far enough into it yet)
- Voice Crack Central: No seven deadly sins no money that coming from md
- Cordell Walker: kaeden le out of the +1000 animes that were chosen they chose those series and they had to be popular in order to get a dub version. If not we would be seeing manga series that were cancelled real quick and be bitching about it.And yes they are popular in Japan and Medium popular in US and came around the 80s and 90s
- Neosonic97: >will only feature series of games with existing anime This is Jump Force, the Jump referring to the popular magazine for Shonen manga, Weekly Shonen Jump. Even things that have yet to appear in an anime have shown up (For instance, Ichigo's design is from the Thousand Year Blood War Arc of Bleach, an arc that has not yet been adapted into an anime). The primary requirement is that it is a Weekly Shonen Jump series. The Promised Neverland is actually an option, though, given how it is running in Weekly Shonen Jump right now, though I can't see anybody being a fighter from that series. So characters like Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia are possibilities since MHA is Weekly Shonen Jump. But characters like Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail, Saitama from One Punch Man and Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist are published in magazines that are not Weekly Shonen Jump (WSJ only does the english translation for One Punch Man), so they aren't getting into the game. But here are a list of strong candidates who I think are likely to get in: Izuku Midoriya AKA Deku (My Hero Academia) Sawada Tsunayoshi (Katekyo Hitman Reborn) Kenshiro and Raoh (Fist of the North Star) Koro-sensei (Assassination Classroom) Jotaro Kujo, Jonathan Joestar or Joseph Joestar, as well as Dio Brando (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure) Assuming they're taking some older manga, Yoh Asakura (Shaman King) Kenshin Himura (Ruroruni Kenshin) Meisuke Nueno AKA Nube (Hell Teacher Nube) Toriko (Toriko) Tatsumi Oga & Baby Beel (Beelzebub) Seto Kaiba (Yu-gi-oh!) And two or three weaker picks... Jaco (Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. You may recognize him from Dragon Ball Super, because it's the same guy). Boruto Uzumaki, Sarada Uchiha or Mitsuki (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations [Yes, it is WSJ]).
- J Riley: Wait, wait, wait, so you're telling me Papa Smurf won't be in this game?!
- GOODFELLAS INC: it can be genos the main character and saitama only appear in the super combo jaja
- Minako Hiashi: +Yanfa'uni Ade Pradena Wibowo Love it or hate it but if they decide to add some Sword Art Online characters this game will have a huge amount of sales
- Andrew Spreadbury: I'm sorry, If Gerald of Rivia and Darth Vader can be in Soul Caliber and If the Teenage mutant ninja turtles can be in Injustice 2 then there's always a small possibility a collaboration could happen. Partially if the game developers new they could make a lot of money from them as DLC characters. I'd pay for that shit.
- Sean Celestin: Smash is a Nintendo crossover fighting game, and it has had cloud, ryu, sonic, pacman, and snake
- Echo Sama: JoJo probably would make it in because it is published by Ultra Jump which is part of Shonen Jump.
- Рэнди Рубан: But Allen Walker still has no sign of showing up. D-Grayman initially from Jump, right? Then where is Rikuo from Nurarihyon no Mago? Where is The Shaman King? And we even still have no sign of Tsuna from showing up.
- A. Fadia: Kodansha owns shaman king now. Rip.
- Jacob Jarrett: Okay, so I THINK anything published by Shueisha is applicable. For example, One Punch Man is in the young Jump webcomic, it’s Imprint in Shonen Jump, and it’s in the English Version of Weekly Shonen Jump. FMA was published by Square and ran in a completely unrelated Shonen Magazine. I really think they’ll probably include series in other branches of Jump since JoJo’s is a fan favorite, but it’s in Young Jump(I believe).
- Pinecone: Oms8 the first final fantasy game was on nes I believe and they even had a few games on the game boy advance. I don't know too much about final fantasy so I don't really know if Cloud is on those games or not but he was a highly requested character whose franchise has started on Nintendo so it does make at least a little since
- Kevin Satron: It's only for weekly shounen jump in JAPAN
- Xperlf: that means despacito 2 won't be on the game?
- Jamari Stevenson: Loritorinco what’s god tier?
