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- Professor Bighead: Boi they best not take out Gintama
- Gregory Grice: No, seriously. The My Hero Academia cast has to make it to The Jump Force roster. Besides, they're now part of The Shonen Jump community. How could they not?
- Marilou Fortin: if they actually put MHA, the 3 I'd love to see would be : midoriya (figures), bakugo (again, figures why) and todoroki because, damnnn, maybe kaminari the practical phone charger x)
- Axxidous: I have a hard time picturing My Hero Academia joining the game. Like I can picture it. But it almost feels like it doesn't exist to Jump Force. And MHA just got a fighting game so... But if they show up, I will be excited. I don't even like Black Clover but I didn't think about it being in the game.... yet if it was in the game that'd be pretty cool to see.
- Nicholas flame: Fate stay night
- Azurite: What about Saiki:000
- Nicholas flame: I want fairytail
- Dead Snake78: i honestly wanna see fairy tail characters lets get gildarts and erza fuck yeah
- Logan Henry: If there's no Gintama I'm rioting
- Vanduop McHoover: My Roster Wishlist: Kaiba & Yami Bakura (Yu-gi-oh) Meruem (HxH) Arale & Dr. Mashirito (Dr. Slump) Kenshin, Sano, Saito & Shishio (Rurouni Kenshin) Senku (Dr. Stone) IMO series like Saint Seiya, KHR, Assassination Classroom, D. Grayman & Gintama will definitely have representation in the roster, these titles aren't as niche as you seem to think they all have huge fanbases. Toriko and Bobobo are a bit more niche but I reckon they'll at least have their MC's and there's no way there's not at least 2 slots for My Hero if not 3 or 4.
- Brian Page: Fuck Bobobo, Saint Seiya, etc. ESPECIALLY Bobobo.
- Crislak: I just want Deku.
- 420Praiseit Gitgudneosucksasstoo: +Adrian Damondamon *H O R R Y C O W*
- Christian Estable: How bout the character of seven deadly sin?? And also One punch man?? I think Hunter X Hunter is more popular than Hero!
- Rade: i know tokyo ghoul isn't shounen but I don't give a shit please add kaneki
- Type Masters: Looking at what characters have already been announced I would say that four seems to be the max number of characters a series can have, that would mean Naruto would get two more characters, dragon ball would get one more character, yu-gi-oh would probably get one or two new characters, Jo-Jo gets three or four characters and my hero academia gets three or four characters In total that would be a possible roster size of 29-32 characters, and that's before counting any possible less popular series The reason why I don't think black clover won't get any characters is because I think it's not a popular series, I could discuss why but if you think black clover has a better chance of getting into the game than my hero academic then I will have to disagree
- Bilbzy: I feel like I need to make something clear. When I say NO in this video I actually mean something closer to “less than you may expect” so when I say No Obscure characters, I mean very little.
- Mwarz 18: I think what's being missed here is that all the Jump style fighting games have had a relatively small bit of representation for every franchise represented so far as playable characters go. The rest were mashed in as assists and the like. More dated series NEVER get more than one or two characters and two if they are lucky. Like Jump Ultimate only gave you like Dio and Jotaro. Seiya. Gintama. Just a single character from each and I don't think I've ever seen a franchise with more than 4 reps but it's been years since I've touched JUS. Point is a newer series like My Hero I feel would only get two reps and then you cant forget stuff like One Punch Man since that's also in a Jump product made by Shueisha which has EXPLODED in popularity over the last few years. I think my main point is, even trying to theorize what could be done with this roster is gonna melt brains because while the gameplay still looks sketch to me the roster has the potential to be absolutely loaded. And I feel for em picking My Hero reps cause they cant make that the centerfold no matter how popular So it's like three at best with Deku as a shoe in. Would they go for a villain? The easy all might cop out? Just students. Makes ya think I'm excited to see how the game shapes up though regardless. Video helped get my brain working in that direction.
- Cj. Lorde: What should I put them in June. I love shaman king shaman king should be the next one another but I know when to game show in Thailand game show is on soon so I look forward to seeing two new characters in Jump Force kid Take care lots
- Winter world: Ainz from Overlord.
- Scruffboii: To be able to get
- mopboi: you forgot zoro in the roster ypu showed
- SonGoten YT: Need characters gintama
- myers •: These other anime will probably be dlc
- majin_erin: They might add more but like on dlcs
- Joice argenta: no boku no hero? I'm not buying it.
- Toady: I just need Usopp, Chopper or Franky :(
- Will Tritz: I think it would be better to save My Hero and Black Clover for dlc because having them in Jump Force might impact their own game sales. Also, D Gray Man for Jump Force!!
- T T: Why whould they put ny hero acdemia in jump firce when my hero ones justice is about to come out
- OoWeE Comics: Bro if we are gonna get any niche series please let it be Katekyo Hitman Reborn
- OneFortune: Okay relax, we all know gintoki and Seiya will be in the game
- LuigiFan 578: what happened to death note?
- rocz x: Yo I love one piece like bad but they have more characters than anyone right now so maybe we should chill with them for now
- Scottie Currie: We need Bobobo to beat the shit out of Naruto, Luffy, and Goku in a game. Please
- DuStii York: This is tough , I can see them doing. All the mainstream first and then the niche as Dlc or getting alot of niche characters as base roster and then save some mainstream titles as dlc
- Roy Duran: I don’t think they’ll add my hero due to One’s justice just now having it’s US release
- bAs!cAlLyILikeANIME: To be able to fairy tail
- vbarreiro: I also hope that they don’t get things like Bobobo, or Assassination classroom... I would like for this game to be all about serious shows, in my opinion what broke the last game was the inclusion of characters that were basically a joke, like the cop from Kochikame, which undermined the seriousness of the game. I would say Gintoki from Gintama is the least serious character I’d accept, but that’s where I draw the line
- Muhair Productions: I’m just waiting for a Jojo form Jojo’s bizarre Adventure.
- Zehpp: No Edward Elric?
- Genji: I don’t know why Asta’s annoying ass is in the thumbnail. It’s never a negative to add another character into the game but I honestly don’t think anyone gives a shit about Asta.
- Zeroberus 0: Man so much hate for saint seiya lol, and niche? You crazy they still have saint seiya mangas in Japan because they love it, and worldwide too, how that yu yu hakusho is more famous then saint seiya? Do you see more merchandise of yu yu then saint seiya? Because i don't, and hell no taking out saint seiya for any of the series there or even hero academia.
- TroxX L beat: Put Shirou from fate in this
- Shyne: I really want Oga in jump force
- GokuInfintysaiyan: I want all might and deku (also todoroki and bakugo... pretty much anyone form MHA) as well as kenshiro and jagi/raoh
- Austen Powers: Andrell Hardy aw damnit
- Kian robertson: thid guy is whack about hunter x hunter being a small franchise :/
- Space Penguins: I mean 3-6 characters for each series doesn’t seem that bad (e.g. Jotaro DIO Johnny Gyro Giorno and Joesph)
- Xavier Martinez: *NATSU FOR JUMP FORCE!* I leave you people to decide if I'm joking or not...
- fizy40: BlueAuroraHippo this comment didnt age well xD
- Corbin Davis: Good chance I'm not getting this game because I know my #1 favorite character won't be in it, Farmer with a Shotgun. If he's not in it I'm definitely not getting the game
- PapiWeast: “to be able to get ________ “
- Ultra Instinct Goku X25: And killua
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Megumin They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump
- goalazo93: There’s gonna be more dbz and naruto characters just trust me
- Best Better: If they put bobobo in this game, its an instant buy for me
- Ty Fire: Damn, I was hoping we could get guest characters, like Kaneki, Saitama or Genos. And why’s there so many one piece characters already 😓
- Daiquon Felder: I don't want no my hero or black clover ;-; I want inuyasha and Fullmetal alchemist
- Crazed Neonite: i just want either eren (titan form/ not), mikasa, and captain levi from aot
- Courdney Bell: A missed opportunity is including characters to new anime, like MHA and Black Clover in an efforts to arise interest in their manga/anime.
- CommandoANG3L0: I want Natsu from Fairy Tail!
- WHAKATANE 04: I prefer Gintoki from from Gintama
- 04whim: I think that while the likes of Goku/Vegeta/Frieza and Midoroya/Bakugo/Todoroki are a must for this game, they should limit them there and add any others from those shows by DLC. Especially in their case as the excellent FighterZ and extant One's Justice both launched this year. Honestly I'm pretty pissed by how many One Piece characters have been announced. Luffy/Zoro/Sanji would have done for launch, was anyone really crying out for Blackbeard and Sabo?
- Sol: Hunter x Hunter is a smaller series? Interesting.
- Saikurios: if we get medaka box im buying, otherwise nah
- xOG4L Gaming: Assassination Classroom is such a good anime even the dubbed version is decent. I wish more people watched it
- TheSilentKnight: I would love to see Lag and Niche from Tegami Bachi to be included in this game. ❤️💙
- flare rider: Dio: ZA WARUDO!! WRYYY the game roster has frozen which means no more characters joseph: OHHH NO!!!
- Lanzel: Why are you saying "jojos" instead of jojo
- Adamos Channel: I belive that mha and fist of the north star wont get ANY characters.. Because fist of the north gets his own game ASWELL as mha
- Hakuna Matata: What about attack on titan characters
- Sebastian Michlieas: Jotaro Kujo, Dio The World, Baki, Seto Kaiba, Joseph Joestar (young), Speed Wagon, Jouske (Jojo's), and I would love to see Alucard there.
- GreaterFeatz: Hmm how about... The irregular at magic highschool
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Quatarius Cobb Tisdale SR They were never an option. They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shonen Jump
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Andréanne Maillette They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump. So no Fairy Tail or Seven Deadly Sins. Plus while L is from Weekly Shōnen Jump, they’re using characters from battle manga within Jump.
- Christopher: Although I am sort of upset you said Hunter X Hunter was a smaller series I agree when you say there most likely won't be anymore DB or Naruto characters. The roster for Naruto and DB have main characters as of now, and so does every other one there with Yu-gi-oh having Yugi, DB having Goku +2 more, Naruto having Naruto and Sasuke, Bleach having Ichigo and 2 more, and so on and so forth. Clearly the roster is aimed for at minimum 1 character per Shonen Jump anime/manga. Jojo will most definitely have at least 1 jojo (most likely jotaro/josuke). My Hero Academia is huge in Japan right now so the fact that you think a game that crosses over all anime worlds won't have My Hero characters or Black Clover characters is absurd. To conclude this/shorten this it's obvious that all of the anime/manga that has been popular at one point, such as Hunter X Hunter, Assassination Classroom, and SAO even, are getting at least 1 character from the franchise (main characters mostly)
- LEGENDARYJAY JAY: What about OPM or Fullmetal alchemist?
- Brandon Parrish: Your a downer! They need to get my hero in there PERIOD all might needs to have a small might form PERIOD! AND IF BOBO WAS IN THERE..... FFFFUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!
- Derio: If tsuna is in I will pay cash the game
- STOP: hopfully deku is coming!😥
- SixCypress7973: For dragon ball and naruto they should just make skins that look like other characters from those franchises
- Ninko: Eh... Naruto doesn't really need anyone else. Neither does Dragon Ball really. No series should get more than 3 in my opinion. As much as I'd like Beerus or Vegito, Kaguya or Madara, I think it would be too much. Even though One Piece already has more than 3.
- Jet Echo: I understand why they're not putting one punch man or even Deku, but come on, they can at least put in kenshiro.
- The Spoon: i think they should do an average of 5 characters from about 10-11 shows. 55-60 roster is huge but it would be alot of fun, and you could sink alot of time in to learning new character moves.
- AxelMok4_Channel: We have Seiya and Shiryu from Saint Seiya now so what you said here is already looking good.
- ND: im getting one's justice instead of jump force, arena brawlers are very hard to balance and the attacks seem too fast in jump force
- Tenacious Buns: Id love to see the smaller stuff get some characters in the game, we already know that ussop can shoot a flame star but we dont know what they would give a hitman reborn baby as a move set, putting smaller stuff can boost the actual anime or manga up a bit as well. I dont see a chance that any of the smaller stuff will dlc characters but i do see them giving bakugo as a dlc character, or krillen. I think we should have the small stuff
- Evandro Silva Semedo: I hope black clover wil be in cuzz i want to play whit yami 🔥🔥
- GolD_Garden: They added Yuyu Hasuo but no my hero academia...
- TheBlackOtaku: I hope my boy Sakata Gintoki is in Jump Force
- Matthew Lemmo: bobobobobobobo
- AmazingDeku: +lethal murrder thx man
- Nova: +Jotaro Kujo points of view
- Andrell Hardy: Because it's apart of shonen jump.
- Eduardo Roque: Nobody cares about assassination classroom 😂
- Kev Dog: Why does one piece have so many more characters than any other series? If they kept 3 characters per anime that would save room for more anime and wouldn’t show favoritism
- Rachael Stewart: Koro sensei is back!
- Carl Jackson: No hiei?
- Arcana: I need Medaka in this game just because she’s a strong female character
- Yung Øni: Jojo not mainstream? Boooiiiiiii. I want me some Jojo characters
- ayye !!: there’s no way My Hero would get five characters, i don’t think ANY franchise will get that many in this game
- Nao Tenho Memoria No Meu Tele: Tsuna Yami Asta Midorya AllMight Bakugo give all this and I'm good g
- turbotrup96: They said on Twitter the roster will be very big.
- Zachary Mellinger: The main thing I want now are My hero and Black Clover. I wouldn't mind a few more DBZ and Naruto charters, such as Krillian, Picolo, and Gohan. And Kakashi, Hinata, Gara, and Pain/ Nagato. Oh and if it's possible Kuro Sensei and Nagisa.
- All For One: They have to add Deku and Bakugo. They literally add the same characters every time. Except this time we got Yugi
- Darth Grant: Naruto and DBZ should get equal amount of characters as One Piece as these are the three msin series they are promoting. Madara is all but confirmed given the state New York is in with Mokuton. I believe we're goning to get 5 apiece for Naruto, OP abd DBZ. Every other Series is going to get somewhere between 3 & 4 characters depending on popularity. I think the roster is gonna cap at 60 characters and expand via DLC later.
- Nick Hosey: They should get more bleach characters in the game #keepbleachalive
- Jose Roldan: I think Madara is a shoe in since he was in jstars so I don't think you need to worry about that
- MultiPurposeLife: Personally I'm hoping for: Cell from Dragon Ball, Black clover, And Shanks from One Piece
- Alonzo Tompkins: We don’t need more Naruto, One Piece, and Dragon Ball characters. But One Piece will definitely have a dominant spot on the roster because of it’s sheer popularity. I can see at least two My Hero characters at the most. Izuku and Bakugou. And even then I only expect Izuku. However, since this is celebrating fifty years of Shonen Jump, we need those lesser known franchises in here or this game would not have been a proper celebration of SJ’s history. Cutting Bobobo and Seiya just to have more pointless additions like the inevitable One Piece additions will hurt it more then it should.
- Akhil Michael: #ripKoroSensei
- Jacob Jarrett: Ummm, HunterxHunter is kinda huge. It’s Jump’s second oldest ongoing series right now, and it’s almost 409 chapters at this point. It’s also extremely well selling and has a hella popular anime
- TREVORVADER: X The Creator yeah
- Ben Jones: My hero academia might not be in there because bnha just got a 3D fighting game of its own, so I wouldn’t be surprised. Sad if that happens but understandable
- TehJellyLord: I honestly just want My Hero Academia characters at this point. Specifically Izuku(duh) and All Might. That’s all I want from this game... well except maybe Saitama and Genos lol
- A2: More female characters pls 😣 waifu costumes sell
- Kazuma Desu: We dont need more than three from a series Dragonball is fine how it is. And naruto needs obito or madara
- תומר גליק: we need one punch man
- Dante: Im jus happy about CaC
- Lukasnextdoor: Soma and Hinata from food wars and haikyuu better be in this
- Alex K.6: +Black Knight94 Reviews ooh,thats a shame..😢
- 吉岡メロ: I kinda disagree, these "Smaller" or "lesser known" shows are what make these jump games in my opinion. They all have a unique look and feel to them as far as playability goes so I want them in
- Matthew Addai: Ahmad Muaz Tokyo ghoul was no seinen lol. It may have some shonen elements but that’s it.
- Matthew Lucas: Man this video is so old
- Captain Crunch: Hunter x Hunter has sold hell of a lot more than even my hero aca even as a “smaller” series, and is the best shounen in terms of quality, so it deserves it.
- shawn barnett: Or your just clickbait
- armor core: If it's anything like J-stars it won't be anything more than like 3 characters per anime. Since this is pretty much like the descendant
- lethal murrder: +AmazingDeku my nigga welcome to the game
- Chris Emiya: Justin H the dub isn't decent it's actually very great and it fits the tone of the anime very well. So well that it's almost scary
- Jacob Lawry: NATSU &GREY
- Tyler Wilson: I'm just hoping from Yoh from Shaman king and Medaka from Medaka Box (believe she's shonen jump). I think Claymore as well is shonen jump too, but I could be wrong
- RUGGEDTACOMAN: Of course Koro sensei is gonna be in the jump force
- SO IcecreamMan: more or likely they're gonna have DLC's
- FallBackSquadUp: We’re just getting the best of the best legends of shonen!!! I love the roster
- Rias Gremory: I feel like the Mega series like Naruto, Dragon ball, One Piece should have at least 6 or so reps.
- Buzzbro 123: Heer Modhwadia part 2 Joseph best jojo
- Lucari_Brix: I honestly do NOT want anymore one piece character...
- Zepp: What if bananya is in the game1?1?1?1?11!?!?
- Raidon Sub: I'd honestly be okay with Just having Goku and Naruto from the two series if it meant having more variety in Shows' Characters. If they had 30 shows but only the main protagonist from each, I'd be okay with that. I think it's better to have more shows and not just have a bunch of characters from Naruto, Dragonball, and One Piece.
- Overkill Psaras: Where is 7 sins ?
- kj king slayer: This noob thinks hunter x hunter is small 😑, togashi is legendary in japan and I think it has quite a lot of following worldwide too. It is just infamous for it's breaks
- Shaquan Marks: Jump force only does main stream because its and game made for fans in the states. So it's based on popular demand. My hero is definitely possible but black clover is a toss up (I love black clover). But the fact that one piece has 5 they better add more for the rest.....well not all shows cause yugioh and some other dont have that many important characters.
- arthurpprado: actually, the first Smash game wasn't initially made with Nintendo characters in mind. They only came in later and were already somewhat balanced, franchise-wise, when added into the game
- The Reaper: I really dont like the fact that they tried to make it like realistic looking and shit cuz i think that if they put all their efforts into the art style it would have been waaaaay better
- Og Scherm: Assassination classroom sucks
- HC Febrian: Nah...
- UwU Time: No jojo The end
- Dill Pill: Can we get Obito? It’s a weird request but his fighting style can be unique
- Caedes bee: I just want killer bee or gaara
- camelvids10: No full metal trash game
- Zjacnz: My Hero academia has an upcoming fighting games so I kind of doubt any MHA characters will be in Jump Force. Hopefully I’m wrong cuz I’m right now I’m addicted to Mha
- Oneforestboi: No assassination classroom, please.
- Nico Barlow: Give us meliodas and ban !!!!
- Juanma Railgun: how's 40 characters a big roster? What is this the PS2 era? Have you seen Marvel vs Capcom 2 and 3? have you seen any Naruto or Dragon ball Game ever? They have quite a few dozen characters, and I risk saying some have over 100 (never actually counted them). EDIT: [Assasination classroom spoilers ahead] also having representation from a certain series doesn't mean it has to be 2 or 3 characters, just look at Super Smash bros, for the longest time Metroid only had 1 entry, so does Sonic. Also Yugi already has the summon-to-battle style, we don't need Kaiba for that, and from Assasination Classroom only Korosensei is good for fighting... maybe the green-haired girl because tentacles.
- aman: I really want koro sensei in jumo force
- ShreddingBlood: No, it's better that way
- noah thompson: I feel like assassination classroom could have Nagisa and tentacle monster!!
- FalloutJay: Honestly dragon ball characters would beat all of other characters in a second
- SFC mr Raccoon: I Still Want Arale From Dr.Slump
- Grumpoo Da Zumbie: I mean, they did bring in Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho. I personally like it, but I’d argue that he’s not really part of the mainstream. So I wouldn’t be too surprised if they brought in some other niche characters.
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Bilfiger Uchiha Not possible. They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump
- Mori Jin: Oh yeah hxh is like my 1st or 2nd favorite anime wish I could rewatch it without knowing anything about it all over again.
- yuh boy: No tokyo ghoul?
- Merlin Schlangen: Why is nobody talking about TOKYO GHOUL?
- Spongebob The Thot Slayer: I want Tsuna from Hitman Reborn for Jump Force
- elian del rosario: I prefer more characters from other series, Black Beard and Sabo, they are cool and all but, we really need them?
- Mirio togata: It is great
- Patch: I really dont want more DBZ or Naruto characters, they have their own fighting games. I want more fun characters from lesser known series or more fun characters like Kaiba and Kurama. They would be fun to play and they probably wont be in any other fighting game.
- Apexxel Maxwell: Man, I just want Hitman Reborn to be in the game, even if the only playable character is Tsunayoshi Sawada
- BigPapa N.G: It makes more sense for them to have these main stream characters as dlc It no surprise the the likes of - Toriko - Gintama - Medaka Wouldn’t sell as well as - Seto Kaiba - Madara - Broly (extra big seller with his new movie) So having these side characters would be good: as it would promote those shows(and even anime as a whole) While having these big main stream characters as dlc would very much make them more in sales, as your more likely to have people buy these big main stream characters, than perhaps characters that hey may not have even of heard of. I personally don’t want dlc But I’d rather have it, if it means we can have a larger roster. Since it gives more time to make these wanted characters.
- Luis Dej: Damnnn...based on your expectations of 52 characters , I feel sorry for the developers of this game... unlike Smash Bros, this game is essentially starting from scratch. And you’re already expecting +50 characters I’d be content with at least 1 character from the smaller series made it in.
- Onespeedy Boi: Yu gi oh gonna he wrecking all these anime characters
- My Negro Academia: As long as we get like 2 more Naruto characters and some My Hero Academia characters I’ll be good
- Jonathan Alverna: We better get MHA and Black Clover characters. ON TOP OF THAT.....I NEED ALL 5 JOJOS AND DIO.