- Vibe Nation: H0ll0w360 no u
- Kira: Full Power Rolf
- Some Person: Who cares we get jojo
- Pierrot: We need Tyson from beyblade in this game
- animetortoise: man why is it goku, naruto and luffy not ichigo, naruto and luffy
- TheShadowChronicler: Weekly Shonen Jump and Weekly Shonen Magazine are completely different companies. 7 Deadly Sins, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan and a few other big names are almost guaranteed not to make the game unless Jump works out a deal. But why would they give another company money when they have plenty of their own characters.
- Grasshoper [{Nas}]: I just want Tsuna from Reborn
- mustafa ayyad: +Andperson luffy is a better character than edward tho. Thats facts. Theres a reason why op is still ongoing and considered number 1 manga, not to mention top sales. Sounds 2 me like your dick riding edward, and dont even try to say i dont like edward cause fma was my childhood with my boy leroy mustang
- Thiago Silva: Vienna Savage I mean, Medaka's powers are just called "Skills", or "Abnormalities" (I.e. When her hair turns red, or when she makes people bow, stuff like that) And Kagura wasn't even playable. Her only attack was riding Sadaharu, and just that
- The Sky King: yoh asakura
- FlyingChairGuy 2005: Finally someone who mentions fma
- Gladiator the toe stabber: What's the difference between shounen and shounen jump ?
- machoveli: A waste of characters..they should really add different characters.
- Lavender Lavender: Also applies to Jojo's part 7-8, though one could argue that like ssgss Goku, how Goku was originally a shonen character, JoJos was originally a Shonen Series, but thats a HUGE stretch. I can still dream though.😌
- Vizual Warrior: I’d LOVE to see Edward Elric as a playable character but if not I wouldn’t sweat it
- A. Fadia: Daimon Shade you live under a rock?
- Shi The Uchiha: Yu yu hakusho have always been in weekly shonen jump until it was finished
- Marc: I cant believe how hard this is to understand for some people , its just not happening. Fuck your saitama , fuck your meliodas and you bet your ass fuck Kirito aint coming in this fucking game. I'd love to see kaneki tho !
- Phantom Pain450: NatsuUchiha Hey it's Natsu
- Iker- J.K.: Light isn't playable, he is only a story character
- Karnage: Is one punch man even shonen?I doubt that:-\
- JTM the Gamer: DLC
- ken kaneki: +You Already Know huh.. I've never heard of it before.
- Peter Parker: Vienna Savage what really? they showed him in the trailer tho, it would be disappointing if he isnt playable
- Andre Bew: Also steel ball run characters won’t be in it
- God Of Savages: Phillip Olavarrieta he isnt jump opm is a seinen anime
- Bros Before Hoes: Even for a DLC I doubt he is gonna be in here he is a (GAG) character meaning he is OK asf or it means he can never die
- PLASMAGUNN: Egger8 alright now I understand what you’re saying.
- jcoleisgud kdotisgud: LOL
- Mega Blueflash: Eh, I highly doubt that EVERY jojo is gonna get in....
- Morgan R. Caswell: Marvel would be a stretch, but yes, Injustice has characters from rival companies as guest characters such as the Ninja Turtles from IDW and Hellboy from Dark Horse, so no it wouldn't be that much of a stretch if they had guest characters outside of WSJ, however I doubt we'll get anything too radical, maybe at the most a JoJo character from the reboot (from Ultra Jump) or Kaneki as guest characters because their from subsidiary imprints alongside Shonen Jump, so still characters they own. :)
- user found: well then they suck
- Otakuhipster gaming: I know this may be an unpopular statement, but can jump force get shaman king and ultimo?(not begging for them, just asking if it's possible, and if it is can they?)
- fermento e trigo: I hate the seven deadly sins,no one punch man is understandable,so...NO FULLMETAL?WHY?WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?
- Mike The Spartan Voger: where is jojo
- Adam Morton: We're can I find a list for weekly shonen jump manga I wanted to make a wish list with my friends
- geek freak17: Yu Yu hakusho
- Mamodokod: I still have hope for OPM
- Wrecking Zap: So World Trigger And Black Clover could still be in
- Melvs Lianza: WE NEED DEATH NOTE
- Lamar J Greene: pffff if super saiyan blue goku made it to the game and he's from a total different magazine, why steel ball run characters can't? jojo is originally a jump series like dragon ball and just like super saiyan blue making it to the game, i dont see why steel ball run characters can't..