- Yobama: Monaka
- AmazingDeku: Y'all know he's in there just chill they saving best for last literally piccolo made it I'm pretty sure he's in it and he's was in j stars
- Mufasa Punch: man I need some decu action
- Davis Sublett: Idk the fact that they put Hisoka in kinda surprised me I could see some more unique people
- Magnire: I want Saiki K in this game.
- Neoshenlong Archivo 2008 - 2011: Damn, Saint Seiya is niche where you live? Its super mainstream here in Latinamerica, its up there with Naruto and Dragon Ball.
- wizztizzlm: Tatsumi Oga and Gintama will be niceness. No Hero, is quite alright. Black Clover does not need to be in here. And also, Yugi Atem is already out of place in this Jump force game, so he himself is enough.
- ᴢᴇʀᴏx: There is nothing that stops JoJo's from joining the roster Prove me wrong
- Hakum Lartey: I think the point of Jump force(same for J stars) is to mark the anniversary of a long-running company that produces these anime. New anime like my hero and black clover wouldn't make sense
- myers •: Man I didn't even think about asta not being in jump force, it's my only anime realy rn besides boruto
- sasuke270 13: Go fuck only having main stream characters get out of here with that bullshit also we need more female characters
- STRIKERFORCE2: As long as katakuri and saitama are in the game, im good
- The New Krio: Dragonball is repped just fine (I'm a big DBZ fan), it really doesn't need more, but it does need to update and bring in the SSjB's though, thats whats popular right now. Naruto is repped fine as well, main hero, main rival, but since Yuyu Hakusho has 3, Naruto is likely getting Madara. My Hero Academia needs Deku and Bakugo and thats it. Jojo needs two maybe. This should be like Dissidia, 2 reps per show with 3 reps for big ones like DBZ. Yuyu (One of my favorite anime) should never have gotten Hiei, and they should have traded Toguro out for Sensui :p, then it's like we have 8 characters.
- Jaxx Angeles: City Hunter :))) I dont think much people know this anime, and yes it's non mainstream character. Ryo has joined the Jump Force! :v
- Austen Powers: *cough one punch man cough* sorry had something in my throat
- Dillion Austin: You're high if you think they're gonna leave Naruto with 2 characters while giving One Piece like 5
- Papa Bless: ....... ummm its not Shonen Jump
- God with the capital G: Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs is Jump Kogarashi is basically Mob Psycho + Saitama
- Elisandro Dos Santos: NO MY HERO!? HAHAHA! You hillarious, man
- Joshua McMahon: Hitman reborn pleaaaase
- Captain Cookie: The only issue is when jump force comes out, will it kill the mha game like fighter z basically killed marvel vs capcom?
- Vibe Nation: The cutest Demon King ever one punch man isn’t shonen so no opm
- dead silence: I just started watching HunterxHunter Why they waste soo much time n that show EVERYTHING n slow motion
- Hayden Arthur: I mean just look at Smash Bros, how many Nintendo IPs are represented, chances are we’ve seen all the characters for the current franchises, every character reveal from here on out will from different franchises, with no more than 3 characters from each
- Albert Miranda: I swear people act like J stars never existed most characters from that game are gonna be here
- Core: same
- swatFN: To bad it’s not JUMP
- Chestor Endou conan: They probably dlc
- Wouki: I totally agree with you.
- Kakashi - Sensei: Say what you want about Fairytail, but I'd LOVE to see a Natsu in this game. Sure the anime is pretty friendship is magic-y, but there is no denying that Natsu has some badass moves
- FallBackSquadUp: Black clover and my hero just got their own game so they dont need to be in this
- Flame0326: All i want are main stream characters. Jojo, eren, all might, one punch man would be cool
- HolyKnightSirTJ HD: Just letting you know you're link into your Nintendo channel doesn't work and I'm sure you're trying to grow your channel. just letting you know
- King of Videos: What happened to death note
- Jonah J: Let me back up that no my hero claim. For one, since mha is the big new thing right now, wouldn’t it make since to show it off with the game’s announcement? It’s weird that they wouldn’t. It’s possible they excluded my hero because it just got a game, so they didn’t feel like including it was too important. Also, I’d be perfectly fine with no more Naruto characters. I’m almost certain we’ll get more dragon ball characters, though. Blue Goku is in the game, so I feel like they got to add something else from super. Beerus would be cool. Realistically though, there’s no way in hell hunter x hunter gets more characters than Dragon ball or Naruto. Some other points: -Gintama is far from Niche, it’s quite popular actually. - I see no reason to add any fist of the North Star character other than Kenshiro - same with Yugi-oh, though I would like to see Kaiba, but that seems unrealistic, especially since he’d probably be revealed alongside Yugi. -3 characters is more than Jojo’s has gotten in any jump crossover game in the past, but hxh has 4, so anything’s possible.
- Cory The Clorox: one piece is sitting at 5 characters which is bigger than every other series so far
- Im Thrillz: I dont think you should worry about anything being added or not being added. They will definitely push out future DLC packages of new characters, more money for them and more characters for us. Plus DLC packages being released will prolong the hype and relevancy of Jump Force in general, as opposed to just 1 big release of the game with a set in stone roster.
- S -Mohamud: Netero and meruem should be in game
- Azure Wulf: Jump force is going to get 3 version of goku and 3 version of vegeta with goku black being the second bad guy :^)
- DaRk_NiGhTwInG_XL: +Mo. memes stfu
- Deku: LMAOOO >Korosensei hasn’t been announced yet >Deku and Asta have both been announced
- Lindsey Mackenzie: Black clover will be asta and either yami or yuno
- Wanted Walrus: No Bobobo and I riot tyvm
- Edgy Artist: I'm honestly surprised that there's no Academia characters yet.
- KEE 115: Why would you want MHA characters go play the MHA game if you want that shit man
- One C.: When saint Seiya gets 2 reps lol
- Bulma 1116: Jump Force is only gonna have Shonen Jump characters. You can clearly tell that from the name. I can't stand how people can't put two and two together and see that.
- Billy Shaw: I think as long as they add 2-3 characters from a lot of other popular fighting series it should be good. Not sure why you said Assclass is niche when everyone and their gran has watched it; series like that are like the bridge for getting people into anime. Not a fan of One Piece so the fact it's gotten five characters is a bit irritating. Would be nice to see characters from My Hero, Seven Deadly Sins, Tokyo Ghoul, One Punch Man, Fairy Tail, Assclass, Black Clover, Noragami and Attack on Titan; I mean for a few of them you could get away with just the one character. You only really need Eren from SnK, Kaneki/ Haise from Tokyo Ghoul, Yato from Noragami and Koro-sensei from Assclass. Obviously My Hero has like 4 main characters to choose from: Deku, Bakugou, Todoroki and All Might. Seven Deadly Sins is a bit trickier because clues in the names there's seven main characters, technically 9 if you count Elizabeth and Hawk. One Punch Man: Saitama and Genos. Black Clover: Asta and Yuno. Fairy Tail; Natsu/Happy, Gray, Erza and Lucy. Honestly there's hundreds of characters to choose from, must be difficult for the game developers to choose which ones to use.
- Yes, This is Tig: I wouldn't be surprised if it had a roster like Xenoverse. Especially because of the OC component where you collect moves.
- NeoMT: i believe saint seiya and gintama are in the bottom of the main stream, so i believe they have a chance
- Kavin Thanadabouth: What’s the point of putting my hero or black clover there literally already getting games and if anyone complains of them not getting into jump force they’re bitches
- Buzzbro 123: If they don’t add Jotaro, DIO or Joseph I’m crying
- The Bisgit: I don't care who else we get. If we don't get some JoJo characters I'll be severely disappointed. I think Jotaro and DIO are the most expected. They're pretty much the most well known characters of the series. Giorno might also be there to capitalise on the Part 5 adaptation. Personally, I would want Joseph. He's my favourite JoJo by far and there are so many possibilities for his skillset. also speedwagon because he's fucking godly
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Ben Jones Having a game doesn’t mean it won’t be in.
- Mo. memes: +Wouki yeah but at least with some twist I lik3 Naruto part one but not shippuden because the twist in part one was that Naruto had nothing and became awesome shippuden he started awesome so I got bored my hero aca has many twist so many I can't even count an anime doesn't have an excuse to be generic just because it's shonen you will end up with something like Sao
- Trunks: I'm just exicited to play as yami yugi
- miguel polanco: Honestly they may not have My Hero Academia just because it will get in the way of it's own fighting game. I also don't really need multiple characters from the same series
- Samuel Manca: What about all these games of Dragonball?
- NekO Noma: My hero cant be in tho
- Brad scott: What about fairy tail???
- Zepp: Only shone anime’s are in the game....
- Bulma 1116: +The Wayward Spiral Its supposed to be all Shonen Jump anime, so only the stuff by Shonen Jump that has an anime has a chance of being in Jump Force.
- ZiggyThe assassin: As long as I can ora rush all might I'll be satisfied
- Дарт Ксенос: Shaman King please...
- SimplyTray TV: Ok what about kenchi worlds mightiest disciple
- AllMighty Chopper: +Black Knight94 Reviews well ok then.... Hey! Who`s your favourite fairy tail character? I like Igneel the dragon
- Bilbzy: why is that?
- Council Fraun: I expect only class A and B animes . A is basically dbz, naruto , bleach , one piece , etc . B is like hXH , yu yu , etc (there’s other b ranks I can think of but they ain’t getting in imo )
- Sgt Virus9: I'm okay if he isn't but I'd prefer if he is.
- Core: we need yuno from black clover
- ElChococoa Banana: I've never disagreed with a youtubers opinion on a game so much, until I watched your video XD
- Avalon Azure: Well... no, it wouldnt NEED 4 characters. It'd be best WITH a minumum of 4 characters, sure, but you only really need a minimum of TWO characters in these cross over games. Usually a hero and a villain. For MHA, you'd need... say... well, the protag, so Deku is one, and then probably either All Might or Bakugo
- theallaroundnerd: I wanna see at least one character from a couple non mainstreams. Like Moka Akashiya from Rosario Vampire
- Arnulfo Castro: I don't mind if my hero isn't in it
- We're Bored Inc.: I believe we'll get UP TO 3 characters from more niche series, not 5, so the roster would reach around 38 maybe. Either way, Tsuna and/or Midoriya better be playable at launch or I refuse to purchase this game
- NinjaAimless: Saint Saiya is dope and there character are build for games like this. Just do a lot of franchises and about 3 to 4 characters a piece and we’d be good.
- G7ost: No Gin-san!?!?
- Cj. Lorde: Nintendo die by. elete Just like. Dark Souls 3. Million people die. Worldwide. War 3. They just went out the whole of every single person is living on this earth oh much so I don't know just like assassins creed died by it's What elete lease know you get me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭👊🏿👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁
- PreciseBaton24: It'd be nice, that's for sure.
- Drew Johnson2002: NO TSUNA ?!
- SonicChaos15: I would preffer smaller franchises than Naruto and Dragon Ball. Come on. They already get games on a yearly basis. For fuck sakes Hero Academia JUST got a game. This is the "Smaller Franchise" time to shine. Also lol at Saint Seiya being a small franchise.
- Thicclander: I would want to cut the niche charters
- Vro -exe: Dragom ball has 4 more characters
- alfredo canchola: The roster is main 90s - 00s I doubt any new age anime will make it.
- Ben Boi: I will be absolutely disappointed if there is no mha characters on the roster, but it would also be upsetting for not very many naruto characters. I hope this game doesn't turn out horrible, but that may be a possibility
- Iron Kyan: What about Jiren in Jump Force????
- TwistedOfficial: First my wishes for upcomming characters (just characters i DON'T think will be comming but i'm still hoping for) and then my theory on how they will go about making the character pool. I don't know if they are even a part of Jump (is death note tho) but i would LOVE to see 1.Kaneki from tokyo ghoul (also Uta, arima, eto) 2. Saitama from one punch man (also Genos and Boros and Mob from Mob psycho 100) 3. Eren Jaeger from attack on titan (maybe some of the other titans?) 4.Edward Elric from Full metal alchemist 5. MAYBE Koyomi Araragi from the monogatari series 6. DEFINITELY Lelouch (vs Light pls) 7. Simon the digger from Gurren Lagann 8. Saber from Fate/zero, and also Gilgamesh 9. Mugen and Jin from Samurai Champloo 10. Natsuki Subaru from Re:Zero (this sounds stupid but i think it could work in some odd way, also i'm biased) 11. Sora and Shiro from no game no life (VS Lelouch and Light pls) 12. Momonga from Overlord 13. Guts from Berserk 14. Esdeath from Akame ga kill maybe? 15. Megumin from KonoSuba 16. Kuroko from Kuroko's basket 17. I kind of want to see some Evangelion just not sure how 18. Kirito from sword art online could work but i don't know if i'd play him 19. Ippo from Hajime no Ippo 20. Souleater (i haven't seen this one but i could see some character from this being in this game) Alright i'll stop there because i could go on forever, but i don't think even one of these are going to come, though i would love to see it. As for my theory on how they will most likely deal with the character pool i think series like My hero academia and other main stream shows will come even more towards release for hype and lesser known shows will be released as DLC since the people buying extra characters are more likely the people who like those niche anime, whilst mainstream anime covers a lot more people who will want to buy the game. If you read all this... thanks. i have no idea why i wrote a literal essay in a youtube comment section instead of going to sleep.
- elian del rosario: There is already a lot of characters from One Piece (Luffy, Zoro, Sabo, Sanji and Black Beard) we dont need more
- Jedua Torres: Wat about faritail
- Nicolas Andrade: Jotaro Dio Josuke Joseph Joestar Jonathan Joestar Those 5 would be great JoJo reps
- sponge: Why korosensei???
- AlmightyJid: I need shaman king, Hitman, Medaka box.
- Ivan Gomez: NOOO SAINT SEIYA NOOO! Cut everything but not saint seiya!
- Jay Swish16: I wish code geass and fullmetal were shonen😢
- Colonel Crackers: Won't be released until next year so I'm not worried, Madara probably won't be revealed until later this year.
- Miles Greenaway: Need bobobo bobo bobobobobo
- HelloFiora: Really? In a way I kinda feel the opposite, I would be more happy seeing the niche characters than the mainstream ones. I'd love to see some Rurouni Kenshin, Black Cat, GIntama, etc.
- Deus Iratus: I think the main thing you're missing here is the fact that this month (October) MHA gets its own game entirely, so maybe that would be the biggest reason as to why they would not include any MHA characters in Jump Force.
- Jones kamacho: Korosensei seems to fit the gameplay really... Really well here. It would be a waste to not have him
- Dragon NL: I really want toriko in the game
- Andrell Hardy: Well why because this game is supposed celebrate the 50the anniversary of shonen jump and black clover is apart shonen jump that's why.
- M8 Days: Idk the more the merrier I want all the characters tbh 😂👌🏽
- Neolusion: I will be...VERY upset if my hero characters arent in this game
- Sleepy's Stuff: they have to have jojo it's more popular than dragon ball and one piece in japan, my geuss is they'll have jotaro and dio and then giorno as DLC cause of part 5
- Crazytuga: I want black clover come and seven deadly sins in game too
- inactive Gamer: If only the added JoJo bizzare adventure characters....ORA
- cjxh21: Or kakashi
- Дима Кварков: Well, someone wants fucking a lot. What next? Fucking Megalobox, because people like it? Or maybe Aggretsuko because it's more or less popular? How about we keep non-shounen series like Bobobo out of this shit, because it is pretty dumb to think, that someone like Bobobo have a shot to beat basically anyone.
- Asobi: you gotta keep one thing in mind that my hero academia, naruto and dragon ball have fighting games. it wouldn't be too far fetched if that is the reason why there aren't a lot typical fighters we already have in 100 other games
- COCO: implying asta from black clover not being in the game is a bad thing
- Oskar: If they're adding more dragon ball characters, I'm hoping for either Gohan or Broly (or both). I feel like Gohan deserves a spot, being the third strongest Z fighter and all, but they might want another villain instead, hence Broly.
- Brandon Orengo: I am guess that you never played j star's
- Lord Adz: +Voice Crack Central dude thats not my point. All im trying to say is they are from two different companies that go at each others throats. Like sony and Microsoft. You can look this up if u dont believe me
- Ultra E Super Saiyan 2: "I summon Blue eyes white dragon" kaiba 2019 if he is going to be in jump force
- license_to_meme: Would like to see Devilman in the game.
- Gattu: *sees koro sensei* *cries*
- ELbabotas Shinigami: Up until that last part, you were worthy of a like
- sShambles BO3 Emblem Tutorials: PAIN AND ITACHI
- dankey kang: They didn't add a jojo character yet.
- NenJutsu: I feel like this game will have a roster of maybe 30 characters at most.
- SnipingGuava: If Koro Sensei isn't in there then this game is shit
- GlennShiraishi: TBH I sorta want more obscure series instead of the mainstream known series cause it would make for more surprises.
- Young Entrepreneur: I would pay 200$ a game that has hxh characters only
- Tsuyoshi Naoe: I just want more characters that sure will be in, small combos and an evade botton instead of the shit blocking
- Johnny Herrera: Heer Modhwadia he is best jojo you uncultured swine
- James Bates: it would be nice to get BNHA characters in Jump Force but weve also got to take into account that they just got their own game. so i wouldnt be to upset if they didnt add BNHA characters because of one's justice for more Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh! characters
- Beldar Conehead: if they dont have every character from j star and then some, or there is no local vs or co-op, its a fail for me.
- Georgiy German: What game is that?
- Steni Papalilo: i want gintoki
- Pichkalu Pappita: Seriously these games need to have a healthy community of people who play multiplayer because other than that these games just dies within a week.
- tannermilo: if they put boruto in this game I will not buy it on principle
- douglas espinoza: Fairy tail?
- the trident: man id love some fairy tail characters
- Tournguitar Gaming: How cool would it be if there was an avatar roster
- Mr Denton: i'd rather have 20 characters that play differently than 60 characters that are all the same, we don't need another mess like victory vs
- Au ron: +YourLocal TrashCan it is, because he said he only wants gintoki (based on the comment). And how did that make you an idiot?
- M0RE GUNZZ: I believe its all the J star characters
- J.loading.g 14: Just want kenshin tbh
- Ed Francis: If deku and all might are in it I'll get it
- banjotooie64dkuy: I'm pretty sure Boku no hero academia isn't shonen jump, so I wouldn't be suprised if hero academia characters weren't included. Yugioh did suprise me though to think a person who plays a card game, would make it to a roster of skilled fighters!
- UMADInc: You called Hunter x Hunter small even though it was adapted into an anime twice (or three times depending on how you look at it) with over 200 episodes? Not forgetting it's made by the same guy that made Yu Yu Hakusho which is shonen anime royalty as to this day its probably still the most popular ended series in Japan that created many of the standard tropes of the genre. Saint Seiya is definitely in. It's a huge part of Japanese culture and stuff like Kamen Rider (along with all the other Japanese super heroes like Super Sentai/Power Rangers) heavily have their roots based in Seiya. Plus like a bunch of other comments mentioned, it's big in other non-Japanese/non-English speaking countries. Bobo is in if not just for being the antithesis to all these serious series. It was also dubbed into English, so it's not completely obscure. Toriko is in because for a time it was so popular in Japan that it was considered apart of the "big 3" as it was selling that much. Naruto is definitely getting more characters, at the very least Madara. DBZ is getting more characters. Probably Bardock. (He was the top of the Japanese FighterZ poll.)
- armor core: oh yeah and hitman reborn better be there I main Tsuna
- Alexandre_Le_Kebab: AlexStrife89 so No nanastu No taizai etheir
- Elaie Wolfson: Dragon ball got Blue Goku Golden Frieza and Blue Vegeta and Full power Frieza were confirmed so its not that bad still
- mega sean: Jump Force, Super Smash Bros Ultimate is coming very soon! Bring your A game! Because Nintendo are bringing theirs!
- break 1: what i'm worried about is how are they gonna balance all these characters so that each one is still playable and doesn't create three of four characters that dominate everyone else
- Your Biological Daddy: who gives a fuck about black clover tho?
- 0Sweetsugar0: Some characters I rly whish for and are pretty likely Kaneki(Season2), Kirito & Asuna, Edward Elric, Atleast 2 Boku no hero Characters if not way more and dude if Saber from fate/Stay night: unlimited bladeworks is not in this, I'm not buying :D I could imagine archer and rin too maybe a few fate/zero servants. But Baeber has to be in it!
- SinPunisher: Hunter X Hunter is definitely does not have a small audience. Whenever a new volume of Hunter X Hunter comes out it destroys everything except One Piece in sales.
- kiamo101: Shaman king needs a anime reboot
- Osama Been Fartin: Will they have My Hero characters though? I doubt it since My Hero is getting its OWN fighting game that I think has a scheduled release date that's close to Jump Force *EDIT: Never mind I thought the My Hero game wasn't coming out for a long while but it's out in 27 days lol
- Wanted Walrus: Considering One's Justice is coming out this month(in US) I feel it might be too close to have more than one or two MHA characters in JF.
- N00B-Sp00nZ: I'll only buy if God Usopp is in it
- Alvin Alers: If Tsuna isn’t on there I will be mad.
- fizy40: penguin ikr xD
- OneGamer2EnvyThemAll: It's striking a balance between time + resources versus expected profit. If they extend the game's dev time and throw a bunch money at it to make a massive roster but the game doesn't sell as well as they expected, then it's a loss.
- Cold Coffee Gamer: 4:27 Uses Zoro footage, doesn't include him on the roster. 🤣
- BlueboyedTV: More likely going to release more characters with DLC. Hoping they get Mob from mob psycho 100 on here.
- GabrielMaster721: KoroSensei and All Might are what I want the most for this game.
- Zombe killer: For real if my hero did get in they would need like at the minimum 4 character and same for jojo like especially for jojo idk what they can do as there’s so many characters for all the different sessions
- Manta27: I am praying for Shaman King representation at least as DLC even though it is now under Kodansha.
- Based Tsumugi: My hero should be axed for One’s Justice. It makes no sense to have the two games clash.
- Matthew Margrave: You left Zoro out by mistake in the roster, great video
- Tory Black: inuyasha
- Teriyaki Tears: I just wanna see Tsuna Sawada and beelzebub....
- filipus vlogames: There’s no way boku no hero is going to be in Jump force since they have their own fighting game in development
- Sans James: Now we just need high school dxd
- CoOlKyUbI96: To be fair the reason Saint Seiya is not mainstream is most likely because it's an old series that already ended. Back when it was still ongoing, that series was HUGE! And contributed a lot to the medium
- Golden Gamre: Remember the sacred oath boys, "No JOJO, No Buy."
- Undead Toitle: They're probably not gonna have bnha characters they just got a new fighting game
- NGGAS IFFY UH: I would like some one-punch man characters.... but I think you all know the problem://
- Diamond Coursey: MADARA FOR JUMO FORCE
- Warl0ck_St0rm: to be able to get a to be able to get
- Anthony: Its hard to put in My hero because a lot of the main characters aren't developed enough to have large movesets. Deku and Kacchan would have small movesets. All Might would be a little easier but still not big.
- Zeray Wolday: Already confirmed
- w0wsum1actually: Lol zoros not on the chart
- EPIXX: Issei from highschool dxd needs to be in this.....
- Voice Crack Central: Because xbox sucks
- eddychaosofpain244: i want toyko ghoel highschooldxd new testment of devil
- Rocky Reyes: I mean my hero already is having a game Not saying I don’t want it in JF
- Trayvon Alston: Have a 100 man roster jk like and 60 to 75/80
- Jay Teezy205: I feel like this game will have 30 characters max and the rest will be dlc. This is why I don't like fighting games for real anymore thier just a cash grab
- Jeremy darklord: I really want some more Naruto characters
- Eliber Rubalcaba: And anderson would be nice as an enemy for alucard
- Logan Harrison: I have a leak believe it or not, continue at your own risk: Every character from this game is going to be in Smash so Mario and Bowsette are joining Jump Force
- Bobbybrine: I think My hero will be missing because they already have their own game coming out soon
- flare rider: Samee but lelouch would be too op lol
- Goat Messiah Goat: there are still dlc coming which I assume are adding characters from the dbs broly movie so I think the dragon ball roster won’t see many more changes, but I still hope beerus is coming.
- Avalon Azure: +Szczęsliwe Komunikacje Lądowe It's Shonen, just not Shonen JUMP
- Beast Corp: If Koro-Sensei and karasuma are in the game im pre-ordering
- Alltime Great3: Yea ik all that but at the end of the day let's be honest money talks once they see that money coming in they'll do anything to keep it coming its always a buisness first💯
- TrafalgarLaw429: Asta and yuno
- ZER00 REDHAWK: calling it now they are gonna separate a couple of series through DLC. get the black clover pack March 2019! get the saint seya pack June 2019!
- ayye !!: at most only one franchise, being most likely Dragon Ball. i couldn’t even see Naruto having more than four
- Tayeb: If jojo is in it I’ll buy it
- Shinnin: Ideally, I’d want a mix of both well-known and niche series. Expanding on the actual fighter portion of J-Stars’ roster, if 50 characters is expected (although I personally believe they’re going for at least 60 to start), we’d be adding: - 2 more from Naruto (Sakura & Madara) - 2-3 more from YYH (Hiei, Kurama, and possibly Genkai or Sensui) - 3 from Gintama (Gintoki, Takasugi, Kagura) - 2 from Medaka Box (Medaka & Kumagawa) - 2 from Saint Seiya (Seiya and Saga) - 3 from Hokuto no Ken (Kenshiro, Rei, Raoh) - 4 from JoJo (Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro and DIO) - 2 from Black Clover (Asta and Yuno) - 3 from MHA (Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki) - Tsuna - Toriko & Zebra - Kenshin & Shishio - Oga?
- Zayflux: Why would they start teasing MHA for Jump Force when MHA just got its own game? That would be almost as stupid from a business perspective as the release of the Black Clover game right after Shinobi Striker. Pertaining to Yu-Gi-Oh, I don't see any point in adding more characters unless they can differentiate the combat style from floating avatar of that character's respective trademark card shooting projectiles, because if that's the case then Yugi, Joey, and Kaiba can all be on the same character slot. And considering that's a lot similar to what JoJo characters can do, it makes sense we've not heard anything about JoJo (as of yet). I'll tell you exactly what the game doesn't need though: 10 characters from any one anime. The game is called Jump Force, not Naruto x Jump or Dragon Ball vs Force. Really shouldn't lean toward any one anime more than the others it references, ESPECIALLY in favor of series that regularly get new game releases.
- JuanGabanna: Don’t forget Tokyo ghoul, that’s mainstream
- The Wayward Spiral: But it's called "Jump Force" not "Shonen Jump Force" so Young Jump still has a chance.
- Captain Cookie: Almost 70 and probably going announce more until the game comes out, damn
- Luis Martinez: Some of these shonen anime still haven't proven their worth. They still still growing. And they need more worth before they get added.
- Rajhin: Honestly I do think we could have like maybe one more character from Naruto (Kakashi?). Then add three people from My Hero (Midoryia, Bakugo, All Might?) and two from Black Clover (Asta and Yuno). This allows some representation from MHA and BC while still giving room for some other smaller ones. Maybe one or two from each of these smaller ones.
- ANT Colony: I want some soul eater characters in there but I know for fact it won't happen sadly
- WaifuLuver 2: glad that seiya got confirmed
- Spider-Man Eating a Fatass Onion Ring: Jojo?
- Daniel O'Rourke: One punch man would be awesome plus Tokyo ghroul
- anthonythehedgehog: how i look at this games roster is i look at jump star victory vs+ rostor and am currently conparing the two and also calling hunter x hunter and assassinatiom classroom neich i think is a understatemnt to how actually popular the shows are
- Marquez White: they should be added
- Greg sipy Sado: Why rukia ? Why not renji or a different captain
- Captain Cookie: +Casual Potato im pretty sure they're going to always be added, i mean if they're still adding characters like saint seiya, medaka, etc, i don't see why they would just stop adding them in the next games, so mha being in it shouldn't be an issue even if they have a game coming, especially since the next shounen jump game would be going up 55-60-65+ years of shounen jump, by then every old shounen jump character, atleast the main 3 or 4 from each series should be in them, especially since our gaming systems are getting more and more powerful as the years go by, idk, i guess thats just my take.
- robert bakker: I just need a Josuke or Giorno for jojo. I can see them being a key in the final battle as they can heal their allies
- Jones kamacho: We were told female characters and characters from the past 50 years of jump. I think we can expect much more. I will say i personally won't buy if no gintama or jjba
- Earthan Grantham: that is why we will probably get jump force 2 were we get other mainstream characters and non mainstream like bo bo bobobo bobo and assassination class.
- Zerstörer Dreizehn: #hopeforshamonking
- ultimatessj5 is here: Add different rosters with DLC the vanilla roster than a different roster for a DLC
- niv onn: i dunno about u guys but i want tsuna in the game
- Au ron: 100% agreed, am I the only one who preferred shinpachi than kagura to be in this game?
- ・DomBlazee・: No seven deadly sins love ?
- Nicolas Andrade: TRUE
- Laser-Bungalow: I need more dragon ball
- Durasel Gaming: Give me some reborn and I'll be happy
- GokuInfintysaiyan: Based on J-stars and that this is suppose to be better than that, I hope we get all those small characters and I hope it’s at least 50 characters
- Doom Lord: +the chilled knight imposible , is not shonen jump
- Sgt Virus9: +Heer Modhwadia true however he is still an awesome Jojo but I don't think he should be in the roster either I think it should be Jotaro,Dio and giorno.
- Jay Hare: >Not even mentioning JOJO
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Merlin Schlangen Cause it never had a chance at being in Jump Force. They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump
- Peter Maldonado: Honestly just want Yoh Asakura, otherwise they can do what they want
- Gey Merr: M 1 you include saitama and genos!!! they're not in shonen jump!! You *dumb fuck*
- Brayden Childers: I'll give you one word: Jojo
- Dis guy: i hate that they have to add so many one piece characters. I like one piece but sanji and black beard? No i would rather have katakuri. Black beard has only done things from behind the scenes and sanji is too much.
- Monkey D. Bunmi: No, I want the smaller characters Jump isn't the big franchise there are many masterpieces in this magazine the biggest ones aren't just what make shonen big the smaller gems also had a part in the magazines and they should be represented as well.
- Zavion Taylor: Can we squeeze in 3 to 5 character slots for Hajime No Ippo.
- viva gallo: one punch characters for dlc other than saitama because he would be too op
- Alltime Great3: They need these characters 💯🤔 1. Mob 2. Saitama 3. Deku 4. Eren 5. Allmight 6. Meliodas 7. Alcazar 8. Baki 9. Yujiro 10. Zeldris 11. Saki 12. Sinbad 13. Jiren 14. Esconor 15. Asta 16. Devilman 17. Kirito 18. Wizard king 19. Kenshiro 20. Toriko 21. Estorra 22. Overload ainz ooal gown 23. Natsu 24. Madara 25. Kars 26. New Broly 27. Beerus 28. Koro-sensi 29. Grim Reaper/ SE 30. Shanks
- Scruffboii: To be able to get
- Elijah Robinson: This is a fighting game I cant even comprehend y death note is in here tbh
- Immortalmortal 47: They should put guts in
- Avalon Azure: Same boat as Natsu, its not JUMP
- da pug: oh shit, korosensei is perfect for jumpforce.
- Smoothest Dragon: I want Natsu Dragneel ingame
- SO IcecreamMan: when you say small series you mean not as popular in the west right ?
- Sammy Is Offline: Spoiler for Hunter X Hunter, Batman dies
- swatFN: Akami ga kill?
- istván varga: I want Highschool DxD!
- *My Guy Get Some Help*: 3rd strongest Z fighter? Trunks my guy
- Doxy: Yugi is in the game.
- Julio Viveros: Tbh, we need less naruto and one piece characters, just 2 for those is enough, better to get more animes in there (mainly cause no one cares about other character from naruto and onepiece or those mainstream ones) better just to go main characters of more franchises
- Gustavo Garcia: Don’t even worry about it it’s gonna be dlc lol
- Calep Jones: Naruto just got a game too?
- Zane Lee: I've found out about SKET dance from jump force and now it's one of my favorite anime. I'm guessing they bring back a lot of support anime character from obscure series' like before
- SixCypress7973: Should I buy this or super smash brothers
- Daren Brott: DIEEE
- UnboxingMatthew: Give me PARASYTE!!
- Eduardo Barbosa: 3 second video-*NO LIGHT*
- Guard Of Whiterun: Deku isn't on the roster... Good...now, where's Jotaro, Joseph and Jonothan Joestar?
- Marquez White: what about one punch man 💯
- Salvatore Demaria: No Saitama in this game... FUCK
- zhod: to be able to get the fuck out of this shitty vidz , man you got really fucking annoying so quickly with your fuckin repetition
- Luffy GrayStar: No black clover characters = good game
- Some Person: Id say they'd add everyone from the previous j-stars
- Avalon Azure: +*My Guy Get Some Help* oh yeah? OK, fair play mate
- Ultra Instinct Goku X25: That old Yugioh main character is in the game now
- Xiue Yu: Who has a wevsite for JoJo's Yugio?
- Griffin Station: I am fine with Naruto and Dragon Ball staying where they are. They get so many games, whereas the more niche series may never see another fighting game. If anything, I want more series in the game, and less representatives from each series.
- John Egbert: Jojo is vety possible with part 5 next week
- will g4: all i know is i want some tokyo ghoul action put my boi kaneki and arima in there
- CadoDaGoat: Im not trying to be rude but shut up and wait for more characters and i definitely dont want my hero in it and just because an anime is popular doesn't mean they are guaranteed a spot on the roster
- Heart of Chaos: We will get more characters that people don't expect wether they want it or not. I personally couldn't care less about more Dragon Ball or Naruto characters, since there are going to be some other mainstream characters instead of a brand new surprises for the game... and let me tell you that if we get another Naruto character it is probably going to be Madara or maybe Kakashi? When I would be more interested if they went with something different like Jiraiya, Hashirama or Sakura.
- JozenKai 12: I think Pegasus Seiya, Medaka Kurokami, Tsunayoshi Sawada, Izuku Midoriya, and Meisuke Nueno will be on Jump Force soon.
- TheNotoriousOne: I’d call myself a big anime fan but literally the only anime I actually care about are dragon ball and one punch man and naruto the rest I couldn’t careless can someone tell me why my hero acedemia is so great because there powers and looks don’t look interesting and I’m not motivated to watch.
- XaXa - Sama: Hmm I don't mind a large roster it's cool because everyone won't just be over using things which would make it lame so a large roster is cool
- SargentOMalley: I was thinking My Hero and Black Clover might not be represented since they just got there own games recently (even tho yes we did get shinobi striker) and that this game might be more or less for those niche characters. Also just want to bring up the fact that the last naruto game in the Ninja Storm series had something like 120 characters or something crazy so saying that this game wont have around 50 or more is kinda just underselling them in my opinion. Me being a big Shaman King fan tho I wouldnt mind them just having Yoh and Hao as characters or even just Yoh. I also think some series can only have a couple characters at most out of them, just to use your example of Assassination Classroom the only character from that series really featured in anything has been Korosensei so saying he cant be a single slot idk I was thinking this might be like a different aproach to the whole J-Stars game since from what I can tell that didnt go over so well but that might just be me.
- Nitte Cera: Hunter x Hunter is a togashi series, it has to be in the roster
- X The Creator: I prefer no hero academia, becaise they're generic and would add nothing to the game. It's better for them to add more characters from older anime
- PapaOogie: If MHA isnt in the game I will pass on this game.
- Lord Sceptile: I don’t think MHA will be in the game because they just got their own game
- Goat Messiah Goat: Also I feel like I’m speaking for a lot of people here when I say Koro Sensei would be so dope to play as.
- XanX_ 10: To me as long as jojo is going to be in jumpforce i am good
- Matthaeus Witacre: I just want Koro Sensei
- Jeovan Walter: Hitman Reborn is a must
- Setheran: Saint Seiya is niche? In the US maybe. It's huge in France.
- Devin Estep: I know this seems weird, but I want Vash the Stampede from Trigun to be in the roster, possibly as DLC?
- Gid The Cook: I just want Bobobo
- kevin iniguez: +fizy40 lmao
- jordan smith: I thought saint seyia was main stream
- Kiro Ishiyo: Saitama L O L
- mhussain5669: Saitama but he's super consciously holding back and concedes after a certain number of hits
- Mudkip Lover: We don't need more dragon Ball characters for this game and just add two characters for each franchise
- Mykai: I swear if gintoki isnt on this list
- Freeloader: Meh, i'm just hoping they add Medaka Box and A Certain Magical Index characters in here as well.
- Tom Jupiter: Im hoping naruto and dbz is complete, maybe give them one extra. Want those characters? go buy shinobi strikers and xenoverse. I want my matches to be diverse, not just dbz and naruto characters.
- Yjm Gaming: What's your point?
- Zachary Barker: also why are you assuming theres going to be 5 whole my hero characters lmao like gwat theyre defintley not gonna do somthing like that unless theres dlc
- Demo - crazy: I want to play bo bo bo
- Ryan Mcdonald: Like they say the more the merrier 👌🏻
- Tigerblade: I cried on the last episode
- CreasyBear: I am ok with one character from My Hero Academia...If Jump Force doesnt add him I am going to be livid. THE MAN IS A GOD. HE SAVES MANY LIVES AND CAN EVEN TAKE ON ALL FOR ONE. This chosen one loves to watch girls from a far and has grape fanta balls. This legendary heroine is MINETA
- Boss Rick: I hope we get Koro-Sensei
- Xavier Richardson: Shaman King NEEDS to be in this game 😭
- Wouki: you forgot CHRISTINA!
- Zachary Barker: why are we assuming dragonball will have more characters? the most popular characters from db are represented in the game rn and same for naruto. just becuase one piece has like 4 characters doesnt mean that every mainstream anime will have that amount or even 3. i assume they arnt even going to make another yugi-oh character given the fact that its such a unique playstyle and it would be almost the same for every yugi-oh character with the card fighting and all. hell some series might only get 1 character like toriko for instance, hes really the only character from that series we would need or saint seiya. thats just my opinion though.
- Andrell Hardy: Tokyo ghoul is not own by shonen jump.
- Gangsta Bear: If they don’t add deku or asta as DLC I’m gonna shoot myself
- sparkshinx: Saint Seiya is not mainstream? Saint Seiya was one of the most iconic manga of the 80s and the original 28 volumes sold over 35 million copies as of 2017. To put this into perspective, the original Yu Gi Oh (a series which you consider mainstream, and rightfully so) manga series sold over 40 million copies. Black Clover sold 5.8 million copies as of May this year, does that make it more mainstream than a series that sold 35 million copies? All the characters that you have listed and series, Shaman King; Katekyo Hitman Reborn; Gintama; Toriko; Tottemo Luckyman are all EXTREMELY mainstream and have sold 10s of millions of copies in Japan. They're all flagship series. They are all mainstream series. *none of the series you mentioned in the video are obscure or not mainstream by any means* also if you really want more characters from naruto or dragon ball games, buy a naruto or dragon ball games, there is an abundance of them. the whole point of jump crossover games, is to get a lot of characters from flagship series. This is why J Stars Victory VS fucking sucked compared to Jump Ultimate Stars. Boa Hancock is not as iconic as someone like Seiya, you have garbage opinions. Man this video is a load of hot garbage
- Simone Graziano: I want more characters of small series, because if we have only Dragonball and Naruto characters, why is the game called Jump force? It will not really represent the Jump, just Naruto and Dragonball vs the other small series and they are the most represented mangas in video games with, for example, the storm games and the Xenoverse and Fighterz games. And with the small characters, the players could discover small series and make them more popular with their mangakas.
- meeran haq: what happened to Death Note? did they cancel the character for the game?
- Takato 1021: I cant agree more on you anyone just wants dragonball but what is with the old series rhis is the history of jump force not the history of mainstream
- masters greatest: I hope they add saitama, if they do there gonna have to nerf him hard
- AJs Videos: 5 for mhA? Don’t think so
- Moon Drifter: this game is trash in my opinion if they dont add at least 1 jojo character and/or korosensei
- corry colin: tbh i wouldn't mind large roster they should add dlc as they go along
- Matias Dupree: I swear if we get another One Piece character I'm gonna freakout
- Trayvon Alston: I swear if they do not put way more naruto and dragon ball characters Imma snap on Bandai no cap😡🤬
- Some guy named Bones: Give me Dio and Jotaro
- ROBLOX (FAN SITE): am i the only one here that wants to see some actual kumagawa misogi in a fighting game like damn
- Sloom Sama: I'd take Hitman Reborn, AssClass and Kenshin over any OP, MHA,DB and Naruto characters. well... unless we're taking about Gaara, then I'll take him.
- The Alchemist: We don't need more characters from one piece. I mean Boa Hancock.... Really ?
- Ochinchin Chan: Of course they're not gonna add Black Clover, and no one wants to.
- SHADOW 4.0: i would love to see kaneki from tokyo ghoul be in this game
- Miguel Matta: Seiya was confirmed...
- Deion Lowe: They just gone DLC you to death facts watch
- Omaro: The 2 characters who you wear saying is not coming is here
- Jared berman: Alfonzo and full metal
- Alltime Great3: +Black Knight94 Reviews sadly there is no anime game at this level
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Alex K.6 They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump. So no Fairy Tail characters.
- Final_Bout15: Doesn't matter if its getting its own game
- vbarreiro: Black Clover is bad though... I *hope* it’s not represented in it.
- Goat_ Sama: HxH in Japan is a really big series and is read and watched by all ages and have one of the biggest fanbases imo. So I can see why HxH has 4 characters. But in the west, I can see why people think of HxH as a small series compared to dbz and mha since it's past rough migration here in the west.
- Andy Williams: I think you should start with the J-Stars roster and then work backwards. I already see re-used combos and animations so Tsuna, Medaka, Seiya, etc were in the last game.
- Miffed Akko: I wont buy it if gintoki or kenshiro isnt in it.
- Vibe Nation: Zehpp its actually monthly jump
- BMG SIMMS: Lol dragon Ball and Naruto are not on the chopping block one peice maybe since 5 one peice characters are in the game...
- Szczęsliwe Komunikacje Lądowe: aye that wouldve been cool.
- Miguel Jimenez: Jump force unlike other similar games, is aimed towards a more western audience. Maybe we're not getting MHA because it's to early, Deku isn't even in his mid stage of power scale yet, he's still a first year student and only controls 20% of his power. Also, 5 characters are a lot, Maybe Deku, All Might and All for One, there isn't any iconic villain yet. All for One yes, but he only fought once in 2 chapters, that's not enought if you compared to Frieza who got an entire arc revolving arround him. So MHA is in it's early stages to be considered part of the roster, unlike Naruto, Dragon Ball, Hunter x Hunter, Jojos, Yugioh, Bleach, Death Note, One piece are already finished or in a late stage of power scale. Naruto will maybe get Madara and a female character like Sakura. Dragon Ball will get Beerus and Majin Buu (most likely the kid version because good/evil balance) Also consider the Good/Bad roster, there must be a balance of good side and evil's side power scale, so maybe 2 heros 1 villain pattern per series or 2 heroes 2 villain is the most likely they'll follow. They can also play the nostalgia card, and bring Saint Seiya, they did it with Yugi. And in the future they can include other series like MHA, and Black Clover as a DLC, think about it...
- bo0: If they can get Kaneki, Rin okumura, Koro sensei, or Meliodas then this is a definite buy
- Desensitized: Are they actually adding Koro-Sensei?
- koichi-is-best: I spent way to much time writing this when instead I could of went outside
- Black Knight94 Reviews: anonymous Saitama, Genos And Kaneki were never an option. They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump
- MadmanWithPie: From my predicition of characters I feel are guaranteed to get into the game we're already up getting close to 100, and that's not counting anything very obscure. So that's around what I estimate the roster will be like. 4-5 characters from every major series, 2-3 from medium ones, and add on a sprinkle of weird shit, and there ya go.
- Superaioga4: Due to the fact that my hero academia already released its debut game not to long ago including black clover I doubt we won’t get them
- John Smither: All the characters in that mobile Jump game that came out recently are basically confirmed.