- Otakuhipster gaming: +Nanothehoghedge Yeah but they got ssjblue goku and vegeta, so they could get shaman king(i hope they do along with ultimo cause they perfectly fit the theme of uniting to fight).
- Ballvcrw MorganDrake: what if re:zero in this game.
- Dark_Shilohシロ: +Traitorous Pancake thank you for letting me know😄
- JayfroC: *Forces intensifies*
- Parsa Rathernotsay: Edward Elric DLC would actually be sick, but I get what you mean with the DLC. Though Smash added Snake and Sonic in the original game sooo Thing is, since this is the 50 year anniversary of shonen jump(a tribute game), I highly doubt a character outside of it will show up
- LiL xChIcKeN: I wosh for Kenichi for dlc
- Vibe Nation: ninja of fire face ass
- Ultimate KillerKombat X: NO ONE PUNCH MAN!?!?!?!!! WTF!?!?!?!!!
- Vibe Nation: FanboyGamer 3E opm isn’t even shonen so 🤦🏾♂️
- Chris Taka: Finally someone made a dedicated video to this so people like me don't have to go in the comments and explain to people why their favorite Tokyo Ghoul character has no chance to be in JUMP Force
- Galactic 32: Isn’t this just a shonen jump game
- Crazytastic Crazytastic: One punch man is too op for any fighting game
- Sempu: Vienna Savage I had no clue tho , tf i gotta b duumb for you could've simply told me who was allowed and who wasn't 😂 you internet Mfs amaze me
- Nickeem: DLC
- Shiki Kaizer: But they put in yugi in there
- DON MEGA: Where is Tsuna?
- Divinity: +Hobo Joe I may be a little greedy but I want *all the JoJo's* and DIO and Kira, etc. They're all so good.
- a thing: That's what mods exist for people!! So you can play as Super Mario in Jump Force... and you can also create your own character. No one is complaining!
- NatsuUchiha: Wait why not!
- Silver Soul: He was already deconfirmed.
- FilthyStream889: +tom no he may be strong but he still not as strong
- jay lightning: Wait when can naruto fly?
- Blue: You should've put "NO Fairy Tail" in the title too since that's the one series people dont shut up about
- G00b Fag00bian: THEY ARE IN *KODANSHA*
- ur mom gay: Cory is in the house is cewl
- shawn barnett: If shaman king gets added omg i’m buying this game
- Mr Grim Reaper: If Saitama was in here, the whole roster is destroyed
- Splorguss: Fat L
- The Chase: 👏👏👏
- Micah Hodge: Your right Bilbzy, because tbh I’m one of those people who want Edward Elric to be in jump force but I know in my heart, it’s not going to happen
- Kaneki Ken: Fullmetal alchemist YAAASSS!!! Favourite anime. Should fma characters be in the game how tf would ed work? Alchemy etc. Right?
- CaptainYumYum's: Aw, i was really looking forward to kick Goku's ass with hawk
- Iker- J.K.: But we can still with hope for another characters
- Kevin Satron: Just wait
- Jonathan Tucker: Fullmetal could be cool. Inuyasha would be dope or Gundam. Zoids
- Jaime Ruiz: Fuck off, they’re even shonen jump characters
- Nitte Cera: V-Jump still has Jump in the name
- Daragh O'kane: If yugioh works so can one punch. Have him super bored while fighting and when he is losing say lines like hay your pretty tuff. How about garuo in the game or some of their heros
- kaeden le: Also, just looked it up the Weekly Shonen Jump here in NA has no relation to the Weekly Shounen Jump in Japan as its published by Viz (to be honest our WSJ could be named whatever and it wouldn't make a difference). Our WSJ started in 2012 by Viz, starting out as Weekly Shonen Jump Alpha. So OPM; like Seven Deadly Sins, AoT, Tokyo Ghoul, *Fairy Tail*, and Fullmetal; is technically not WSJ.
- Andrell Hardy: D.gray man is possible but shaman king especially with the writer going to a different I don't know.
- Bomb Glitch: I feel like a baby when comparing my anime knowledge to his
- vusa siw: FanboyGamer 3E My friend there are a lot of Jump characters who can slap saitama silly.