- miguel polanco: +Samuel Manca I mean the biggest DBZ one right now is a 2d fighter. It's also the biggest anime property so there's no way they wouldn't include it.
- d521om: I really want my hero in jump force
- Enlightened Perry: hunter xhunter isn't small, it's just slowly been seen by the entire world
- Justin Mehl: I need my kateko hitoman reborn
- wa7dany wa7dany: Lol (NO KORO senesi) you keep talking about him because you played j-stars . He was a character for spammers-noobs (no one played him without card because he is useless) ///// HXH is a small series ??!!!!!! LOOOL . Stop making videos kiddo freaking nerd . He like jojo and see's HXH as as small series GFYS
- Avalon Azure: How many of those would you consistently play?
- Simon Goops: that "to be able to get" rap doe
- Black Knight94 Reviews: eddychaosofpain244 They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump
- Falc0n The pro: Same
- Shiro Qtr: What about the twin stars anime and to love ru?
- craftmine ojay: One punch man?
- Taylor Chester: Saiki Kusuo for the win!!
- FuzzyTurtle9000: I just want bobobo....
- Slendercow 880: I just want my Jojo, Medaka box and Saint seiya
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Daiquon Felder My Hero and Black Clover both run in Weekly Shonen Jump. Inuyasha and FMA didn’t run in Weekly Shonen Jump. And yes, they’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump
- Nephtali Sykes: I'd say bnha won't be in the game because they just had their own game came out
- Demons In Ties: They better have saber from the fate series I swear
- Alltime Great3: +Black Knight94 Reviews that's what they say but I doubt it that wouldn't be a smart buisness move they might add non jump charters for DLC that would be smart business move and good fan services
- Callum Crane: I just hope Cooler get's added to the roster.
- Nerd taku: If you think an anime is non-main stream that doesn't make it non-main stream for eg you said hxh is a non-main stream small anime but almost every anime fav hxh in their top 10
- Mysterious: Pain and koro and bakugo and more for jump force
- AlexStrife89: Fairy Tail isn't part of Shonen Jump.
- Radyo: PLOT TWIST They pull a Smash Bros Ultimate and say "Everyone is here"
- Sinuz PSZM: Saint Seiya was confirmed
- POLyHOOD: Akatsuki
- boomstories: We (I, but Viva la Communism) want Elder Toguro!
- Kork Shingu: Sounds horrible, 5 MHA characters would be disgusting. I'd rather have these "niche" series as you call them for a celebration than 10 OP & 5 MHA characters.
- RoninTheRunner Gaming: Did no one else notice that there are only characters from anime with over 100 episodes?
- yaboiTallMan: You fuckin’ know what, if they can make Yugi - a guy who uses cards - as a character, when the fuck my boy Ranma getting in? Make him switch between Ranma and Ranko for different speed/power stats as the situation calls for.
- Rainy Boi: Roster is a failure if any characters from Jstars are missing in Jump Force
- Ninjakiwi240: Hunter x hunter smaller series? You're retarted
- Nothing-sama: i need KoroSensei
- Qordell Hunter: Rock lee,Kuwabara,Neji,Hiei,and piccolo would make this game complete for me
- Vienna Savage: I really dont want my hero academia in this game
- Matthew Addai: The Wayward Spiral It’s a game involving SHONEN characters. Young Jump is SEINEN, therefore it has no chance.
- OneFortune: I like the less popular anime because it gets people more interested in those shows after they play the game
- Bilbzy: Umm, but how though?
- Duo_Septimdra: I'm more worried about how it looks like a fan made unity demo
- Megumin: Ainz Ooal Gown for Jump Force?
- DM Kingz: Todoroki for jump force 2019
- Tomulp: oh god please i need my hero academia characters
- my wallet: If Oga Tatsumi isn’t in the game, it’s an L.
- vapidreaper: You really thought cult classic yu yu hakusho would he excluded 😂😂
- jerrod Ulysse: Bro those charters are not jump charters they don’t have the rights to them
- Marcus Bishop: Definitely hoping to see more representation both from the franchises already included and those not. I hope this ends up being a game where there aren't any fans of any series left out. What I wanna know is where Kenshin and Shishio are? Hoping they make their return from j-stars. Praying we got BNHA characters in the launch roster. I'd say there are quite a few eyes on this game already, and adding BNHA to the roster could be a massive selling point due to it's relevance and popularity. It seems almost stupid to not include them at launch. Anyway, we've got about 5 months until launch, so plenty of time to bulk of the roster(though it'll prob be finalized in just 2-4 months).
- Lennypuf: I dont think My Hero should be in this game, it would be fucking retarded, all these strong as people and then... Midoriya.. He's strong yes, but how tf is he gon stand up to these mf's with 5% power?!? BOI
- King Karma: Hunter x hunter was my shit
- Skell: Black clover needs to go
- Fusion Owl Owl: So where is my Jotaro and DIO playable characters. WHERE ARE THEY.
- shadow gamer AX: I say my hero needs to go I don't care for. MHA. I don't give a DAMN for the anime in general I would love to. Add a certain magical index- style, touma , and mikoto misaka. Aka Lvl 5 railgun, & accelerator,
- Andrell Hardy: +IgnitedZucc 25 OK thanks for the information
- Jesper Elley: If you ask i would love to have som Fairy tail chars like natsu or gray or even erza!
- thekingofbeast: Madara and hashirama
- Eman Ahmed: you forget divel man
- Ameire Ayala: they need to add saiki kusuo
- Hudson Valadao: People are probably gonna hate me for this but I really want them to put fairy tail in the roster pls no hate
- Celio Hogane: SAINT SEIYA, SMALLER FRANCHISE Woof, just woof.
- Mr Splashman: Did you even play j stars? They had saint seiya and other smaller series
- Fletcher Christian: I’m fairly confident that Korosensei, Dio, at least two JoJos, Kenshiro, Deku, and Six Paths Madara (or any other more recent Naruto villain) will be in the game. Everything else is up in the air for me
- Pitch Black: If i dont see BoboBo on my roster in jump force im gonna spazz
- homie1 kanobi: So much particles son.
- Walker Gibbs: So long as we have jojo I’m happy
- speed artgamer: I would want lesser none franchises
- sasuke uchiha: There shouldn't be my hero academia cuz there already working on a game for them called ones justice
- SadLLUMINATI: Keneki
- jabberwock pena: Excuse me its naruto and his life long lover not his rival XD
- Yoo Man: Shōnen Jump games are the only way I can play with Katekyo Hitman Reborn characters in recent video game consoles, so I'm pretty upset they probably won't be in this game
- Massimo Rischio: Stuff like MHA and JoJo are gonna be DLC 100% cause that's what makes the most sense for them, they still need to make money after all and you can be as sure as hell they will milk the shit out of current mainstream series :shrug:
- ReAp_Yoru: Y are there no seven deadly sins characters
- Kevin Hong: Well to be fair many of the series I got into were simply because they were in J-stars. Otokojuku, Toriko, Rurouni Kenshin, Medaka Box and so many more like you wouldn't believe. I find it logical to assume that they wouldn't shaft other series like that. It should also be noted that Saiki and Korosensei were added to J-stars before they even got an anime. So I believe that we may be getting other characters in a similar vein. I feel the reason why Hunter X Hunter got 4 characters is because they got 3 in J-stars. So I would find it odd that Dragon Ball and Naruto would have even less characters then Hunter x Hunter. It also makes sense for them to take more characters from other series because of the licensing nightmare that is getting every animation studio to let them use their characters. So if they have permission from Toei, Pierrot, etc then it would make sense for them to take advantage of the fact that they have more series to work with. I also feel that including OCs is a red flag for having more characters (it better be).
- yall are_ ded0_o: Btw jump force are for animes that are old like its shown for a long time
- Moncef Bakhta: this look fucking awesome i don t know about this game i hope they include hxh berserk baki
- Louis Helms: Id actually be ok with 50+ chars Lets make this game 3d anime smash bros!!!
- Slasher XL: Yammato, gokudera, tsuna, hibari, ryochei all from hitman reborn they will be good assets to play in they game they have really fun abilities and it could look so beautiful in the game
- Ral Quo: Mainstream franchises like Naruto and Dragonball have tons of videogames. Besides, they're not the only ones who made Jump great. Let the few niche mangas that barely get exposure nowadays have a go one more time in this game.
- LifeWithYandel: Facts so you know this game is definitely a cop
- Nathy Boy: I only purchase if I see some jojo
- James Blitz: HITMAN REBORN!
- Lord Adz: +Voice Crack Central i wish man but i guess time will tell
- Detroit's Reaper: Y would dbz and Naruto get more then 3-4 characters
- kyleaidenhall: I think there is a strong chance of no boku no hero academia just because they just released their own game
- *My Guy Get Some Help*: +Bulma 1116 NO NO NO Jump Force is only doing WEEKLY Shonen Jump
- HTMA92: They're gonna be DLC's and we know that's gonna happen
- God with the capital G: WE NEED YUKIHIRA SOMA
- Irvin Martinez: I think the ones already released are fine, one piece naruto, dragon ball, bleach, hunter x hunter, yu yu hakusho, and yu gi oh are enough, with one piece already having 5 characters, they should just add three more to naruto (madara, Sakura, and kakashi maybe?), 2 more to dragon ball (gohan, and piccolo?), and so on, adding my hero academia or other series wouldn’t be such a good idea, and we know one peice, naruto, dragon ball, and bleach are probably the most popular and fighting wise they are fairly balanced, it would be stupid to add my hero academia characters and knowing they would all be balanced when we know deku, bakugou, and uraraka are no match at all against way more powerful characters than them like vegeta, sasuke, rukia, or Blackbeard.
- Duriel Lord of Pain: *This game BADLY needs more female characters like Hinata from Naruto, Medaka from Medaka Box, then ill start getting far more invested in this game, because Rukia and Dark Magician Girl Is guess, is the only female so far.* Also more villains too, like Madara and Dio, also I hope that the Roster is big, because J-Stars had 39.
- Alex K.6: I just wanna see Natsu from fairy tail
- Dcarpman77: What happened to death note
- Monkey D. Johannes: The only series, that should be represented in this game are in my opinon My Hero Academia, Black Clover, Jojo's and Gintama. These series are very famous and they fit in this game perfectly
- Shadoku Exia: what are you talking about
- Wiloi Williams: Hisoka up here ? Hunter x hunter
- rabbit uchiha: Muhair Productions Everyone seems to be concerned over wether or not a JoJo will be in the game. We’re gunna get JoJo reps for SURE. At least two. Probably Jotaro and Dio
- Tyler Wilson: Hitman Reborn would be awesome as well, man so many cool characters
- Do Mo: Hitman Reborn needs to be in the game
- Swiftly Snipes: I swear if i cant play as madara in jump force imma be sad
- Joseph Joestar: I bet My Hero won’t be in the game they already have a game coming out this month
- Junior Atte: Even beelzebub which is also good too
- ChocoKaylaRobin: Jojo? Where are you jojo? Come here boy! **beats pans to sono chi no sadame**
- ExplodingDuckBrigade: This video is autistic
- flambo 2420: If Cory isn't there I will fucking riot
- Joshua DeLorme-Novakowski: I wouldn't mind not seeing a lot of DBZ, My Hero, or Naruto characters because there are games that include those characters that came out, or already coming out.
- Young Entrepreneur: Hunter x Hunter is the highest ranked shonen anime on Myanimelist and you call it small?
- Captain Cookie: Well so is light, all he has is a death note really, same with yugi but SOMEHOW yugi can vanish like he's is dragonball z so i guess anything can happen
- Lee Gish: Take your love of noruto, one piece and dragon ball and put that into dlc characters. Jump force is a great way to introduce the niche stuff, so they can make more money. Also I WANT F'N SEIYA
- Kangaroo baby: What about Tokyo ghoul😮
- Yung Yusuke: Yusuke in it im good
- Black Knight94 Reviews: I WANT TO DIE LOw KEY DICK GAY Yup, was never an option
- Zombe killer: For assassination classroom you only really need the one character tbh coz the rest are well just pretty much normal humans so they might just do one character for seton anime’s like that
- LT Volfield: less of the main stream characters in favour of the lesser known ones, those larger series have plenty of games representing them and you have next to no chance of playing as the characters from the lesser known series.
- Carson Perry: Give us Krillin and Rock Lee and I’m good
- JaggeruFaggeru19: Not that I don't like My Hero Academia. It would be amazing if they make it in, but since they already have a game coming out *I* think they shouldn't be in the roster.
- Jacob Turner: One punch man? And I still want Joey for Yugioh.
- Polack Talks: 10 Toriko characters im calling it
- Dev. B?: Where's my Tokyo ghoul and Death academy?
- 04whim: Also it'd be nice if that made room in the base roster for more niche appeal even if they only got one character each. Like in BoBoBo's case do you really need anyone other than BoBoBo?
- Hanzo Kuraiken: It's understandable for Jump Force to add some playable characters who were popular as a MC from the main mangaka... I wish they added some popular MCs back at the great days like Medaka from Medaka Box, Jotaro or Joseph from JoJo, Yo from Shaman King, Inuyasha or Sesshomaru from Inuyasha etc.
- C K: No yugio. Add a bit more of the major characters. No more dbz (unless it's gohan). MHA characters are needed. No jo stars, no gintama and most definitely no black clover.
- Syntax Error: Hunter x Hunter is a smaller series???? You just lost all credibility in my eyes, you dont know what youre talking about.
- ScaryBunnyProductions: Does anyone else think no gintama is dumb? It was one of the most popular manga series in shonen jump back in the day.
- Dhruv Patel: My Hero Academia has it's own fighting game so that's why I think there's a high possibility that it will be excluded from Jump Force
- Gioveks Saiyan Blue: Deku cutini que está Jomp force
- Sebastian Barrera: hero academy is so gay
- DIsabledgamer jh: Also remember my hero is getting it own figgting game
- ChiefMedicPururu: Saint Seiya is not that niche.
- DaRk_NiGhTwInG_XL: +Mo. memes lmao stfu kid im gonna eat your mom s ass
- DemitriR24: Would it be right to ask for Fairy Tail characters? At least Natsu and Gray
- PreciseBaton24: Pretty sure Saint Seiya is gonna be in Jump Force, there was a closed beta and one of the avatars had a move from it on it's attack list.
- your waifu is trash: I really want the saiki from the disastrous life of saiki K
- Trae Griffin: Cell is being added so there's that
- Hojang: says hunter x hunter is a small series is one of the the best mangas to date a0siodoasdaSd
- Xero The Hero: Just add more and more dlc
- Kwame B: You worked at gildan?
- micah white: HxH should've only had 3 characters tbh. I personally want Ken Kaneki Bobobo Saiki Kusou Midoriya You must not know how popular HxH is because it's not a small series and we should get niche characters so we can have more diversity in the roster.
- Reece: I feel the addition of a second Yu-Gi-Oh! Character in the form of Kaiba or Marik is really important as that sets the tone for the current unannounced series as it will then be protagonist and rival/antagonist for all the currently announced series which means going forward that is what we can expect from the other entries into this game. If they don't announce another Yu-Gi-Oh! Character then I feel we will a roster similar to J-Stars where the bigger series get more representation and there will be a bunch of one offs as well.
- Hugo Tate: “ #tobeabletoget. “
- Triple Seven: I'm gonna say no my hero. Jump force is vastly superior to the my hero academia game but they needs to get sales
- RJ Davis: I know it’s supposed to be a shonen game but let’s be honest having some Fate familiars in this would be amazing like saber- King Arthur I would love
- Jae Lee: You can literally look up weekly shonen jump and u can guess the animes that will be in it for God's sake midoriya was doing the hand signs for Naruto's shadowclone jutsu on the cover of one of the weekly shonenjumps
- AllMighty Chopper: Who I really want: Izuku, Bakugo, and ALL MIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! JIRAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASTA,CAPTAIN YAMI, AND YUNO!!!! NATSU WITH HAPPY, ERSA(idk how to spell her name) GRAY!!!!
- Joeno On: Saitama!!!!.... No? No one? Just me? Oh ok......
- Captain Cookie: Well i kinda thought smash was a mario game anyway cause they added "bro's" and because everytime they show off the returning and new characters mario and luigi are always the first 2, but pokemon and fire emblem do have alot.
- Ninja Uknow: What about Allen Walker from D.grayman
- NGOtaku: hey theres always dlc
- Charles Tingson: Haven't you guys noticed? The characters that are in game atm are LEGENDS. Meaning they have beeen existing for a very long time and have made their MARK on the anime world. Main stream modern anime like my hero academia and other niche, shouldn't just be placed in game because of choice of popularity. Wouldn't be a surprise though if they would add YUGI and INUYASHA anytime soon. RESPECT THE OGS guys.
- Spriggan: Korosensei!
- Shwifty: Saint Seiya will be included because of how popular it is in Latin America and Europe/France
- Sean Ward: Inyuyashi would be a good addition. Gotta add madara, some espada from bleach , alucard
- Electro Savage: Anything that has been on toonami are not niche, that means Hunter x Hunter is not niche. Bobobo is an exception
- Ichaotix z: FMA brotherhood?
- Slasher XL: I want them to add tsuna from hitman reborn soooo bad 😭😭😭
- Holybond: You can just look at j-stars nds and the ps4 ones for a general idea of a character roster.
- Abita Son Goku Saiyan: To be able to get 😂
- Mo. memes: id honestly love it if asta wasnt in the game i hate that anime cause it gets praise it does not deserve
- Andrell Hardy: Not shonen jump
- Dolphinboi: I can deal with no Black Clover, but no MHA?
- Hut Fuzzer: One Punch?
- Otaking Mikohani: At this point I'll be happy if we get any representatives from Rosario+Vampire
- Voice Crack Central: If i dont get meliodas they wont get my money ic i dont get. Asta they wont get mh money if i dont get hiei they defenityl not going to get my money
- Kyle: Idrc yusuke is in the game some im happy lmao
- Ukulele Skye: Chitoge or Riot
- Darth Sceledrus: @NeoWokio is gonna hate this video. No Toriko? Huh
- Darious Serofia: I hope Saitama and Genos must be included in the game 😣
- Nerd taku: I just want Gintoki and JoJo and no more one piece characters or this game will look like some kind of one piece game and I don't care about mha
- Daniwolf Playz: give us a new jojo game damn it
- Waytothedawn X 713: I don't know a lot about anime. I'm a huge Death Note fan. I also really like Sword Art Online, Dragon Ball, Attack On Titan, and a few others. But I've heard a lot about Assassination Classroom. More than Black Clover or JoJo. Am I missing something? Did it die down like Attack On Titan did?
- "OOOF-WHITE": asta>deku lmao
- Mo. memes: +DaRk_NiGhTwInG_XL no u
- TheTruJay tm: Hunter hunter fanbase is no where small trust me
- Gerardo E. Cebollero: I don't think Saint Seiya is niché, since it's very popular worldwide and it's still a large source of income for Toei Animation (see their worldwide sales data as evidence). I think Seiya in there is a given, albeit I'd be surprised if a second character was included.
- skySPYRO: They have no right to SKIP gintama ,that would make NO sense , especially since Gintama is Soooo big
- Fortnite Battle Bus: Well, looks like Deku and Asta were revealed 3 weeks ago.
- Vegito H: I like black clover and mha but honestly there are like 10+ shows I would rather have characters lol
- Raul Ruiz: I believe that 2 characters from each series should be enough. If anything ,3 max for the narutos and DB's (protagonst, rival, and a antagonist or other notable character). In MHA's case, just deku and bakugo should be fine, as long as we get more representaion from other series like Reborn. Then again, not every series needs two characters. Yugi should be enough for yugioh, the same way kurosensei should be enough for assassination classroom. Then again, we also need villan characters. A madara, a byakuran, aizen and those. At least 5 more villans (apart from those already shown). If it goes that way, there should be more or less 20 series with enough representaion, if we get 50 characters, cuz it is SJ's 50th anniversary after all.
- knight shade: I love how u said Naruto and DB are under represented
- LeJugg* AKA Juggin: Shiro Qtr ikr and Akame ga kill i cri
- Travis Bewley: I think its pretty obvious what properties are chosen. And ot all boils down to cross promotion. Dragon Ball has a movie coming out Hunter X Hunter has a new mobile game soon Yu yu Hakusho has new OVAs on the way. My Hero us probably a given due to its new movie coming out soon. I think they are planning a new Jo Jo's serise right? Pretty much anything they can cross promote or fish fpr poasible future projects like Bleach. The roster is probably 100% a financial calculation for juggling their properties.
- Orpheus 010: Hmmm I think each series will get a character expansion pack as dlc. So maybe with naruto you get 2 heroes (naruto kakashi) and 2 villains ( madara and sasuke) then later there's a pack for maybe itachi + pain combined with sakura + hashirama, or maybe the entire akatsuki as a pack. I think that's how they are gonna introduce new characters from each series
- Mr.Bailey: We don’t need any my hero Characters I mean I love the show but they ain’t strong enough
- Stan Pearson: Less characters of more popular franchises . We have fighters z blazing blood and storm games already .The appeal for this game personally is the giant mashup factor. That is gone if we only have big rosters of mean Series
- Go Broly! C’mon Broly!: Saint Seiya isn't niche. It's niche in the states (for whatever reason) but not in Japan or Spain where Saint Sieya is one of the top ten anime of all time in those regions.
- Kurumi Tokisaki: It wont be difficult. Did no one play J-stars? The roster was pretty big and filled with hot anime and the classics. Jump Force is a Mainstream title so the big ones will definitely be there
- CaptainYumYum's: Hey hey hey, they knew what they were getting themselves into when they started making the game
- Sergio Garcia: This game looks fun but I dont like the art style which is really making me not wanna get it
- Andrell Hardy: But he is confirmed not playable he is in the story and what the f***k you mean by who cutting what himself or a picture of L
- KALVIN BENTLEY: That game looks sexy
- Atari Dad: What about _One Punch Man_ ? Or is that series automatically exempt because it's simply an adaptation of a webcomic that was originally published outside of Jump?
- kingjaymoney 561: We need my hero
- Badalight: Assassination classroom niche? Just barely putting FOTN into a main popular series? Come on dude, lol. I live in Japan. I could ask anyone who Kenshiro is, and most people would know. If I asked random people who Ichigo was, they'd have no fucking clue.
- itsgreenblackman: Hunter X Hunter gets 4 characters because it deserves 4 characters
- shiny: no bo no go
- Fizzel Plays: I'm thinking they will wait and put my hero as dlc depending on when both games release, since they have a my hero fighting game coming out.
- Improbear luck: Pain and minato need to be in this game
- Andrell Hardy: one punch man is not own by shonen jump it's own by young jump.
- Aattori: if jump force doesn't have my hero academia characters i'm litelarry not going to buy it
- Blaze GamingTV: tsuna would be a good edition especially because of the purpose of the game
- Superiorzane /UGM: Cough cough anyone remember magi the kingdom of magic
- Andrell Hardy: That's not apart of shonen jump.
- Gaben 2nd: Dang, not even Fairy Tail... not even mentioned... we could totally use at least Natsu and Ezra in the roster or Grey. But if not, hopefully DLC as the show is starting up again!!
- CreasyBear: Loved Assassination Classroom...Ending was really sad in my opinipn
- ProudSinner: Add seven deadly sins characters
- Alltime Great3: 1. Mob 2. Saitama 3. Deku 4. Eren 5. Allmight 6. Meurum 7. Alcazar 8. Baki 9. Yujiro 10. Zeldris 11. Saki 12. Sinbad 13. Jiren 14. Esconor 15. Asta 16. Devilman 17. Kirito 18. Wizard king 19. Kenshiro 20. Toriko 21. Estarossa 22. Overload ainz ooal gown 23. Natsu 24. Madara 25. Kars 26. New Broly 27. Beerus 28. Koro-sensi 29. Grim Reaper/ SE 30. Shanks 31. Rin 32. Kaneki 33. Meliodas 34. Zero
- thekingofbeast: Broly
- The Shadow Shot: I think Naruto and Dragon Ball should both get two more additions. Making it five for both, which will make them even with One Piece. Makes sense given how they are considered the Big Three of anime.
- Ago98able: TOBEABLETOGET!...
- Josichan: Still waiting on gintoki
- Kdc kicks butt: I want All Might and Gintama!!!!
- Super Adaptation Wars: Only one girl so far!? This is worst than FighterZ. Fighting games need lots of cool female characters, this is blegh!
- JustAFreakingWeeb: We don’t need anymore one piece Bandai...
- ObitoVersace: If deku is not in the game, I’m not buying
- AxelMok4_Channel: +Nova One Piece has its own theme park, theatre plays and have such huge market cellebrations that take over streets for a week to more at a time. Believe me no anime/manga is more popular then One Piece in Japan, it regularly double the sells of the second highest selling series each month, and sometime quad the other series with yearly sells.
- Flipdew: Ummm... Where’s Leorio?
- Ludee27: If there is no JoJo in Jump Force i will Forced to Jump of a 3 story building
- Suzu: I'll main the shit out of Hisoka untill his buttcheeks hurt Edit. I don't care about no more Naruto or DB characters. I need Yoh from shaman king though.
- Mr Mars: I would love kid buu
- Maityoman: What I want: - Gintoki - Midoriya, Bakugo & Todoroki - Jotaro & Josuke - Asta & Yuno - Tsuna - Rin - Yuuichiro - Kaiba & Marik - Madara & Obito - Cell & Majin Buu - Boruto
- Anime Knight48: What about fairy tail characters that’s big anime too
- fizy40: intresting...
- JonkoSlunko: "Crossover" games always had skepticism, but either if it wasn't I love bandai namco company since namco x capcom game came out.I will wait for full release before deciding if a game is bad or just not worth it.
- coverandoacasa: cannot wait to see korosensei, saiki, toriko and midoriya in this game. i disagree with the no my hero academia characters, at least midoriya should be in it; no more naruto, dragonball and one piece characters i fully agree; i think almost all the j-stars victory characters should be in this game however.
- OneGamer2EnvyThemAll: OPM isn't a Shonen Jump property.
- Carlos EOT: I'll put it like this... if I see some My Hero Academia characters... and at least Gintoki in the character list... I am buying the game, otherwise... I am NOT buying it, I'll just go play DMC5
- BIGDAWG 91331: Hope thet add jo star family and sitama
- GibFibba: i wish that jump force would've focus on more of its older series like kinnikuman, jojo, sakigake otokojuku, fist of the north star, bastard, cobra.
- FancyWalrus: #WeNeed Tsuna, Bobobo, Medaka, Gintoki, Kagura, Seiya, Saiki #WeDontNeed Jojo, Deku To be honest all i care about is Tsuna and Bobobo making to the game
- Darius Davis: I think there might be 50 characters Due to the 50th anniversary 41 in game Plus the 9 dlc
- G T: I'd prefer more smaller series. They deserve more exposure than all this huge series like Naruto and dbz that already have a ton of games out.
- KayaOVA: +vlinnstone 69 GTFO now
- Apollo Donny: If we dont get Madara i'll murder ..
- Deadcake969: I Would Much Prefer No MHA. And I Believe That there should probably be more Solo (Or Possibly Double Or Triple) Characters For the smaller franchises. Dragon Ball and Naruto Already have Plenty Games and All this other stuff, Give them maybe one more character or so and Give Me More Lesser known characters! Maybe Ones that HAVEN'T Had a game! Or at least that haven't had a game released in the west!
- AlexStrife89: Fairy Tail isn't part of Shonen Jump.
- Au ron: +YourLocal TrashCan But we know for sure he would like gintoki to be in the game. Isn't that enough specific?
- Lord Adz: none of them are a part of shonen jump. those two are in a rival company from them. think of it like microsoft and sony for mangas
- Enotech: As long as this game does well they will probably keep expanding. Naruto ultimate ninja storm 4 has a little over 100 playable characters. So why not have more then that? That's probably the beauty with the game the vastness of the roster. We might only start with 30 or 40 but what's bit stopping from expanind why not if they they did it with ultimate ninja storm?
- rap monster: Another shit youtuber
- "OOOF-WHITE": i hope asta from black clover will be on jumpforce
- Dat _: Boku no pico better be on the roster
- Shnobbs Studios: Deku my man.
- Rylan Vanacore: unpopular opinion but I wish we would get more characters from a series rather than a bunch of series with one or two characters.
- Owen Korando: Saint saiya is in the game
- Ashion Blackmon: Naw naw we need hitman reborn characters in this only tsuna for jstars which was cool but could be more
- David Dixon: im expecting -no black clover -no my hero -one more dbz character at most My hero has a fighting game coming. Black clover i dont think is popular enough or old enough to see more then maybe one slot for the MC. As for DBZ i think we may get 1 character to represent super. could be jiern or beerus. if not then it will stay at 3. This game is coming out for SJs 50th so i also expect some more older characters from the 70s, i dont know any but it makes sense theyd want to represent all 50 years.
- Bilbzy: 0:48
- NoFuture: Just give me asta and yuno and I'll be happy
- Papa Franku: No Jojo??? Well,guess i'll stick with JJBA:Eyes of heaven
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Mufti Ahmed They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump
- BANKAI REAPER FPS: There gonne be a yellow tentical going mach 20 in the game im good with that
- Papa Bless: smash is also a more simplistic art style that doesn't take up much space also just look at jstar that was said it have a massive roster
- Samuel Diaz: I really hope they add Rin or Yukio from Blue Exorcist...
- H. Abrak: I'm probably asking for too much, but they should put 4 hereos and 4 villains from each series. Hell I'd settle down on 5 of each
- IM A GAMER: remember fighting games usually relay on DLCs
- Chukas Roman: Naruto has 2 characters. What are you saying?
- Morgothos: Ainz for Jump Force!!!
- Austin M: They don’t have Rurouni Kenshin it’s going to be utter crap 🤷♂️
- Andrell Hardy: Fairy tail is is not own by shonen jump.
- Filipfff: Mario for Jump Force
- FBI: *We need Avatar Aang for the game* #PrAYf0rAvatarAaNG
- Mental Moose: Well if some characters are not added we can hope that they would/will be added in DLC
- farid khan: I will FLIP if BNHA characters are not a part of the roster in JF!!!!!
- AmazingDeku: +lethal murrder you forgot to put NOT my friend hahahaha he's in boyzzz
- André Lima: i think naruto and bleach is gonna be the same as jstars naruto, sasuke, madara ichigo, aizen, rukia also no, it makes no sense 5 MHA slots
- Joe Bro: Dub was better than the sub
- Mijo Falco: I want over 100 characters
- AlexStrife89: Just posting this as a PSA because this comment is seen way too often: Fairy Tail IS NOT a Shonen Jump series It is published in Weekly Shonen Magazine, which is owned by Kodansha. They are not putting Fairy Tail characters in this game.
- The comedian: How bout saitama, Genos, and maybe boros, or a few mob psycho characters
- Tiago Dores Almeida: You must have been high as hell to think Jojo's is more popular than One Piece in Japan, One Piece sells more manga than any other series by a long shot. Not even taking into account the amount of merch Chopper alone sells.
- Kin HAHAHA: This one is from a fighting game but i want ryu from street fighter as a guest character or something . it would be so cool to see his hadouken versus goku's kamehameha .
- Tear Gem: I'd rather have alot of mains from small and bigger series rather than 10 Naruto characters like that's not fun in my eyes
- Anime Clipz: I want more bleach characters
- TopOfAllWorlds: That’s not what no means.
- Eliber Rubalcaba: ALUCARD from Hellsing would be really badass to see.
- knight shade: I need Deku, Bakugo, and Aizawa and throw in all I guess
- DanK MelonZ: I wouldnt be surpised if toriko is gonna be in it if he already is i havent checked
- Legendary Supa Saiyan: Pain would be so sick in this game
- Casual Potato: +Captain Cookie Doesn't matter imo. My point was MHA has its years ahead of it. And MHA being as big as it is now, demand for it won't disappear anytime soon. The oldies and less popular on the other hand, if they can't get representation now, it'll be harder to see them in games like these in the future.
- Thicclander: I really hope they have my hero and black clover
- Burt's Bees: Highkey want Sailor Moon in it
- Juicebox _: If kurosensei is in it then I’ll get it but I’m not getting it if not 😂
- ChaotixSplash: All I want is some JoJo characters tbh
- WickedYoda: They (most likely) won't put My Hero characters because there's a My Hero game that comes out on the 26th and a lot of people might have to wait until after Christmas and if they put My Hero characters in it, it could hurt the sales of the My Hero game.
- marley jones: I don't know shaman King sounds good
- Sean Needham: I'm glad we're getting piccolo in jump force
- TheMemeking I: What if they add Tokyo ghoul characters 🤷🏻♂️ idk but could be cool
- ShouVertica: NO MHA - Because it's a series without any flesh to it's bones and it's bones are pretty brittle as is. NO MORE DBZ - Because DBZ is already very clone-heavy in it's design and implementation of characters. NO Black Clover - Even worse than MHA, BC is beyond bad. If you're going to include BC just include FT instead, at least that has a fanbase. It's just sad that Shonen has devolved from great series to shallow ripoffs.
- jump bros 12: Deku and asta are now in jump force
- cjxh21: I want rock lee
- Jamarcus English: They need to add tokyo ghoul
- Galaxy Guy: Brickwall Duck n o
- Scruffboii: To be able to get
- Hells Mesonger: Dragon ball trash
- linkz2nd: What about Kenchi or Baki?
- AAA: take a shot every time he says "to be able to get"
- KBNF_ Phoenix: My hero is getting its own game
- Dxgma: One's justice developers salty
- James Johnson: Reborn needs to be in this game
- Richy Lherisson: You’re a fucking idiotttttttttt
- Voice Crack Central: His game suck but if he in jump force that cool
- ZiggyThe assassin: I just want jotaro and dio
- DatBoi7: This nigga said Rin 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- the magic conch: Yami yugi is my only issue like really yugi, what's he gonna do project a hologram of exodia like get the fuck out of here. "HA FRIEZA YOU FELL FOR MY TRAP CARD" like that sounds dumb if I'm gonna be honest
- Owen Pinero: Weve already got full fleshed games like dbfz, ninja storm, and soon ones justice. If anything i say we need more less mainsteam series in jump force. *cough cough koro sensei cough.
- frank!E: Why are people acting as if they couldn't add characters later on? Be it as a free or paid DLC, fighting games do this a lot.
- lord Gio: My hero acidemia made million dollars in the American box office in 2 days im pretty sure its gonna be in jump force.
- kirigakure no sato: if they add mha characters and none of JoJo, a lot of people and myself will be pissed if that happens.
- Dark Con 1 Gaming: To be able to get!
- Nicolas Andrade: D E K U
- Andréanne Maillette: I want : -L -All Seven Deadly Sins -Natsu, Lucy, Grey and Erza
- Michael J Caboose: I love bobobo
- DonDairy337: I feel like u asking for too much before the game even drops ...
- Jaymes Muir: They added Yusuke, im sold.
- Doom Lord: Cell is on the game
- Tonnattan Chankasemporn: There is already 2 characters from Saint Seiya.
- fluffier: You dont know anything about HxH. If you think the 4 characters they included dont deserve to be there
- Mustapha El Saytari: i think 4 characters for every anime Naruto has Madara, Sasuke, Naruto One Piece has Luffy, Sanji, Zorro, Black beard Dragon ball has Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Goku blue and Vegeta blue Hunter X Hunter has Gon, Killua, Hisoka, and Kurapika i think 4-5 charakter for all anime 😂 is enough i think we only need the strongest or 2 character for animes like yugioh 🤔 kaiba and yugi is enough not 5 😅 but the big animes with more people 5 or 7 🤔 it would be cool to have them😊 and saitama must be in it and genos i can see the movelist right in front my eyes 🤣 i domt need my hero academia they had there own game right now that was fast but no One punch man game 😅 but more characters are always better 🤣
- Dyrstan: I mean, the previous J-Stars games have had very diverse rosters, so this could be the same. DBZ and Naruto don't need more characters, each series should have 2-3 characters max. There's too many characters in the Jump lineup to give any single series a ton of reps.
- I’m Sexist to air: Mustapha El Saytari so basically you’re biased
- Zeco117: Asta can go fuck himself.
- JonMadness: Jstars victory vs revamped
- TheDarkMiasma: No don’t agree with your point, i do want bobobo, don patch and jelly jiggler, i want toriko and zebra, i do want korosensei, i do want midoriya,bakugo and all might.
- Luca basile: Madara
- Spriggan: As long as i can play as the HxH characters i'm happy, gimmie Killua and Kurapika baby. I wouldn't personally care if there aren't that many characters the only issue is that if they do add a lot of new characters like let's say 100+ characters are all of them gonna be balanced? or are some gonna be more prioritized then others? like, for example, Gon gets a lot of attention, but Pegasus Seiya gets no attention and remains a character that nobody plays because he's weaker then everyone else, but they could do a really good job and listen to the community and do updates on all the characters see if anyone is total garbage or not. (*cough For Honor cough*) (btw they should totally add a character from Tenjou Tenge)
- Bilfiger Uchiha: They should add inuyasha
- Alphabet Monkey: Man I just want bakugou and Itachi
- Daquwan Anderson: The thing is ....what's actually stopping companies from adding more characters? We are constantly getting games where we are having less. Why not give us more? That's EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT!
- AdriaPc: Hunter x hunter small serie. Nice joke man nice joke lmao
- Toonex Media: I love my hero and i want to see it in jump force more than anything but realistically, its might be the series axed since jump force is being released a few months after one’s justice. However, dragonball did the same thing with jstars and xenoverse so its a possibilty of MHA being in jump force
- Naruto Sasuke: I dont really want My Hero Academi in there it just doesnt fit My hero academia is like more popular to 9 year olds
- BigPapa N.G: I’d personally love to see a Digimon make it (Yes I know they don’t size right: doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be awesome)
- Pan Samuio: Waiting for Darshe
- CaptureField: Imagine playing as alucard in this.
- J T: Can we at least have koro sensei in the roster?
- Nosferatu Zodd: Im all for pushing more niche series. I want some more obscure characters, because its always nice to see people trying more unpopular series and ending up liking them. So i hope they keep the number of characters from the big 3 low.
- All Powerful God Enel: Maybe we'll get 2 characters at max for each series, that would give each series a chance to be represented in some way. One Piece would be the exception since it's the best selling manga out of all of them by far.
- ItsAboutTheDank: Nanatsu No Taizai would be 🔥
- Sakata Gintoki: same im not spending 90 bucks on this game if it doesnt have gintoki, my hero,blacj clover ,seven deadly sins characters
- Brandon: Black clover doesn’t deserve a spot on this game.
- Anime Hub: Well they put in Yugi Moto so anything can happen
- NLwavey: Hunter x hunter I feel is very well know
- TheChaotiCake: If half the characters aren't from JJBA I ain't fuckin' buyin' it.
- The.Afro. Male: As a matter a fact I WANT IPPO IN THIS GAME. DEMSEY ROLL THE SHIT OUTTA GOKU!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- emotrainer4444: According to the director, he's aiming at EVERY main character. Yugi by the way is the hardest to add because his game rights are with Konami. Saint Saiya, Reborn, Bobobo have never missed a jump game. Remember this is the 4 game in a series.
- Maurizio Landolfo: Also fairy tail will be great in this game
- I WANT TO DIE LOw KEY DICK GAY: They will probably leave fairy tail and Tokyo ghoul out
- GolD_Garden: They are making One Justice for My hero Academia why would they want to add Deku in Jump Force, so Jump Force make all the profit? I am not saying that they shoudnt add him, I am saying that they shoudnt am i yet.
- BarçaAllday: I’ll be fine with a 100 character roster tbh😂
- Blueguygaming: If we could get all JoJos (with Jotaro having 3 slots for parts 3,4, &6 and Joseph having 2 slots for pt2 Joseph and sc joseph), Dio, and DIO, then I'd be content
- Gintokii GT: Saint seiya already added in jump force
- BiggieT: To be able to get
- The Predhulk Chronicles: Man.. Konosuba characters would be great for assists..
- Jello Luke: There’s only two characters I need in this game in order to convince me into getting it, Kakashi Hatake and Izuku Midoriya. My Favorite Characters from all of Anime.
- Senpai Chris: Let’s just agree that we all want Bo-Bo-Bo.
- LegendOfSonic: FancyWalrus No JoJo characters? Why? It's in the top 10 best selling manga of all time and it inspired literally every series in Jump Force except for Saint Seiya. Honestly most people won't mind just Jotaro and DIO representing the series since they're the two most popular characters in JoJo, not to mention one is a JoJo and the other is one of the most popular villains in manga history.
- Mr.MjLc: If in the far future they wanna drop an extra character for each of the big 3 by all means they should but in terms of the near future I don't wanna see any. Plus I think Jaden/or even someone like asta would be more interesting than kaiba or marik simply because yugioh is way too big for us to just focus on one segment Haven't seen jojos but it and my hero are undeniable at this point, I also think Archer or saber from stay night would be great additions. Considering the game has character customization the more series we get in the better.
- KidRerro: I disagree with having more mainstream representation. I'm fine with Naruto and dbzs representation. There have been multiple games where we have been able to play a multitude of their characters (i.e. ninja storm, tenkaichi, xenoverse, etc). I would love to play the more obscure characters.
- DEAD MASTER 115: Wait I’m confused is death Note not being added to Jump Force or is there just no gameplay
- tbh memes: yuno from future diary would be nice but I doubt it
- Omegez: All I want is One Punch Man characters
- Sora2016: I literally just watched 20 episodes of Hunter x Hunter yesterday. And now I only have 20 left, so I am bummed about that lol. But I feel ya, clearly. I also don't care for the current Naruto or Dragonball rosters so I would be a little bummed if that didn't expand. And even more so with no My Hero :/ I could see them doing that just to make us want their new game.
- yall are_ ded0_o: We need boku no Pico with some sperm attack
- Quatarius Cobb Tisdale SR: So I’m the only motherfucker wondering why I haven’t seen any Full metal Alchemist 🤔🤔
- It'sGudStuf: I already hate this game. These animations look so static and janky.
- Donny Cannady: but what about fairytail?
- Ashema Bahumat: The no niche thing is the only real issue, tbch
- Tlion783: little did he know yugi made it in
- U Toob: Would love to see Hashirama and Gaara added from Naruto
- Crono Luminara: I wouldn't mind if dbz and naruto were complete they have enough
- Shadowmatrix 99: I really want them to add natsu gray erza gajeel and Lucy and baby wendy
- Wouki: i hope for Oga Tatsumi and/or Fuirichi or others from the end of the manga in beelzebub!
- sergioantoniomestas: DLC
- Milovania: I think My Hero will get no or like 2 characters, since there is a My Hero coming out soon
- SonicChaos15: Like if I want to play Naruto characters I can just play whatever Naruto games comes out that year. But where else can I go to play Shaman King characters? Or Buso Renkin characters? Or Kinikuman characters?
- viperpain: i would prefer the niche characters to be in it, there's a few i like to see like sagiri from yuuna san but she likely be cut as we already have ninjas
- PANDA Gaming: Doubt any my hero cause new game
- I’m Sexist to air: My hero is overrated
- Jotaro Kujo: +Nova and so is jojo fans
- LonKe: wouldn't mind seeing renji in the roster.
- Exton Jonas: Black clover sucks
- Gavin Coggins: True
- arthurpprado: I would say they'll hold back on putting many characters from a single franchise, or else, they run the risk of having a gigantic roster with really poor franchise balance, something like the Smash Bros roster with its overload of Mario, Pokémon and Fire Emblem characters. I would say they will cram up as many of the mainstream franchises and make the smaller ones DLC packs, like a Saint Seiya pack or a AssClass pack. Either that or they will make even more characters from mainstream franchises into DLC. As for the characters I can see coming, Jotaro, Dio and Giorno from JoJo, since Jotaro is the flagship character, Dio is Jotaro's villain and Giorno is getting his Part adapted into anime, as well as being Dio's child
- ViperVoltz: Damn, this game needs katekyo hitman reborn and boku no hero academia ;-;
- Bearded Dragon: What’s wrong with massive rosters? Didn’t Xenoverse 2 have like almost 70 characters on launch? Naruto UNS4 had just over 60. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jump Force has a 50+ roster. In fact I’d be disappointed if it didn’t
- leo coney: I need a demo to play to be sold
- Taki_warzz 1278: Stop being a winey bitch and be happy they making a game like this on all platforms if u don't like it don't play
- Zepp: We need jotaro in it or DIO
- Shaquan Ingham: We need more female characters
- Elikaakile: Im gonna sound like a hater but all the gimmicky characters can be left out. Gintama, assasination classroom and one punch man. Can we get characters that people actually give a fuck about. So far we've gotten that but people seriously want the most forgettable characters in shounen history to be in the game. I mean assasination classroom has as much depth as dragon bal super. I dont even like black clover and i think it should be included. My hero doesnt need to be in there cause it has its own game. Fairy tail should really be here but since everyone hates fairy tail i guess the developers had no choice.