- Tomeus Kalle: Shaman King's no longer part of Jump.
- FilthyStream889: Because its ending
- Your profit margin is my opportunity.: No Escanor? I might pass on this one
- God Of Savages: U people need to realize that any character from j stars will be in jump force arale is a gag but u should expect her in jump force and koroko no basket was in j star so u should expect them in jump force
- Blitz Joestur: So no father vs madara
- Joaquin Badman: This game probably won’t even be good anyway
- DSoulA3: Thank you for bringing this up. People are considering this the "anime smash bros." Game. But this is shouen jump. My favorite anime is soul eater, but the manga is published by yen press. Not only that but square enix of all people contributed to it. I'm not mad that soul eater won't show up because I know what it is and isn't. Hell, some people want attack on titan characters to show up in this game too. Its weird man. Lol
- AMAZIAH: This is like saying Smash cant have Sonic or Sora. It's really up to the companies and who will be willing to grant rights.
- H0ll0w360: Guess what dumb ass yuyu is not weekly. Also we need One Punch Man
- My Begal: I punch a man this morning.
- Jamari Stevenson: FMA & SDS will never be in this game
- Anthony Varela: Balancing Saitama for Jump Force is super easy. Since he's obviously so OP that nobody can beat him, he never takes any of his fights seriously and only uses normal punches. Instead of having a life gauge, he has a "psyche gauge" which if it reaches zero, Saitama abandons the fight; either he was too bored to keep fighting or he remembered there was a sale at his local supermarket, so his opponent gets the victory.
- THE_DANCING_ KOKO: I do t care as long you add my boy Steve from Minecraft
- MAY -DAY03: What about Steve from Minecraft?
- Jason Atkinson: ....no shit.
- Joshua Whittaker: I just don’t agree with the hype. There is so much hype, but I don’t think this game will be good. Their character roster is just not that great. It’s the exact same roster as J-Stars but with just a few tweaks. Good potential, poor execution.
- Okskemey: So no Scooby Doo
- Adriel The Anime Smash Bros.: I’m going to be honest here, but Shonen Jump (as much as I like them) is being more strict than Nintendo with their crossover games, is almost like they live in the past or being really closed minded about this. They need to at least be self-aware that most crossover games now at least have 3 guest characters like Smash Bros., Injustice, Cross Tag Battle, SNK Heroine, etc. I think Shonen Jump should think outside of the box and add characters like Kaneki, Natsu, Inuyasha, and heck if they wanna please everyone in the Anime community then why not some characters from Light Novels or Visual Novels like Kirito or Shiroe Emiya? Point here is if they wanted to they can add those characters easily because of 2 reasons; Bandai Namco of course and the fact that Shueisha is a billionaire company, they easy add characters that most like wouldn’t be in a fighting game any time soon like Maka & Soul, Ainz, or heck even some Digimon characters that doesn’t have a fighting game for years and fun fact; the Manga are published by V-Jump. So hey like I said once and say it again; Shonen Jump and the developers need to take their heads out of that box and realize that guess characters are absolutely a thing.
- kaeden le: +Cordell Walker Ok cool I guess? I've just never heard of em. But let's get back to the topic at hand, OPM in Jump Force and his American publisher which has little relation to WSJ in Japan besides the fact that they publish the same stuff.
- Vibe Nation: Legit Cockatiel Gamer well you gotta look at how many characters other series get and then make your list
- Bahija Essarrar: Cause he will defeat them all its obvious
- POLY ROYAL: Theyre not gonna dissapoint Anime fans, at least i hope they dont.
- fx Gamer: Is lelouch going to be in there?
- Oms8: +Dillon Haggett That's exactly whats the problem. Not personally you but people wanting more than 2-4 characters for a series then complaining when a series they want isn't added. Should be 3 characters max per Series. Rest can be dlc.
- Kevin Satron: Bye then
- I: Wait... there’s a difference????
- Kimbo Chimpingston: I really hope no non shonen jump characters end up in the game.