- Hayden Longfield: If gintoki is not in the game I'm not buying it.
- Brendon Adams: I know fairy tail ain’t the popular. But I still want characters like Natsu and Grey and Erza in the game. Maybe jelal too. I still want it.
- Zerstörer Dreizehn: #hopeforshamonking
- TophDaGreat: while everyone is freaking out over characters (myself included) nobody is actually asking if the game will be good or not
- Gordon Feng: It would be really cool if they added Rin from blue exorcist
- Adralin Starks: If the only JOJO S characters they put in the game is Jonathon (part 1) and DIO my life will be fulfilled
- Chase Martell: my hero academia most likely wont be in jump force because its already making its own separate fighting game which is coming out soon and they wont want to take away sales for that this is the same with black clover
- Jeremy: If only season 4 of my hero academia could start already so that there would be a slight chance of lemillion being in the game...
- David T: My boy Toriko with his white Oni will be busting heads in jump force if they add him.
- ObliviousTouch: Asta better be in Jump or i rage!
- Omega Drake: Hunter x hunter was ine the biggest shone jump back in the 90s
- BarçaAllday: I don’t want anymore naruto or dbz characters cuz naruto just dropped a new game and dragon ball fighterz is still pretty big
- james ja: Wait so the boxes with the anime titles around 4:30 are confirmed to be characters from those animes and how many of them. Or are you assuming? Also zoro is in the game but hes not on that list why is that
- ryu ban: boku hero and black clover already have their own game this year so maybe they will be exclude from the jump force
- Nosa Brown: One piece has too many characters
- Tissue DogPillow: Rlly want katekyo hitman reborn in it too
- Pierre Theard: I hope they're are more niche characters. It would have more of a smash bothers effect where you have so many different characters from so many different universes that you would never see in the same place. They can always add morw characters though dlc but advertising more anime series can not only pull more fans from different series to the game but also get fans of the game to try reading/watching new series they haven't seen. Just seems like the obvious why to go from my prospective.
- Phelyppy Lopes: Do you guys still think boku no hero will be in this game? No fucking way, boku no hero's gamr just came out, and it is very similar to jumo force, I don't think they will put boku no hero here and take all the attention from the other game, also, it would be very repeated.
- RemixMyLife: I believe popular the more popular series should take that backburner on this. There are already tons of Naruto and Dragonball games out there. If you want to see more of them then pick up their games.
- Soto920: As long my girl yuno and my boy tetsuo
- Timothy Ng: Where is jotaro or DIO
- mannyG: To be able to get..
- Chris Emiya: Adam Sandler agree
- breimen cox: IF MHA ISNT IN IT I WILL KILL THEM also i wish soul eater had a chance to shine in games like this again 😢😢
- Julian Castro: *tobeabletoget*
- Spriggan Born: Well Naruto ultimate ninja storm 4 launched with about 70 characters and dbz games have had around that for a while (even if 10-15 are different versions of goku) so we could end up with a roster close to 70 and that solves everything and still has room for more you haven't even mentioned
- Mathiang AKUEI: not being hateful but the way you say my hero academia just gets to me 4:51
- Dodge the Jungle Kid: Hunter x hunter isnt a small or niche series. In japan its huge, bigger than bleach. N sj is going to base things on there jap audience
- StrawHat!: Sakazuki Akainu Or Charlotte Katakuri.
- Izaz Widyan: SAO in the game 😈😈 is sao jump? idk
- Nobel Cause: Considering all the characters have complete character development with their powers... Goku, needs his Ultra Instinct, and Frieza, needs GOLDEN. They can make it to where it’s not too over powered. Looking at Sasuke, I don’t think it’ll be too over powered. It pisses me off that they half ass DB universe.
- TheNewKrookkud: Throw in Saiki and all is good.
- Leonhard Pinkle: I guess there wont be any myheroacademia characters in jump force because they release their own game my hero ones justice in october. and when the mha fans see deku and co in jump force with awesome graphics they wont buy the actual mha game.
- Samuel Lemay: Naruto, dragon ball, one piece and my hero academia all have their games. I think they should AT LEAST leave a few spaces for Assassination classroom, saiki k and other smaller series. Saiki and korosensei for the win!!!
- Ricoshot88 GC: I would like to see Saitama Genos and other OPM characters in the roster, especially since s2 of One Punch Man is coming early next year I think. Would be a nice way to remind the community, "Hey we're still around," and help spread s2's release next year.
- M Mc: Already know D. Gray-man's excluded. I've made peace with it. Edit: Yugioh is still pretty big as a franchise though, it's just surprising sometimes that you still get the OG boi, Yugi, after all these "reboots." (Yugi is best boi, ftw)
- Nanik Nanik: I think the answer is simply, dlc. This is the age of dlc. Especially with an anime based game. Take storm 4 for example. They added at least 3 different dlc sets of characters. regardless of the launch roster I want to assume that they will continue to add more "niche" anime characters as dlc. like assassination classroom akame ga kill, full metal(not niche) Soul eater, heck even Berserk that would be fucking awesome.
- Oscar Dukes: saint seiya its not niche at all,its massive in latin america to the point Bandai has a couple of channels about saint seiya games
- Spencer Genovese: Korosensei alone would make me buy whatever system is required then the game
- REAL Drama214: My hero has their own game coming out so most likely they will not be included into Jump Force.
- jaden newton: I would much rather see the smaller animes get representation because the bigger animes already have their own fighting games or will probably get their own fighting games later on the smaller animes are probably never going to get their own fighting game
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Almighty Chopper A tie between Levi and Happy, but Brandish is a close second. Brandish’s character arc and backstory are great.
- CelticVizard: I want 3 Rurouni Kenshin characters. Kenshin, Shishio Makoto, Sano.
- Nicks HellHole: not a fan of the artstyle at all.
- Kyle Zammit: I miss the get backers series we need Ban, Ginji or Akabane in jump force, I hope for Toriko they add either Don Slime or Acacia
- The.Afro. Male: I want Saitama.........ONE PUNNNNCCCCCCHHHHHH
- Omni Stellar: Akemi Homura YESSS. Magical Index/Scientific Railgun characters of any kind would make this almost an instant buy for me.
- Jazz Agarano: I hope they add Kinnikuman.
- Hola Burger: Dude Yami Yugi is there. Chill.
- Boku 123: No my hero characters, no buy
- Ya'BoiPaulyH: I'm not a big anime philosopher I just watch the shows and I'm hyped for this game. I just want these guys and I'll be complete All might Deku Bakugo: these three because the standalone game don't look too good. Saitama Genos Garou or boros Bobobo
- Alex 1999: I'd be very surprised if they didn't add at least one of Katakuri, Law, and Shanks.
- Mehki Studios: he lesser known anime shoulld be dlc and put thing like dbz or mha or naruto , one piece, etc in the main game or as a vanilla version you know
- 420Praiseit Gitgudneosucksasstoo: You guys are missing the real newcomer *LINTAHLO*
- BakedPancakes17: That’s what I was thinking but I think they will have Deku and Almight. Really hoping for eraser head
- Dain: Need fucking Kenshiro bro
- Limbo Prime: I say there's nothing wrong with 40+ characters lots of games do. Look at xenoverse, shinobi strikers, and one piece burning blood. Although dbz doesn't need anymore i say three characters to each series as a minimum. Naruto needs Madara though or maybe sakura or kakashi (definitely madara tho). Hitman reborn should definitely be in the game and mha is gonna be in it. Jojo too. Assassination classroom eh idk because korosensei is the only character id want but not anyone else. What we really need is Black Clover that'd be amazing
- TheDark Speeder: Dragon ball is the most popular anime then NARUTO then one piece that’s my guess and I’d out of all of them if I had pick 2 NARUTO and dbz one piece is washed up
- Crimson Blade: I think my hero might not have as many character's because they are already getting a full other fighting game
- Isaiah Cagurangan: I just want all might and when I get into a pvp match I’ll say “I AM HERE”
- anonymous: Madara, Juubito, Saitama, Hit, Jiren, Korosensi, Genos, Deku, Bakugo, Kaneki, Asta, Tsuna Reborn, Todoroki, Kenshi, and Kakashi..
- Andrew Taylor: All I wanna see is Saiki and no one else has mentioned him rip my dreams
- Peaxhy Hue: +Zay Fernandez tru
- Black Knight94 Reviews: George Butz Cause it’s not about anime. It’s about Weekly Shonen Jump.
- TALESofGAMERSxx: If you want more naruto characters go and play fucking storm 4. We don't need more mainstream character. That's the dumbest thing you could wish for
- PhoenixCookie: i think whats most likely is that they'll mostly fill in the current series represented; then have waves of DLC characters from other/more obscure franchises... though i am pleasantly surprised they included so much hunter x hunter and yu yu hakusho in the main roster.
- AlexStrife89: You mentioned Shaman King but that's impossible now because it's owned by Kodansha now.
- D'Angelo Cuevas: Koro sensei vs majin buu
- Superb Trilogy: I hope they add Pikachu
- Emon Khan: Only in this kinds of games naruto can defeat goku. And this is the reason I hate this kinds of games.
- Darius Harrell: I think more character's is great for a fighting game
- Derpking622: Please let there be medaka and kumagawa in this game
- Noah Wuwungan: i dont really want boku no hero academia or any still ongoing and growing character, like black clover (one piece and dragon balls are exceptions since the series has gon for too long...). because most of the main character in the ongoing series hasnt reach their prime in their stories or manga, playing or adding a character who still cant use his power to fight like deku (still cant control 100% of his power) is to me very weird, since they had not shown their most epic moments (for their ultimates), the my hero academia game has many final moves that are not from their best moments in the manga, and i am dissapointed about that part of the game. i prefer characters from finished series since in the ending, we know the max limits of their power and has already shown all of their best moves and moments, which can become a reference for their final or ultimate moves (in terms of super smash brother, its the rainbow orb things/final smash) im not saying on going characters like from my hero academia shouldnt be in it, im just saying they should just put 1 in it (maybe all might), not more than that. and totally agree with adding characters from not so famous series since those shows are the one that many people loves the most and look forward to in the game, it will ad so much diversity and freshness in the game, i dont want more one piece, dragon balls, and naruto characters because it makes the game boring, i want something like beelzebub and hitman reborn so badly, and yugi + yagami is a good start for them
- Tovieact: i feel like I'm the only one that wants Saitama
- ghost alves: Natsu or meliodas.
- IBeSoulful: They are using only Classic anime... critically acclaimed anime only... I doubt they will add newer anime like boku no hero, besides it has its own fighting game coming out at the same time
- Sixis Pathos: Lol, all these people saying "They better have *lists every shounen in jump*"
- Hayden Fisher: Boy.........After Golden Wind, JoJo = IS the mainstream!!!!!!!!!!! But yeah I agree with some of your points, and I think we'll get a good roster for this game :)
- wizztizzlm: Might be small for him...
- ay Nyal: Where is full metal alchemist brotherhood.
- Ryan Pierre: I need Nami !!😭
- Marc Richardson: lost me at only supporting main stream i like yuyu shamon king
- Moss Kingdon: Plz just give me Meliodas and Escanor
- SoloBeverly: we better get my girl Medaka!
- EZPZ4ME: Tokyo ghoul in jump force that would be cool
- Zay Fernandez: Justin Rhoades Good point but it would be dope to see All Might fucking people up or Dekus shoot style
- Spaze: How bout we just say fuck it and put 1000 character in the game
- Andre Willian: Less naruto char, And at least 2 saint seiya chars, it means a lot
- sShambles BO3 Emblem Tutorials: keep boku no gay out of the game thx
- Chris Seljestad-Furúkawá: I'm a little surprised that they aren't adding characters from Sailor Moon to it.. >_> but I digress... I'd like to see: - Hitsugaya, Toshiro / Bleach - Kurama, Hiei, and Kuwabara / Yu Yu Hakusho - Inuyasha / InuYasha - Rikuo [Night Version] / Nurarihyon no Mago (the dialogue between him and Light could be very 'interesting'..) - Devilman (as DLC)
- Szczęsliwe Komunikacje Lądowe: I just want my BOI *S A W A D A T S U N A Y O S H I* in the game
- Ngamo Jules Drake Herve: this is jump force... not the "old big three x other mangas". they cant have up to 5 characters in naruto or one piece while alot of other manga characters are out there. I think theyll focus more on old animes first, before bringing all these new mangas(my hero academia, black clover, boruto,etc). They might feature in the dlcs or probably in jump force 2. theres so much more classic manga characters they havent introduce.
- Mooby: Your thumb nail sure is out dated lol
- sasori tear: we neeeeeed hiei
- supereme killer: It's a sad reality that overhaul won't be in this game
- Otaku Shota: I'd rather have Bobobo, Seiya, Kinniku Man, Gintoki, Yoh Asakura, Arale, or even Tsuna instead of Asta and all the crowd of Black Clover. Also I fucking loved Yugi made it in. And I hope for Kaiba
- Jadyn P: Light Yagami for DLC.
- Magna: Just put at least 8 Jojos And it will be the best
- IgnitedZucc 25: Death note is awful and I won’t be surprised if when I beat a dude who uses L he sends me pictures of him cutting himself
- GrimZANs̶: Got to be popular if you want to join this exclusive club
- blackstar863 T.C.G: I think j star had about 50 characters so I would think that there trying to make game better the j stars
- Leondre Wilson: This shit has Yu-Gi-Oh on it TF are you concerned about?
- Sgt Virus9: No they're going to be part of the story I'm pretty sure.
- Amandeep Singh: Pokemon anyone
- Lucas Rezende: To be able to get, to be able to get, toobie bluble toogett, toobie boobieett
- DrNuke: I love Toriko and Assassination Classroom, but no My Hero Academia seems to be worse for a game like this one.
- AllMighty Chopper: Ikr
- TheNotoriousOne: Yes there like the best anime’s out there in my opinion they deserve atleast five characters each like one peace since there the big three when it comes to shonen jump!!
- Queen Bowsette: Just leave the newer anime alone we have classics that didn't even make it into the last game. Fans are still waiting for those characters to make it into the game let them get their chance to shine
- Andrell Hardy: Hajime no Ippo is not own by shonen jump.
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Christian Estable They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shonen Jump. SDS and OPM run in different magazines
- Kingdom Darts XV: YAY KORO SEN
- Miguel Gonzalez: I’m not gonna buy if they dont add kanekei
- seth colon: How is HxH small??
- daffierdistress: you must never play jump games
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Alltime Great3 Still not happening. They’re not going out of their way to represent manga from a competing magazine. If this was an anime crossover game than that wouldn’t be an issue. But it is.
- Chaz_EP TV: you forgot zoro in the roster you tard 4:20
- XezatX: I want as many series represented as they can... big or small doesnt matter.. Before J-stars i didnt know who Kusuo or Koro sensei were and now i love their series. So a lot of characters from across jump is right as long as they fit the game aesthetics. So, lets say luckyman or even bobobo dont really fit the realistic take of this game so not having them wouldnt surprise me. But other series definately deserve to be represented.
- KidArk: Why do you want more characters from a popular franchise? Because 1 dbz character is more popular than the entirety of Toriko. Dragonball gets so many games because of its popularity not in spite of it.
- Kuro Musse: Man all I want is my waifu Tsugumi in the game 😞😞😞
- Omni Stellar: +TheNotoriousOne They're pretty good I agree. Loved all of the big three. But see you can play those characters in a million other games. It takes zero creativity or effort to add big 3 characters to games be cause you can look at all the many other games they're in for reference. The smaller anime more more representation for sure.
- Space Penguins: Well I mean 50 characters for 50 years
- Hentai Senpai: I would scrap all the Naruto and DBZ characters if it meant I could play as my boi Koro-Sensei
- LegionAdell: Jump has been around for a long b.c. time and some of the manga that are on top today weren't always. I'd think they'd at least appease other era's of fans.
- Badalight: Why do you want more characters from popular franchises? We don't need 20 dragonball characters. Dragonball literally gets a fighting game every single year. Go play those if you want to play as dragonball characters. This is celebrating Jump's history, and it's the only chance for certain series to be put into a video game.
- Ethan DeLoach: I am sorry, but if fighting games like these don't step up for us consumers. I mean look at ultimate yeah Smash has 20 year lineage, but shonen jump has been around for what 50 years? Also Sakurai is giving us fan reauested characters we have always wanted plus the roster is at what 68 or 69? It is pretty damn close to 70. I am not saying fighting games should a 70 character roster, but you are a big ass shonen jump crossover fighting. This game could easily hit 30, and make everyone happy.
- Xanxus Varia: So after what bandai did to shinobi strikers i dont buy bandai games anymore this fcking bastards just want our money and do not even give us content for our money ....
- Szczęsliwe Komunikacje Lądowe: yoo fullmetal isnt shonen? didnt know that
- poisonous ingot: We know that with the Dragonball characters they are getting variants im pretty sure ssjgssj goku has bee confirmed
- Blueguygaming: It's okay. We always have J-Stars Victory Vs+
- Eli Garcia: Youre trippin cuz j stars victory vs had hella characters
- Brickwall Duck: Fairy tail should get some representation in jump force
- tony assassin: I just want more one piece characters
- NightCore Psyko: We need fairy tail in there man
- Rich Crim: Where tf is jotaro
- Nivinity: I’m so Confused to why they bring YuGi but Not Midoriya (Deku)
- YourLocal TrashCan: DomeB 0815 That’s a different situation. The guy didn’t specify if gintoki would be the only thing he’d like about the game
- Potatoe Bomb: PLEASE BLACK CLOVER! Asta is so badass ;-; especially his demon form!
- Elaie Wolfson: People wants the smaller frenchises too much face it they should be there because they wont repay the work for them
- Tyler Trice: Lol Jump Force isn’t gonna put my Hero stuff in it right now bc they’re coming out with a game too.... if anything they’re gonna be DLC’s .. Dragonball I think gonna be putting Broly for the movie.:: Naruto ... I think they’re gonna give cushion for Boruto
- jason: What about ed from fmab
- shawn barnett: Imma make an real video because he talking bullshit for views.
- CrossSCV: Fuck no. I prefer butting few characters from the mainstream in favor of those niche series. I'm hoping most charscters from J-stars to make a comeback. Otherwise whats the point in calling it jump force if we're just gonna get the same few franchise.
- Mirio togata: Love my hero. Should def be in the game
- Orangenetics: It's crazy how One Piece already has 5 confirmed characters lol. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Sabo, & Blackbeard. Lol good thing it's my favorite out of the mainstream =D
- Noob: Tokyo Ghoul should be in it who is with me?
- kwame jackson: They say hunter x hunter has the best manga ever
- Beep Man: I don’t know man, games looking cool. I feel like Jojo reps would be (in my opinion) great!
- Cristiano Ayala: I'm going to have to stop you right there chief. Why would you want more dragon ball characters and naruto when they both have separate games already out?🤔 tbh it feels like a waste of potential I strongly believe 2 of every character from the jump series would be proper I really hated the fact frieza was added to this was hoping for Jiren. I'd be completely fine with vegeta taken out because these end up being clone characters. As for jojo characters you got to have Jotaro and Dio that's Iconic 🙌🏼 I'd love instead of Kiba they replace him with Jaden due to the fact he has a hero deck who wouldn't love to watch the heroes take on all might 😂 if you put to many characters from the same series and leaving others out and shorting for example let's say we get deku the only character from MHA because they filled up the slots with 4 DB or 5 Naruto characters it leaves the people mad disappointed because there's alot of other potential that could have been used.
- SebTH1: Midoriya has earned his spot. My Hero Academia is greatly loved, and is now I feel a big icon to modern anime. Asta has not... yet. The show is still not popular enough to justify it I feel, and still polarizes people. I feel this show is getting better but Asta and Black Clover isn't at that respected level yet I feel overseas or even in japan. Also, You have to remember, this is SHONEN JUMP'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY GAME Niche series are going to make it in, and they've done LARGE rosters before, J-Stars for example J-Stars just covered it by feeling the same, and these devs seem to be doing it right. You have to remember, these games typically have a 'japan first' mentality, because Shonen is based in japan. its sad but true
- Penix Trite: What a dumb video lol
- RemFTW: I find the lack of Jojo disturbing.
- Black Knight94 Reviews: 0Sweetsugar0 Out of your list only MHA has a chance and will definitely have at least Deku. They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump, so the rest of your list wasn’t eligible from the get go
- Queen Bowsette: Hell no Asta dose not belong in this game.
- Aramey: Is Assassination Classroom even that niche? It has like twice the numbers on MAL and other similar websites than JoJo or Fist of North Star which you called mainstream. Those are known from memes, point me to the normies who actually watched these shows.
- Robin Sikkema: I'm guessing you haven't played Jump Super stars or Jump Ultimate Stars. Jump Ultimate stars consisted of almost all of the Jump! manga's as that time if I remember correctly. But, on the other hand those games had 'support' roles. Where you would tap a character on the bottom screen of your DS and that character would aid your playable character with a signature move. But from what I know, Jump Force wont have such a system, so there's probably gonna be a lot less characters than its predecessors. So those 'niche' animus will probably be included, but might feature just one character. But on the other hand, they have implemented Blackbeard as a playable character for whatever reason, so you might still be suprised.
- asap kdawg: Imagine Masada vs sasuke my god
- Peppydogdog: I mean my personal problem with series like my hero in jump force is that because they aren’t completed or that close to completion yhe charactrs still have a lot more power ups to get over the years that won’t be in the game. Of course ai know that’s a stupid grip,e, I’m just pointing it out.
- THE SPUNKSTER: I just want Itachi, shishui or kakashi for naruto characters
- liiivveENT TV: Deku is pretty lame tho
- LiL Blur: What about DLC characters
- MultiComare: I hope they add Gintoki from Gintama atleast he was in previous games if I remember right
- That Waffle: What do you mean no Boku No Hero Academia? Is it because My Hero: One's Justice just came out and they're decently similar, just One's Justice is all BNHA characters? I mean, you can't say Deku isn't perfect for this game!
- Bernard Royal: Baki the grappler LOL
- TheStarFan.: +I’m Sexist to air your life is overrated.
- Unleashed: The should take out the support only characters tbh. That just limits the whole roster.
- AlexStrife89: Fairy Tail is not apart of Weekly Jump and neither is Tokyo Ghoul. FT is owned by Kodansha and Weekly Shonen Sunday and TG is published in Weekly Young Jump. It has a minuscule chance of being a guest franchise at best since it is still owned by Shueisha.
- Holybond: We can also hypothesize that there will be dlc packs like xenoverse, like you touched upon at the end of the video. I feel as if they'll play it safe and only heavy hitters for the time periods at the very least I can see gintama and like rouroni kenshin
- Kasai Eien Ho: please rounin kenshin please
- DxTerial: dude no offense but you said to be able to get so many times i had ear trauma i take that back 1% offense
- Hans Dornauer: i realy want too see chars from mha and katekio hitman reborn
- Petty Kiwi King: Senku invents his way into the battlefield! Emma outsmarts Jump to victory! One can only wish...
- Jose Torres: No JoJo No buy
- Toyota Camry 2006: Where JoJo wigga
- Casual Potato: I'm okay with no MHA representation. They already have a fighting video game just released. If people have that big a craving, there's an alternative. I say give the smaller guys a chance. Saint Seiya, AssClass, Reborn, Shaman, Kenshin, Gintama.
- Turbo Flea: Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo has been my#1 wish since this was announced, lol. My guess in the current climate is 20ish on the disc, plus 40ish DLC characters at 5$ each.
- Shogun Ryu: Garo probably hasn't been in Shonen Jump but it would be amazing to see Sword in the game. Him calling in Zaruba as attacks would be awesome.
- Unleashed: They should try to go all out with the roster, but I fear it's just gonna be another J-Stars. And we're on a console that can handle all of this, how are we still limited? We should be having 50+ characters.
- WingedLeo: Forget Marik what about Alito from zexel he actually knows how to fight and was a gladiator.
- Kareem Foy: I feel like they dont need to add anymore characters from naruto unless u adding a villain. I feel like you have to get in characters from fairytail and my hero atleast 2 or 3. Yugioh doesnt really need another character tbh. Attack on titan needs a character or 2 as well. So do all the other shows. Yuyu hakusho i wouldnt mind a total of 5 characters. The main 4 and toguro. But these characters i feel are most important.
- Devin Huffman: I would much rather prefer more niche characters than more Naruto or Dragonball characters. Both those franchises have lots of games where you can as any character you want, but the more niche characters don't get that. This could be our only chance to play as them in a game. I would also highly favored more surprise characters, like Yugi, that you would have never expected in a fighting game. I feel like the Jump games should celebrate all of Jump, not just the franchises that do the best or make the most money.
- Matrim Cauthon: tbh Jump Force will be better without Asta or Deku.
- Kaito Edits.: I expected Yato from Noragami with his final "¡ZAN!" attack.
- r u b l u x kid: My hero already has a game
- heart gaming: I want fairytale in the game
- ledernierutopiste: Dude you talk about naruto and DBZ like they are supposed to have more characters but not about one piece ? one piece is the most popular manga in the world right now, if DBZ or naruto get more, one piece will get more too.
- Joe D: You're overestimating the amount of characters we will get from each individual series. 5 My Hero Academia characters 😂 No
- BlueAuroraHippo: yeah this makes sense. I am 100% certain there will be no MHA characters in Jump Force. They both have games coming out, and idc that naruto already had a game come out its not similar to Jump Force. The MHA game and Jump Force are wildly similar, it just wont happen. Having them as DLC characters later down the road though, makes a little sense and I would say that is possible
- Wupa Reyes: What if they don’t add MHA for the fact that most characters are underage
- FallenZero8: I'm hoping/thinking. Jotaro, Josuke, and Giorno. Maybe Joseph and Johnathan
- Jack Williams: All that requires me to buy this game, is at least three or four GOOD JoJo's character choices. (Jotaro is not included in this. Hopefully Kira shall make an appearance)
- jalen: 4:18 doesn't have Zoro. Also One Piece, DBZ, HxH representatives are done. Naruto is going to get a Villain. Yugi should get Kaiba and thats it. YYH will get Hiei and maybe Kuwabara/Kurama. JoJo's should get Jotaro, Josuke, and DIO. My Hero Academy will get Deku, Bakugo, A Villain and a 3rd Hero being Todoroki or All Might hopefully we get Kenshin and Medaka
- I: What happened to death note
- MagnuMagnus: Be nice to have a few more ladies in this game...
- gtzice: j stars rosters that whos getting in
- BigRed: What about fairy tail characters
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Almighty Chopper No Fairy Tail characters. They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shōnen Jump
- Hakum Lartey: What i mean by long-running is they were around more than at least 10 years ago.
- AlexStrife89: Fairy Tail isn't part of Shonen Jump.
- Flashy Jackpot: http://MyWorkingHour.com/?userid=31259
- Kasell Teachey: In all honesty i see my hero and black clover being cut cause of the games that came put and will come out this year
- weeaboo warrior: Won't be coming but I want assassination classroom
- Black Broly: Top 10 overrated animes: 10: OPM 9: MHA 8: OPM 7: MHA 6: OPM 5: MHA 4: OPM 3: MHA 2: OPM 1: MHA & OPM
- ShAdOwMaN: WE NEED JOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Midnight Ranger: Go on the Shonen Jump TV Tropes page. You'll easily be able to predict the roster and the DLC characters.
- Justin Rhoades: I don't feel My Hero is going to get any characters because of the recent release of the My Hero Academia fighting game.
- Michael Clark: I'd be suprised if MHA got five whole characters. I think it makes more sense to leave it at midoriya, bakugo, shigaraki (and maybe all might). Especially since its getting its own fighting game right now
- adam kahiri: If world triger character in jump force.
- Samuel Luciano: So youre mad because boku no trash isnt represented?
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Liam Pfleegor You misunderstood the game. As long as the manga ran in Weekly Shonen Jump any characters from that manga are good. Of course many of the manga you mentioned aren’t from Weekly Shonen Jump, so they weren’t ever considered, but more a more straightforward reason than you thought.
- RamNYC Photos: I wish Seven Deadly Sin was a possibility. I would love playing any of those characters.
- Wolfyboi XD: Yugioh is in the game dubass
- Free The First: Gintama may not be mainstream anymore. But it's definitely one of Shonen Jumps best and longest anime, just because it isn't as mainstream and relevant in America doesn't take away from its merit
- Mol10: Seint seiya is in the game....?
- Ryan Mcdonald: BarçaAllday lol I reckon the more the better I don’t get ppl complaining about there being to many like as long as it has characters you want to play as then it’s way way better
- Switch Clockwork: why was Fairy Tail not mentioned
- ham salad: +Heer Modhwadia Araki said that Jonathan was the blandest Jojo
- KEE 115: Maityoman why do you want MHA characters if you want that go play the MHA game its a whole game on that shit
- A-Z Fan: Calm the fuck down!
- Hromovlad1: Well, Saint Seiya made it into the game
- xSuperNovas: Hunter x Hunter is small with over 100 episodes?
- Razur: The smaller franchises will probably only have 1 character and it will probably be the most popular smaller series that will make an appearance in the game. That's my guess anyway
- Kenneth Focarino: I think at the start there will be around 3 characters from each series: The main Hero, the rival/second protagonist, and the most iconic villain. I feel like that's fair for starters, and then they could just expand with DLC
- TheDeadFrozen: Honestly all I want is Gaara, that’s it. He’s all I’ll play, all I’ll ever need. Give. Me. Sand.
- Alejandro Gomez: I’m getting my jojos
- Ryan J: What do you mean? Jojo and especially HxH are extremly popular lol
- Shinobu Aoi: They want to make a game with all the Mangas because it is the 50th Aniversery, they have said that so there will be Beelzebub, Saiki K, One Punch Man, Bobobo and all of them.👍🏼
- Robert Sprinckmöller: How is Saint Seiya Niche? Everyone watched that show
- Mannkidama: 3 jojo characters? Its gotta be jotaro and dio and i hope giorno but theres no confirmation yet
- Meraki Studios: I smell micro transactions
- Junior Ramirez: Noragami for Jump force
- kaeden le: Why no Jojo's?
- Blah Yak: Shrek, spongebob, and superman.
- Slim P1993: Im expexting some good Dlc's
- David Shabo: Oh my ducking god Just shut up and play the game hopefully there is no limit to the roster, and I don’t think it’s smart to put non Mainstream character in the game. This game try’s to appeal to all even if they don’t watch the anime so it would be smart to put mainstream characters only
- Soto920: Saint seiya got his game but he would be dope to come out surprised me when you said that
- Gamerboi03277: Bilbzy your thumbnail it’s completely wrong ha take that Asta and deku are in the game and not that stupid alien!!
- Psychedelic MAC: They would make a lot of money if they just made my hero a dlc instead of adding them in base game so I feel like that's what's gonna happen
- mee091000: You are the first YouTuber I've seen that doesn't want a My Hero Academia character in the game. Lol WTF I know a lot of people hate Deku. I don't. I think he's awesome. But you really don't want to see an amazing character like All Might in the game because you want your definition of obscure in the game? Lol in what world is Saint Seiya obscure?
- United Federation of KFC: Why would they add it? Bandai already has a My Hero Academia game coming out.
- KirizukA: Im waiting only for Sawada Tsunaeshi
- MSSoulBlader: TO BE ABLE TO GET-
- mihaiio C.: i think all the carracters from mha will be midorya , bakugo , todoroki , all might , and maybe kurogiri , idk why
- Gandalf The White: I don't think you really know what you're talking about, but can only hope you're not right at all.
- isaiah figueroa: I feel your way off saying hunter x hunter is a small series but I think we would've been ok without Kurapika, being that fans know his abilities are only usable on a certain group of villains. Nonetheless, I could see the game having a 40-45 ish roster.
- km1lo C.A.R.P: add kenpachi
- 3 am: They gotta add Tokyo ghoul
- Aries Valliant: I mean they put alot of thoes Characters are in J stars so they could be put in here
- Shadowmatrix 99: *maybe
- OneGamer2EnvyThemAll: OPM isn't a Shonen Jump property.
- Arbitor_ TheLast: I hope they add ken kaneki ❤️❤️❤️
- The Wandering Samurai: I’d prefer the smaller franchises besides some more Yu Yu Hakusho and My Hero Academia
- Josh Thompson: If you're guessing 5 My Hero Academia characters, I'd put money on Deku and Bakugo for sure, then All Might and Todoroki as safe bets, but who would the 5th be? Shigaraki, All for One, and Endeavor would all be amazing characters to have but I don't know which would be most likely.
- Josiah Dejesus: High school dxd for jump force?
- Gaben 2nd: “Erza” my bad
- Charles Gilmore: Tsuna from Reborn!!! It’s niche but he’s my favorite shonen character.
- Getsuga: I hope we will get many more HxH characters!^^
- Sac a pon tas Tas: YES
- lavetta kyle: I vote shaman king
- Pablo Martinez: +vlinnstone 69 everything is a JoJo reference so u really cant
- Vulcan Peace: I'm on the fence with Jump Force, but if Shaman King and the like are in there , I'd definitely buy it...I've already experienced playing as the Big 3 in previous games...Would definitely be interested in a more diverse/niche roster with franchises like Food wars or Kochikame.
- Ukulele Skye: Honestly I would take only about 3 Characters from bigger Series if it meant we got more Nitch Series. However I'm someone who much prefers the Smaller Series or Jump like Assassination Classroom, Saiki K, Gintama if you count it as small, Nisekoi (please give us Chitoge) and Toriko. Honestly the only big Series that I care about enough to buy the game for is JoJo. And we haven't seen any JoJo yet.
- Channel: I really want to see toriko in this
- Black Knight94 Reviews: EPIXX They’re only using characters from manga running in Weekly Shonen Jump
- Jaymes Muir: Although Beelzebub would be so hype.
- Pius Okoronkwo: Since black clover and My hero have their own games coming out soon I don’t think they will be in the game.
- Wolves Ablaze: #katekyohitmanreborn
- kayandrae brown: Honestly I think this roster is "fine" so far. They put the homie yusuke and yugi so thats fire lol. However I think they already messed up by having 5 one piece characters already lol. I believe the point of having a shonen jump game is to make sure all the franchises are represented. j stars had an ok roster but even then still characters from franchises like shaman king and black cat were left out. Essentially i get popularity is important but some of the lesser franchises should still be represented. Also even when you have popular shonen jump franchises like one punch man who would they even put into the game that would make sense aside from saitama boros and genos. And i can understand some franchises not making an appearance such as prince of tennis or kuroko no basket and essentially because they are sports franchises but aside from that there are still so many. So i think they every should at least try to appeal to the lesser franchises even they add one or two characters from them
- Jaquinn scruggs: Tsuna I want tsuna hell put inuyasha I would like to see midoriya and all might just there's a lot of anime the game is not called bleach its called jump force stop being racist to Naruto and dbz you don't like em don't pick em
- armor core: one more thing. J-stars has 39 characters. So I expect that they will have more than that at least. Maybe not 50 but hopefully about that.
- Richard prashker: Lowkey want natsu in this game. Probably not tho
- Jorge Garcia: What about sword art online
- snooper 177: White beard gol d roger chopper Nami robin brook and franky are all possible one piece options aswell as the less likely ope ope fruit user or buggy
- ACX: They’re going to announce the more popular characters like MHA characters later to build hype again
- Starco_fan 13: I wanna see all might vs Koro sensei
- Mysterious Gamer: If deku isn’t in here we’re gonna have a riot
- DJsmileyface1: Welp, saint seiya just came out with a trailer so there is hope for the others!!
- Thyr Lindberg: They seriously have more bleach characters than naruto characters, not hating on bleach but it died some time ago naruto is thus alive and kicking and they do this shit.
- Jotaruu Boladão: Please JoJo for jump force
- Brian Arevalo: Let’s just make 100 characters lol
- Dewm Doomie: If they don't add fucking SPEEDWAGON I would strangle a puppy.
- Sol: Three simple letters. Dee El sea.
- Voice Crack Central: I do but they should come together just to bring meliodas
- Hugh Silva: They should show off a ton of characters at some point and not like 1-3 new characters cus we got a couple of months for the release. Also I thought I remembered some developer of Jump Force say "if you can think of a shonen hero he will be in this game" or something like that. Also WHERE THE FUCK JOTARO AND MY BOI DIO IT BETTER BE DIO WITH A COAT NO HIGH DIO BS!
- Ya'BoiPaulyH: +OneGamer2EnvyThemAll I read something about that but there were many people saying he is part of a sister company to shonen jump so there might be a chance he can be in the game if not in the main roster than as guest character
- One punch/Kirby fan 88: I want to play as all for one and steal quirks!!!!!!!
- mihaiio C.: smile sweet sister sadistic surprice servise SEEEMAAAAAAAAAAASHHHHHHH
- NOTT Gamer: They need some fairy Tail lol
- Rune: But hxh is a 100+ episode series. and probably the best shounen of all the mainstream ones.
- Daryn: I just want Hitman Reborn to make a comeback. Playing as Tsuna in J Stars was a real treat
- Kobe James: MY HERO DOSENT NEED TO BWE IN THIS GAME IM TIRED OF SEEING THEM AND THEN ALL OF THEM ARE COMPLAING BOUT "sO MaNy oF tHeM? guess what they got close to 1000 and they are shonens best selling manga in a stagaring lead and dbz is the start of it and when u speak about shonen to anyone there first thoughts are dbz one piece naruto and jojo. and btw u filthy my hero fans they have there own game comeing out
- CadoDaGoat: +Avalon Azureim not really against it, it's just the constant barrage of people constantly asking for it is annoying as fck and that's not why db got 5 characters
- Matthew Addai: Cristiano Ayala Frieza was in for the very reason you want dio and jotaro in. Iconic. Jiren is boring asf in comparison to Frieza. The only argument to make for Jiren as against frieza being in the game is Frieza having been overused of late within the DragonBall series. Super buu/kid buu or heck even zamasu are better alternatives, alongside beerus
- Luis Galindez: Ik these two characters don’t fit in but I would’ve loved to see natsu from fairy tail and kaneki from Tokyo ghoul
- Peaceful Jalapeno: yeah they need more dragon ball super abilities/forms and more yugi-oh characters
- expectanoob: ....i still want soul eater........
- RUGGEDTACOMAN: Of course the niche characters are gonna be in them they have to
- jimrat92: Dropping the "Niche" series would be ridiculous in my mind. They need some showing since this is representing JUMP's history. I would love to see Yuma Kuga from World Trigger added. Was such a great manga and anime. Not to mention it still has a highly dedicated fanbase that JUMP still caters and advertises for.
- MrBig200: Fairy Tail isn't even apart of Jump....
- Deshawn Vaughan: I think you have to pick your poison if you want a 35+ man roster your gonna be disappointed with update like buffs and nerfs. The competitive scene for this game is going to be wild. I’m talking halo level or H1z1 level competition. I feel like anime wise the roster has been spread thin enough. If I were them if start with a 25 man roster Then follow in injustice footsteps and drop dlc containing multiple characters. Like first drop could be Madara midoria jiren. Next drop could kiba pain and all might.
- 𝓐𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻 · 𝑹𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒐 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏: I'd like some more JoJo in here. Jonathan, Joseph, Kars, Jotaro, DIO, i just want all my boys. The best boys.
- Black Knight94 Reviews: Alltime Great3 People thought the same thing before the previous game came out. They’re dedicated to Weekly Shonen Jump manga only and this game in particular is a celebration of that magazine running for 50 years. They’re servicing the fans of manga they own, not the fans of the most popular anime.
- Shadow Reaper: Everyone assumes every series gets 5 characters which I find ridiculous. I understand One Piece did, One Piece just happens to be at a peak right now as opposed to the series that have Ended there is a huge roster of OP characters although I don't condone the favoritism it's understandable due to the popularity. I can see Madara or Pain/Yahiko maybe one of the Sanin it's hard to say with Naruto Appearing, Kaiba, Marik and maybe Jaden Yuki or Yusei Fudo. Gintama I think is a definite as well as Toriko and maybe Zebra or Coco of Starjun other than that the roster is supposed to be extremely varied and up to date they're trying their best to think about what's currently out there.
- Twotailedpikachu: I’m not a huge anime fun does anyone think the gameplay will be good or is this just fan service
- toasted chilly: They might try and out do super smash bros and idk....100 it
- Scruffboii: To be able to get
- HUGE JACKMAN: I don't doubt that this game could end up with upwards of 70 character
- One Punch Donkey: No boco no pico? Not buying...
- iwnl Naniac: Am I the only one who wants to have kaneki from tolyo ghoul in there? (Snd arima etc.)
- EPIXX: ahhh that is a good point
- Daniel Caddell: the fact that you didnt once mention one punch man makes me very sad
- Rhapsody of aligning stars: Hunter hunter is huge BTW.... and all of those characters your talking about are apart of jump and what they are. Quirky and ott characters I want bobobo and gintoki I want saint seiya and arale. I feel like with the recent release of the simular MHA game I'd say we need to focus on characters that haven't had the spotlight for years. Also not enough jjba. I also feel like adding rosario vampire characters would be cool and seeing chitoge back would be awesome too.
- Paper Coco: Only one female character?
- fadedOTAKU: HxH's following is huge... The fuck. I'm sure every shonen fan knows it. It's not a small series.
- *My Guy Get Some Help*: +Avalon Azure No you got it wrong they are not *WEEKLY* Shonen Jump
- George Butz: What about Afro samurai??? That's like a main stream anime how is he not gonna be in the game!!
- Prince Akbar: Is s-cry-ed a jump series? It would be awesome to have alter users
- Mr. J: If they're planning on making this a fighting series, I can see reason to not fully load the first game but just enough.
- Olzoladies: Put me as a roster please .....
- Bill Zevgitis: please add seven deadly sins jump force devs
- Junior Ramirez: mob psycho 100 for Jump Force
- Kirby Uchiha: 52 characters seems realistic given how many are on j stars ultimate
- Courtney Weaver: Just because your thoughts are negative still isn't going to determine I buy the game
- Brayan Medina: My hero is in
- Anthony Nguyen: Won't care if there are no characters from my hero academia. Think this should be more of a classic
- Fleetpanda: I feel as though the franchise these characters come from is less of an issue as their ability to be viable fighters. In those lesser known anime there just aren't very many serious fighters. Bobobo would be weird in a game like this. Gon would fit right in. What I'm wondering is where their cutoff line would be. Gintama has some of the coolest fight scenes in anime but i cant see Gin or Yukihira or any other non superfighter, fighting any of the current roster in a reasonable manner. (really i love the, but they'd be whooped). That said, while there is no doubt in my mind that BNHA will be included in the roster, I would be very disappointed if this were less of a JUMP FORCE and more of a Tons-of-Strong-Characters-From-Only-Our-Main-Franchises FORCE. This is a game where the characters are zipping across the map like forces of nature, meaning if they're drawing from the full roster of Jump characters i want the powerhouses from ALL CORNERS. I'm talking Tokyo Ghoul, Seven Deadly Sins, One Punch Man, Magi, and heck I haven't heard anything about Fairy Tail (I'm not a fan but those fighters belong in this). They need to remove this bubble they've placed around themselves that they need to only pick from the massive series, and instead think of who would be the strongest fighters if all these universes really did crash together.
- Carlos Guerra: Who came despite not watching anime
- o_cat animations: I would prefer 3-4 characters per franchise like in the dragon Ball one add like an of spring character future trunks are what ever you know
- VelvetRhapsody: It’s true, you really couldn’t make a satisfying Jump Force roster without having 50+ characters. It’s easy to forget how many properties Shōnen Jump owns
- Young Entrepreneur: Hunter x hunter is the biggest shonen anime that doesn't have its own game, i'm buy the game just for it, Dragon ball/Naruto/one piece all have their own fighting games
- daniel bustillo: no Yamcha no party.