- Iker- J.K.: +Jason Dembowski Jr well, broly is a dragon Ball z character, but in the series they only going to talk about the dbs broly because is the canon broly
- Kurama - kun: +Ukato still I repeat that's only in the west, officially it's a YJ series
- blackrockshooter yamato: +Shi The Uchiha do your research before you say what is and isn't
- Iker- J.K.: Surely they have a role similar to the xenoverse villains
- Kevin Satron: Just wait
- Yanfa'uni Ade Pradena Wibowo: fuckakakaka Shonen=/Action dude. Sho=young, sei=adult, nen=man, jo=woman. Shonen = young men
- Aussa Kagamine: B-but bowsette is gunna be in right?
- Carl Bloke: Light being a business is a shit excuse to turn away from Jump’s legacy dude. Please get over yourself
- Yorozuya 101: I wanna see Fullmetal Alchemist and Attack on Titan in Jump Force
- FilthyStream889: As in why the f*ck would shrek be in it *inner me: it was just a joke*
- Superbcj30 Owo: Man rip
- HisokaTheMasochist: Just make the characters that don't make it in, character creation has many uses
- Christian White: Could you make a video on predictions for dragon ball characters
- Alonzo Dassinger: One punch man is a shitty over hype version of kenshiro from northstar onepunch man is kenshiro JR. hands down opinions don't matter.
- Nisioisin 23: Seven Deadly Sins isn’t even Jump...
- devilmaycry7760: Fuck Meliodas, The rest are cool.
- OmegaX: I'm really hoping for Fullmetal Alchemist!
- [ piggy ]: If we get Deku & All Might, I’m set.
- My Begal: Lol, read the wiki b4 commenting somethin that u didn't know.
- dheya hamida: Loritorinco Wait what?
- Daragh O'kane: Character's from death note made it and I considered that book to be above saitama in power
- OcularAMVs: Obviously. They're not a part of shounen jump kid
- El Mantishrimp: Damn, I was really hoping for Jimmy Neutron
- Iker- J.K.: +Jason Dembowski Jr the movies are alternatives versions of the anime arcs, the real Red and blue transformations are the dbs anime versions, the party in the bulma house never happened, the party was in the boat of the anime
- The Amazing Tatsuo: i wish people had time to research before they cause a argument
- Saruru Yui: Where's kenshin himura the battousai?
- Mikan San: Ok, so correct me if I'm wrong, which one don't think I am, but maybe I'm misunderstanding... Shounen is like a genre, it's just a label for the audience, like shojo, josei, etc etc. Shounen Jump is a company, where they sell magazines that contain manga such as Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, etc. Full Metal Alchemist is Viz, One Punch Man was originally an indie web comic, and I'm not sure what Seven Deadly Sins is. But it's not Jump. The game will only feature a cast of Jump characters. Hopefully they include the popular Midoriya and All Might. All Might will be my main 👍😂
- Yanfa'uni Ade Pradena Wibowo: Shonen, Seinen, Shoujo, Josei are more like demographic than genre. because there is manga that was published in shonen magazine (sales to middle/high schooler) but has very heavy and adult content (ex: AoT,)
- Tristen Seibert: I feel u man I wanted natsu dragneel in of course I new it wasn't gonna happen
- Andrell Hardy: No it's young jump
- majin_erin: Shishi Sonson his animations would be soooo dope in this game
- Yanfa'uni Ade Pradena Wibowo: Android 17 FMA:B won't be at Jump Force because it wan't Jump Manga
- Fayko: Well, Shounen Jump prints One Punch Man so that's possible
- Andy Williams: A lot of anime only fans don't know manga publisher history tbh.
- Henry Brown: I wish they fullmetal alchemist and one punch have plan of doing future of jump force dlc only character
- Aaron Duran: Missed opportunities but as long as we get a huge roster. None of that 15 characters only and the rest are DLC bullshit.
- SMASH: Saitama would obviously not be in a Shonen game. The dude is Non-Shonen but i know there is still a bunch of crazy fankids out therr still hoping for saitama.
- Vibe Nation: Secret Anime Fan wrong person my bad
- CG X0: In America not in Japan.
- Chinês Gamer: +Luis Lopez Not really, pretty much every fight is solved by the characters being smart and using their stands in a creative way, in part 5 and 6 almost every fight had the characters on the verge of death.
- dheya hamida: Dark sonic And chaos shadow FMA is not even Jump ffs
- Midnight Ranger: It actually is. One Punch Man is published in Weekly Young Jump.
- Falcon MC: Check on Wikipedia there is a section displaying all the series that appeared in the Weekly Shônen Jump
- Joewolf26: Just give me shaman king for the love of goodness
- 0 0 0: I want Jotaro, Kakyoin, and DIO then Gintoki, Katsura, and shinsuke or utsuro
- mike: Shaggy confirmed
- Traitorous Pancake: Lavender Lavender part 7 and 8 are ultra jump which is still a jump magazine so the not off the table
- Mustapha El Saytari: +Assassin Gamer 598 no he wouldn genkidama is same damage as black beards or something so serious punch would be the same damage and they have already cool moves or like genos i can see this character playing it would be too cool 🤔
- Shishi Sonson: Jojo’s Will definetly make it cuz it was in j-stars and cause too many people asking for it but I dont think it Will get that many charachters
- Thepicausno: "One-Punch Man is an ongoing Japanese superhero webcomic created by ONE ... The series began publication in Viz Media's Weekly Shonen Jump" One Punch man is Shonen Jump
- Gregory Albritton: We know what we're gonna get as dlc.
- Thepicausno: +Shi The Uchiha Damn. I was really looking forward to Mumen Rider in the game...
- josdarklord: KIngdom ? maybe or ?
- Jose Torres: As long as yu yu hackusho is in
- Keno: Fuck i wanted shaggy
- Keyser Soze: Beelzebub?
- PlasmicKnight: I know Ed and Alfonse aren't jump characters, but they are good characters and I feel like they will fit nicely into the game.
- Ed Villa: Do one too but with Goku in Smash, which I'm 99% sure won't happen.
- flamesblades 4567: why does this video even exist ? why do y’all care 😭 it’s an anime game calm y’all dumbass down
- Shi The Uchiha: +Thepicausno the thing is viz media take all jump property and put them under "shonen" jump and it confuse people. One punch man is in young jump which is not shonen but seinen.
- Sajid TEG: C'mon we need FMA characters in this!
- fuckakakaka: only Byakuya is a Jump character
- Kaif Khan: because none of them are part of the jump Magzine idiot ,🤣🤣🤣🤣
- FanboyGamer 3E: vusa siw, my boi, I will subscribe to your channel if you name one character who can defeat saitama in a straight up fight without using any kind of cheap sleep enduceing technique, just straight battle skills. And let me remind you, Saitama killed what was basically his universe's version of a super saiyan three with One Punch, and that's just in the anime in the manga the most powerful thing he has fought thus far is a literal god who can destroy planets easily
- Iker- J.K.: +Gladiator the toe stabber shonen is a anime for young people, like teenagers, but the animes for those over 18 are called seinen
- Kronko memes squad: Soul Eater
- Alfonso Payan: So no Shrek? ☹️
- SRti: +Renzo Raschioni They clearly don't care about spoilers considering Gon's adult form was shown in the trailer.
- kaeden le: +Cordell Walker *Looks up Ninku* *Mistakes MC for a frog* *wat* But in all fairness I'll check it out once I watch what I want to watch this upcoming fall season.
- Midnight Ranger: One Punch Man and Tokyo Ghoul are both in Weekly Young Jump.
- Shon Bera: I mean who tf really thought characters who were in manga published by Gangan (Square Enix) or Kodansha were going to appear in a Shonen JUMP game?! I mean unless it was the anime equivalent of Super Smash Bros. then may be..
- Fiinix 24: Of course not idiot He is lame and not from an anime It wouldnt make any sense If u want scoopy doo then go play some other game cause he isnt here buddy I mean where did u get the idea that a cartoon character would be in jump force So no scoopy wont make it And thats good😎
- Tristan Coward: Alright kojima give me bob the builder! Make it happen!
- Ryan Campbell: No my hero?
- tom: Yeah, saitama would just one punch all characters and thatd be boring
- Oms8: I imagine SJ characters that dont make it in will be dlc. Either way I won't be buying. These cross over games never have enough depth or longevity past the story mode and a few hours with multiplayer
- JTM the Gamer: +God Of Savages OPM is in Young Jump but not Weekly Shonen Jump
- Mufti Saili: There is game in psp called sunday vs magazine it's had character from shonen sunday and shonen magazine fighting each other
- Juan Ponch Man: You want a cartoon character in Jump Force????? Wow.....You're going a little overboard there buddy......