- Miguel Hernamdez: Even if they don’t have some of these they could possibly be dlc’s
- UyGooey: if deku and todoroki aren’t in here then irk if i can buy😒
- aziaat VLEAX: If my hero Academie is not in the game RIP
- Kyle B: already planned on watching it after i finish the show i’m on rn
- AxelMok4_Channel: Well we have Seiya and Shiryu from Saint Seiya now
- AmazingDeku: 0:51 I like coming back to videos and doing these 1:13 hehehe...
- ThatOneGuy: I think they're just going to get an absolutely massive roster, especially considering Smash has managed to fit as many characters as they are, almost to 70 now, on the switch cartridge, while we're dealing with a disc, which can also add more that has to be downloaded, I'd prefer less stages and more characters tbh
- Im Thrillz: If Meruem and Netero are put in before the launch, im buying asap. If not then ill just hope for DLCs.
- Soruu Ns: They wont come out hero acdemi since there is already one justic plus ultra
- Adam Sandler: I’m gonna side with a lot of people here. Even though I’m not a big fan of Jojo, and the fanbase is frankly incredibly annoying, they have no reason to get cut. I think MHA is the better anime, but I would much rather have a Jojo character than a character from MHA. Jojo has left an indelible mark on media as whole, and I don’t think a lot of people realize that. It wouldn’t feel like a Shonen Jump game without them, even though they aren’t part of Jump anymore.
- Detroit's Reaper: They want this to sell so they not focused on small non mainstream series. I'm sure black clover and my hero will get in. JoJo might get in, they might add sailor moon in too just because need female characters
- Tall Monkey: I don’t think we will see 5 my hero characters I’d say more like 2 or 3
- Darien Darkhouse: God, I really want a couple Shaman King characters.
- Papa Ndao: Id prefer mha and black clover and they are very likley
- Andrell Hardy: +IgnitedZucc 25 really
- Nuncius D.: I guess fairy tail is Kind of mainstream. Anyway the Charakters would fit in.
- The_Littz: YUGI is in
- Gøldēñ Prinçē: GET RID OF ALL THOSE DAMN ONE PIECE CHARACTER DAMN(in all honesty it my defense I've never watch One Piece
- ElChococoa Banana: Saint seiya is actually a very popular series
- JuanGuillermoCarlos ArevaloMaldonado: Deku get,Asta get,teacher No...with that aspect there is no xd
- Lui Jones: I’d say mha as a dlc 🙄
- Entertaining black kiD: Hiei from yu yu hokusho should be on there!!
- Simon Goops: that "to be able to get" rap doe
- Jotaro Kujo: Well they add what they can
- Attack Helicopter: I definitely would like a jojo character, if there isn’t a jojo character, then I at least hope fist of the North Star gets in
- Collective Consciousness Controlled: I think the bigger issue is that the more and more characters that show up, less of them will have special and interesting game-play mechanics. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes Of Heaven had about 50 characters from each series, and it's game-play was lackluster, it's online was completely disastrous, and all characters played scarily similar, falling into certain niches (ranged, physical, and gimmick) with 1 or 2 that shined for each niche. Xenoverse had a large roster, most of the characters played the same with their main difference being the skills attributed to them that differed in damage, what they did, so on. I bought XV1/2, Eyes of Heaven, and J-Stars at their full price. Paying triple-A price for a game where almost every character feels the same killed replay ability, and the more characters they decide to add, the more strained they'll be on making each character unique outside of what their skills look like or their particular size, or what their buffs look like. Not to mention Bandai has a track record of launching games with horrible net-code and online. It's fitting to look like a game that I'll play for a week and just stop. I want to get invested, climb the ranks, play as my favorite Shounen characters for a long, long time. I'm still a little hyped, but I was also hyped for J-Stars, JoJo Eyes of Heaven, Black Clover, and a ton of other anime fighters that fall into the same category. But I guess we gotta wait until the beta results come out. 🤷
- Ike Reviews AEBG: Where is saitama
- ElChococoa Banana: Guess who just got a reveal trailer????? ;)))))) Saint Seiya, and the boy shiryu let's gooooo!!! Woohooo
- OneGamer2EnvyThemAll: The problem being that OPM isn't a Shonen Jump property.
- Uaitdevil: no boku no hero academia, no the promised neverland and no "proper jojo characters", no buy.
- Chris Omatic: Well then Asta and Deku are confirmed for jump force now
- ღSσи Gσкυ 孫 悟空ღ: They are using J Stars as a prerequisite for this game because for example some of the combos from this game are implemented in this one plus Madara is most likely going to be in J-stars since the Naruto franchise only has 2 characters in the game. Some returning characters are in there or they are overall removed and replaced (like how Ace, Hancock and Akainu were replaced with Sabo, Sanji and BlackBeard). Plus the Bleach/Hunter x Hunter character roster remained the same and this time adding Rukia/Hisoka as a playable character instead of support not to mention we have an additional character for Hunter x Hunter being Kurapika. While Madara being in the J stars and quite a popular character he will either be in the game or he might get replace because the game is low on roster plus they might add him with an additional character.
- Estuary: Well My Hero Academia is going to have its own game here soon. I feel like it would be a bad move to put that IP in a different game.
- OH YEAH YEAH: Why don’t they add them as dlc HMMMM
- JPInfamous: I'm pretty sure they would add more characters after the release of the game and if not for free then as a dlc
- OneGamer2EnvyThemAll: OPM isn't a Shonen Jump property.
- Yagyu: tenkaichi budokai3 had like 160 characters why would 30-40 be plenty ? im definintely not satisfied with 40 or less
- Matthew Addai: Bulma 1116 lol ikr
- Jonathan Renaud: Why would My Hero be in this game when there's a whole My Hero fighting game being released before this game?
- Miguel Baptista: Gintama for jump force!
- SCP 682: Dafuq i know My Hero acmedia is one best Animes i have Seen sorry for Writing It for so wrong i dont know really the Name of It but that Anime is just Some years old they Cant be in jumpforce sorry
- Jakob Dominguez: I thought Light and Ryuk were in the game too?
- Pakku G: MHA already has a game coming out so I’m almost sure they won’t be on there
- Julian Askew: why would you want more dbz and Naruto characters they already have there own games we've played these characters before I want new characters that Iv never played before fuck another future trunks give me Don patch
- Terminal Sarcasm: Bruh...DLC
- Nick LeMay: If I had to guess what's going to happen, there'll be no MHA (there's already a game happening), maybe 1-2 for DB/Naruto each, no more One Piece characters, no more Yugioh (I love Yugi but there's really no need for another), and probably One Punch Man representation
- Junior Ramirez: PLS DLC No PLS
- Darth Weeaboo: alot of people dont realize this is only shonen jump
- nomar contreras: I don’t really care who’s on the game I just wanna play the game
- Alexandre_Le_Kebab: I want... ...madara and pain form Naruto ...deku, all might, shoto, bakugo all for one and shigaraki from boku No Hero ... natsu, Gray, Erza,(zeref and achnologia if it’s was show of on the next season before the game, if thétique are not) futur rogue from Fairy Tail ...ken, arima, juzo,amon and Maybe toka from Tokyo ghoul ...the guy whit 3 scar on thé eye-liner and the old guy whit white mustache from this Little show( i don’t Know if you kwon it but it’s call ONE PIECE If i don’t place any hxh, bleach or jojo character it‘ s’est because i do not watch them. And futur trunks
- Pascal Jessen: if my boi vongola decimo isnt in this game , im not interested.
- IgnitedZucc 25: Andrell Hardy yeah it’s pretty bad at my high school rn The death note fandom not the cutting part
- Dodge the Jungle Kid: Yuyuhakusho
- sarah gey: Characters missing Guts Deku Kaneki Kenshiro Saitama Eren Jaeger Meurem Korosensei All might
- HisokaTheMasochist: With character creation I can't say I care about the reveals outside of story purposes lmfao
- YourLocal TrashCan: Au ron No it’s not. He only said Gintoki and nothing else. If you decide you’re gonna get a game based off of one thing, then you’re an idiot.
- Explodingspider 3: I hope we get jojo characters
- Shadow Monkey: What I want: a bunch of Boku no Hero, no more Naruto and DB, PLEASE some JoJo and PLEASE some "niche" series
- Welpp2: 0:51 say sum???
- ron swanson: Why did you put recent art of Vegeta, but outdated art of Frieza and Goku? You also put Base Goku, but SS Vegeta. I don't get why people do this.
- Elite Shot: They better add bakugo
- Mufti Ahmed: What about fairy tail
- SADBOY悲しい少年: They should add Yuno Gasai from Future Diary she's bad ass
- Liam Pfleegor: This could've been a game I was interested if it had a decent roster. I've always despised all of the 'goofy but also trying to be serious' anime like Bleach/DBZ/Naruto etc. So this game was clearly was never going to be for me since that is all this roster is going to be. If they would just restrict each show to only a couple/few characters max, then everyone can be happy. I would've loved to see Guts/Femto, Eren/Levi/Mikasa, Light/Ryuk as actually playable characters... I could go on, but you probably already get the idea. And I see why they don't want to add these characters, even if they could legally work it out. The characters are probably too dark even though the age rating of their anime shouldn't factor into the games rating. But more importantly, no one has a demand for these characters, and I'm am absolutely confused as to why. All the comments on this video saying they want more of DBZ, One Piece, Naruto, etc. which I guess makes sense since that is clearly the demographic this game is trying to appeal towards. It's just weird to me that they would add Light/Ryuk as the "OMG NO WAY" of their announcement trailer, and then not even have them as playable characters. It shocked me when I saw that reveal cause you never see anime like that in games like this. I remember while watching live I was thinking "Well this game look fun... too bad it's not my kind of cast" and then Light showed up and gave me some false hope. And to be fair I completely understand why Light/Ryuk are not playable characters in this game, because I have no idea what Light's move set would be besides writing in a book and maybe hitting a tennis ball at his opponents. But if they could get Death Note into the game (even if it is just for story or whatever) it just makes me wonder what this game could've been.
- noo pe: The problem with making these kind of games is they can't please everyone. You're always going to have some douchebag asking for this and that. Then some other douche is going to be saying "no, not them I want blah blah". They can't please everyone, instead of being incredibly childish about this just let them make the game
- David Reyna: If we don't get a JoJo character in this game...
- Jeavensky Dume: Lol then 2 weeks later.... Asta and deku in the same reveal trailer... But no yellow teacher guy😂
- Hatsun Pidgeon: Who gives a shit about asta..... who gives a shit about this game??
- Colonel Kenpachi: I really don't want my hero academia characters in the game I don't see a reason why they shouldn't be in the game but still I just don't want them in.
- Victor Valencia: If they add more characters from the franchises being shown then it'd be a waste. Personally, I NEED the Joestars in the game!!!
- EZPZ4ME: I mean you’re worried about the numbers but have you seen smash ultimates number of characters and it’s still going
- Jaivan Bracey: Dlc
- Luis Roman: I mean I would love 100+ characters
- Goat_ Sama: Also, I can see HxH getting 1 more character maybe Leorio to complete their friendship squad or a villain like Pitou or Meruem or a badass character like Bisky or Morel or maybe Netero
- Nikolas Soto: just saying add katakuri or doflamingo to the one piece roster
- Zepp: We need Giorno or jojoline bc I need my soft and wet and gold experience
- Jbacon25: i think that they might throw in some niche series characters as sort of a final dlc, or put one in per dlc.
- kw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: They are reusing jstars assets so many characters shouldn't be a thing to worry about
- gö: You expected another Naruto character, but it was I, Dio!
- Formerly Known as MouseCop: How the fuck are there 5 One Piece characters and only 2 Naruto characters
- Jose M. Dueñez Tinoco: DLC
- MrMatt: We need some jojo's bizarre adventure characters here
- Chika Taka: Saint Seyia is in there so It is looking good
- Young Bane: Is death note in the game
- Avalon Azure: A fighting game doesn't need a massive roster to be good. However a fighting game like this one would easily benefit from a large roster. A game like this isn't about balancing, its about fan service, and in that regard, the more the merrier. I will say, while I'd love to see MHA get some representation, I don't now as itll find its way into the base game. I'd think it'll be saved to boost DLC sales. I feel like it'd be a good name to have at the front of the season pass, mh? With the recent announcement of Cell and Piccolo coming to the game I'd be curious to know what your thoughts on the roster's future are now?
- Lil Jdubz: Yeaaaaaa I want my hero lmao sooooo
- Gamerboi03277: Take that Bilbao you stupid thumb nail is wrong ha!!!!!!!!!
- MistoryMan953: I would gladly take one Kinnikuman character over 5 Naruto characters.
- Avalon Azure: Sure, I get your reasoning. Couple points. Popularity will ALWAYS be a factor. It's why dragon ball is up to 5 characters now. Secondly... alright sure. Just because its popular doesn't mean it should get a spot, but why are you AGAINST it having a spot? Just curious
- poppasunny 47: Gameplay should be more of a focus. The roster can be changed but if it plays like these videos it's gonna be trash and dead in 3 weeks
- G T: I need hitman Reborn
- Flame: Eny one else think fairy tail characters will be cool in this
- CryZo: This game looks so boring, just another anime fighting that nobody plays after all 9 dlc to make more cash
- jakinator: i see izuku and bakugo getting in from mha. at least izuku, maybe not both
- VX_IXA: I'm still waiting for Jojo. No Jojo, no buy.
- I_Say_Uhhh: #Evangelion for. Jumpforce
- saito tanabe: fairy tail and seven deadly sins or tokyo ghoul
- Doop Goose: No one mentions D Gray-man 😭😭😭
- EvilSolarGalaxy: can we get DEVILMAN/DEVILMAN CRYBABY
- Sjors Haneveld: I just really want tsuna from hitman reborn
- JIM BOB: sawada tsunayoshi for jump force
- Luca Krämer: Hunter x Hunter isn't a big Anime. OK then
- Fucking Weeb: Hunter X Hunter is a small series? XD.
- HyperNova- Rblx: I honestly don’t find the gameplay itself good but it how it look is very good but you know my opinion
- Michael Woods: I wish natsu and grey made it
- Alexander The Magnifcent: I just want more Jo Jo although to be fair Jo Jo the only series I still fully like as a 20 year old.
- JoyBoy_316: You know those "niche" shows that you're talking about are only niche in the US for example saint seiya is much more popular than yu yu hakusho and hunter x hunter in france and latine america actually it's a cult show on the same level as fist of the north star or jojo everywhere except in the US so be careful when you call something niche
- Captain Kon'Doriano: Hunter x Hunter isn't a smaller show at all......it's about as mainstream as the likes of MHA and Jojo. It even has a successful Toonami run right now.
- GetJazzy: This is assuming every series gets like 5 characters each. And i mean, that's a possibility and it would be awesome, but it seems pretty ridiculous to expect that. Something much more reasonable would be 2 or 3 characters for each series with the super popular ones getting a few more, and i personally would be fine with that.
- MosseN: there definitely more naruto and dragon ball characters i feel the roster size of one piece dragon ball and naruto are going to be matched. the rest of the shows probably will be random i see around 3 hero aca characters making it midoriya bakugo and all might respectively. i see there being 3 black clover characters as well asta yuno and yami respectively. i dont see why they wouldnt capitalize on hero aca and black clover both and before someone comes here to hate me saying black clover just because the show gets bashed for shitty animation doesn't mean the viewing numbers arent high you got to remember that black clover is one of the big 3 of this generation so i feel with out a shadow of a doubt that black clover and hero aca characters are getting announced last. also to add bandai namcos biggest roster game was naruto storm 4 with 115 playable characters correct me if im wrong but i just dont see this game only having 35 characters.
- IgnitedZucc 25: Andrell Hardy I’m talking about how a lot of people who watch death note or are in the fandom (not all) are edgy teens who get depressed whenever they don’t win and attempt suicide
- Jacob Jarrett: I don’t need a lot of playable characters in this game if it means we get a lot of CaC content. An easy solution to not having many characters would be CaC specials, clothing, and accessories. Maybe just a Korosensei plush on your back or Melchese’s(spelled wrong) Door as a special. It’d save them a lot of trouble of not representing every manga in Jump as it deserves to be, and it’d probably make the game more survivable. They could release free DLC with specials or abilities and paid dlc with characters. I, personally, feel like heavy, constant CaC support is the best way to make a game without exceptional competitive combat last, and would please more people than just not representing said franchises at all
- Akemi Homura: You don't need more dragonball or naruto characters... no medaka? that really sucks...and for niche characters they SHOULD be adding. misaka mikoto.
- krokodileteeth!: Wish list: Jotaro Dio Maybe Josuke Madara Itachi Minato Kid Buu ( or any type ) Future Trunks
- GucciGoo: If they continue to add more character then that's great
- Andrell Hardy: There not own by shonen jump
- Beamer: Waiting for a JoJo character announcement.
- ryan elliott: Hunter x hunter is Better than One Piece, Bleach, Naruto and Dragonball combined It deserves 3 more reps tbh
- BananaBoatGamez: Honestly I really hope we at the very least get midoriya in this game cause one's justice is good but the combat is too floaty. We need something like this for a good smackdown.
- TicktockSommelier: I'd be a little surprised if no Katekyo Hitman Reborn characters made it in. There was a solid span of time where the series exploded in popularity. Particularly in the cosplay community.
- juan pablo: this will be a real good game when Gaara is in it.
- Jeff1498_Qwerty: How About Toriko Characters??!!
- Orowam: We could be getting BNHA as a dlc pack. Honestly fleshing our the stable characters you expect then adding more later seems like the most likely route.
- koichi-is-best: I thought this was going to be just of those videos explaining why there should or be more dragon ball z characters or naruto characters but no you explained what should be eliminated from the roaster and who should be added to it personally i think we shouldn't have any my hero academia charethers because one bringing in a mha character whould draw the hype away from one's justice and two apart from todoroki, tysui, bakugo,midoriya,and uraraka what does anyone else's have really momo can create objects out of her body weight how does that honesty help her in combat but enough about the mha characters i should talk about who i want to see and who shouldn't be in. Like you said in the video about seeing 3 jojo charethers if there where to be three jojo charethers I would want them to be josuke, dio, and joseph. Josuke because if a multiplayer mode ever becomes a thing in this game and your teammate is near death you could heal them with josukes stand dio because well who wouldn't want a time stopping vampire in this game and joseph because why not and maybe add another naruto character or two in there like killer bee. And finally for the charactercharacters I'm not willing to see. NO MORE DRAGON BALL Z CHARACTERS please no more we already have 4 of them i was fine with vegeta making the cut but when ssjb goku got announced i knew the dbz characters had to stop cause eventually people are going to start thinking that this is another dbz game and that the other charethers are just extras. And last but definitely not least yugi I just don't think he fits in with the jump force universe. Well that's all I have to say
- Anime Freak: Couple more Naruto charactersss... Ya we need KAKASHI
- The-1DarkKnight_: I really want FMA Brotherhood.
- Totally Normal Dude: Where's that d gray man/ full metal alchemist love?
- Bob Bobo: Why would they add black clover??? Waste of space for some good jojo or my hero characters.
- Dcarpman77: Bandai has never been scared to put in a shit ton of characters in any of the games they produce. Just look at the xenoverse series or the storm series, they got some pretty outrageous numbers in thos. I dont think there’s anything to worry about honestly
- Death boy: bring in kakashi itachi and boruto a few my hero
- Mohamed Bouali: I am just saying if they put Marik in this game it's a instant buy.
- Chris Emiya: Akemi Homura agree
- Amy Sengoku: We better get Gintama, Bnha, and JoJo.
- GriM: i want Grimmjow from Bleach and Rin from Blue Exorcist
- TopTier Pharaoh: Man they could literally make this the best fighting game by having literally a SHIT TON OF CHARACTERS, imaging the entire roster for these characters' fighting games ALL IN THIS ONE GAME, this could be gamebreaking. All of the one piece characters all of the naruto characters all of the dragonball characters etc. Etc. Katakuri and pain vs jiren and akainu
- Gey Merr: M 1 anime?!! you fucking retarded! this game is for shonen jump characters!!! did you even know what is *shonen jump* you dumb!!! this game features the most popular/iconic shonen jump characters not anime!!!
- Bilbzy: I tried making it clear, the specific characters aren't important. I'm just saying SOMETHING, doesn't add up.
- Keith Lavelle: DLC my hero and black clover just got games. So can see them missed on realise. Smaller ones tbh. They need the light of day in a game. Weird one for me yugioh....but hey just me
- grape: if youre talking about the non canon broly, it most likely wont happen since this game is mostly based off manga and there was no broly manga made by toriyama
- kingjaymoney 561: Why not add smaller series? Make it diverse.
- Tha7ch: If there is no gintama, I wont get it.
- Joseph.The.Editor: If they were to put one punch on there. How would they put saitama as a playable character
- will g4: assassination is main stream tho...
- Kenneth Cummings: Add-ons thats all i have to say.
- Lee Gish: We only need Allmight from MHA
- GreyFox: That picture you used for the theory crafted roster is wrong. Mainly because you didnt put a picture of zoro
- TheShadowUltima: We get fucking Naruto, One Piece and DBZ games almost every fucking year. How can you want more Mainstream Characters instead of more niche ones? These Jump games are supposed to feature a fucking shit ton of characters. For example Jump Super Stars featured 26 different series with 56 characters
- Mr. Madness: We need smaller franchises bc all the characters I've seen in this game already have a fucking game
- Wouki: +Mo. memes you can say that to every shonen anime because they are base on fan service and cliché.
- KingWoodyPS4: you cant go off of the anime popularity cause there is also thee manga popularity to think about
- Flaming Bagel: Just finished watching the part in one piece where Sabo “dies” now I know 100% he lived that’s a rip
- BarçaAllday: I’m maining the hell outta Asta and yuno
- Xavion Francis: assassination classroom is waay overrated. its boring
- Ike Reviews AEBG: We need 5 dbz characters beerus and gohan should be in
- g I: Goku vs naruto
- Calvin Robertson: I know they aren't shonen characters, but OPM and Mob Would fit perfectly among this cast
- dmoney 2.0: They should add soul eater
- CATSMONEY: I refuse to buy it if BOBOBO is not a playable character
- Adrian Damondamon: 420Praiseit Gitgudneosucksasstoo where japanese shaman girl
- AlexStrife89: Shaman King is owned by Kodansha now. They're not gonna be in this game.
- BarçaAllday: Ryan Mcdonald exactly 👍
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Why I am Worried About The JUMP FORCE Roster! | |
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