- Ty Fire: Wait, didn’t One punch man start it’s publication with Shonen Jump tho?? Just curious, I might be wrong
- Hekmat Ahmed: No 😭
- Jotaro The best kujo: Up to where was it published by jump?
- Vibe Nation: SaucyMo your argument is invalid bc fmab isn’t shown jump neither is opm you’re apart of the problem
- Dillon Haggett: One Punch Man would be a really annoying addition to the game. I hope that Jump Force includes My Hero Academia characters, because that will definitely get me to buy it. I’m already part way sold with Hunter X Hunter and Yu Yu Hakusho characters in the game, but I want to have Gon vs Izuku dammit
- Marcelo Henrique Teixeira Lopes: "likely"
- Ya Boi NickDaBeast: I would love if Saitama was in this game or if he had his own game. But idk how they would make a fun game or add him in a game when everyone dies in 1 punch and your supposed to pretty much be untouchable. Kinda sucks
- Nickagevscapcom: Yes they can, both are from Shonen Jump
- Romeo Twaje: They would need permission from the companies even if bandai makes all anime games. I think for something like this to happen it would need to be a different game because people gonna think all character are from jump because its called jump force. A game that allows for all anime characters but thats sounds like a licensing mess waiting to happen.
- Yvng Trill: I need natsu, kirito, and byakuya
- 吴林杭: Where is gintama
- Quinn of Wrestling: Yes but the thing is that you I don’t think realized one punch man is in English shonen jump which means he is a part of shown a job so he could be in jump force
- UltimateBeastGamer: neither of the three anime mentioned in the title are published by Jump so obviously they wouldn't be in a game made specifically for Jump characters
- Nicolas Andrade: +Voltage WRONG He first appeared in DBZ ROF
- Guy Ofer: If you didn't know about dai chech out this manga dai's great adventure
- Nawaf Aljabiri: In short those series aren't published by shonen JUMP. although one punch man English translation is by shonen jump, but not in Japan.
- kriryama kun: They will make it since they were added in j star victory Vs
- Kurama - kun: +Otakuhipster gaming ssj blue came from the ROF movie, which is part of Z, and therefore SJ. Also kodansha owns the whole shaman king IP, they are doing reprints of the original series
- Drock_421: YALL Adding Yugi !!!!! if y'all don't add Ed AL AND SAITAMA easily this is 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Principle of the Thing: Imagine them adding characters from Food Wars or Kuroko
- Fectron: Thats why it is called JUMP FORCElol
- Ada: I'm not aware of James Bond or Banjo being considered, I suppose Melee doesn't qualify much (it still raises another question, although against SSB, given Bond is not a video game character). Well in the case of those in Smash prior to SSB4, all these characters can still be qualified as a celebration of Nintendo because of their influence to Nintendo's history, Sonic was part of Sega, a chief rival of Nintendo, the Banjo games and the GoldenEye game were some of the most popular games on the N64. I don't mind the oddballs of WSJ as collectible items, just not playable characters. I honestly don't really care much if Saitama, Natsu, or Edward gets included, I'm just arguing that as a business, not a fan, even if for your anniversarial celebration, are you going to pick a highly popular non-WSJ character, or someone most never heard of or disliked from WSJ? (Granted, such a character would be likely DLC, to maximise profits)
- Egger8: No Iron Man or Captain America not buying
- ArtistAnthony9: I hope we at least get another crossover game as good as this one because if another team includes the characters, I would absolutely fall to tears. Plus I want Asura Kinshin from Soul Eater to be playable one-day because he's my 1# favorite male character in the series and he'd have really impressive attacks. Still though, Jump Force is going to be a beast regardless ✊
- elemomnialpha: Does the RWBY manga count as Weekly Shonen Jump or is it like OPM?
- Minako Hiashi: I remember hearing that it takes 22 Nintendo 64 cartridges to play Final Fantasy 7 you're saying that Final Fantasy 7 had a port on the handheld how many Game Boy Color cartridges do you need to play Final Fantasy 7?
- DaRk_NiGhTwInG_XL: YKMBIZZY im sure about izuku with asta
- FilthyStream889: Dammit 😠
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